Specter Knight when?

Specter Knight when?

Shovel Knight thread

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Really hoping the battle mode comes out with whichever campaign comes out next. Probably gonna be one of the last things they do though

What is the best armor?

Is this game playable on a keyboard
I was thinking of getting it when it goes on sale

It's a NES-inspired platformer

So yes

Also I should mention the lowest this game ever goes is 40% off. Yacht Club has never sold the game for less than that

Magic armor, especially on NG+, gives what I think is the most interesting gameplay overall. You take extremely high damage from everything so you have to use your entire list of sub-weapons to their fullest to scrape by.

The one that makes you look fucking fabulous

Who did you guys vote for to be the playable Order of no Quarter?

Tinker Knight, Specter and Plague here

King knight

Is it worth buying the amiibo for co-op on the wii version?

Who else absolutely loved plague of shadows???

I already thought that this game was perfect, but damn, they added this hod-tier DLC for free

Fortunately one of your sub-weapons is arbitrary invincibility at the press of a button. There's no reason NOT to use the magic suit.

Alternately if you want to be a little shitbaby for the rest of your life you could go with the momentum armor and coast through the game on easy mode.



I cannot fucking wait to hear the music they get for Specter and King


yeah,I loved playing co-op with my bro
Untill the bastard broke every checkpoint we came across and killed us both. Fuck you Nathen you peice of shit

Gonna be so good

tfw co-oping with my bro with no problems.

Beat Shovel Knight a while back and never booted it up again. How many of their stretch goals have they delivered on?

How's the 3ds version compared to the pc version?

Hey everyone!

Remember me?

It's your favorite boss battle!

They put out the Plague Knight campaign along with challenge modes for both Shovel Knight and Plague Knight. They're working on the King Knight campaign, Specter Knight campaign, gender swap mode and battle mode all at the same time now. One mode coming out with each campaign, and they'll come out closer to each other than Plague Knight's to now

Wish I were rich enough to throw my shitty original character into every game possible

You have an original character?

I don't see anything wrong with him that much. I like his design a lot.

The problem is that the creator is fucking austistic edge lord baby who HAD to have him fight the hero for no reason and then refused to let his character lose.

Why wouldn't I? I'm not some inconsiderate lazy jerk who lays in bed all day!

they are about the same really,I liked the 3ds more becuase I personally like the 3ds button layout. Preformance wise they are equal

What kind of character is it?

Cool, the 3ds version get all the dlc as well? I've heard mention of dlc before, and saw some mention of a few more things to come in this thread.

>Darkness meter

all the DLC is free

So 3ds gets it then? I know 3ds games do have dlc, just not so used to it so being a bit overly cautious

Yeah, all DLC is included with the updated to shovel knight

Only thing 3DS version isn't getting is the battle mode whenever that comes out, since they are only making it a local multiplayer mode

Alright thanks for clarifying.
Only making battle mode local multiplayer on pc? In that case that's something I likely wouldn't play, so not missing out on that then

Depends on your skill, I used a gamepad and preferred it but I think it is doable.

Lowest price ever is 9.99. 10.04 is more common.

>I already thought that this game was perfect, but damn, they added this hod-tier DLC for free
It's incredible and a surprising number haven't played it.

PC and all consoles

>>I already thought that this game was perfect, but damn, they added this hod-tier DLC for free
>It's incredible and a surprising number haven't played it.


>6% of players completed Plague of Shadows on Steam. This means roughly 20% of the people that beat Shovel Knight also continued on to finish Plague of Shadows.

Also Yacht Club is best dev
>We spent about 1 million dollars developing Plague of Shadows over the course of a year.
>We made zero dollars selling Plague of Shadows. Whoops!

So I'm not missing out on anything if i get the 3ds version. alright cool, thanks guys.


How is Yacht Club so fucking good

They must have made fucking BANK on Shovel Knight to afford this.

Released on ever platform under the sun and the lowest it's been sold for is $10

Even assuming they only sold, let's say 33% of their copies at full price on Steam they still made nearly 3 million dollars (after Steam's cut) on that platform alone and for such a small studio that's great

They've also started publishing too now with that whole Gunvolt 1 & 2 retail pack they're doing.

>be me, buy this game on Wii U
>didn't know that the things you can destroy for gems are actual checkpoints
>got too gud for them anyway because I always replayed entire levels
>have too much dosh always all the time anyway

Is it okay if I post some videos I made?


Here's another one, although I fucked up fighting an anchor guy




Alright, last one:

Posting the best scene in the game.


>Sup Forums
>Good at vidya

Never thought I'd see the day

bretty gud

I love Shovel Knight but I didn't "get" the Plague Knight campaign. It was too much of a hassle to throw bombs every time I want to do a real jump.

Someone tell me how fucking stupid I am and motivate me.

You are smart and NOT stupid

No because it a valid point.

Baron Armor is best armor.

How to do that fucking Samus space jump?

I sucked with Plague Knight the first few levels, you just have to get used to him.
Here are some tips for him:
-You don't throw a bomb if you start charging right after a previous bomb jump
-It's good to save your double jump for after a bomb jump so you can save yourself from landing in a pit.
-Always be charging, no matter what.
-You charge almost anywhere, even during cut-scenes and scren transitions.
-Bomb jumping gives you brief invincibility frames. If youre close to an enemy, you can burst right through them.
-You can bomb jump multiple times in the air. You can squeeze in a second burst if you charge while double jumping immediatley after your first burst.

What the fuck was the point of the goo garmet? You basically trade off ability to control what you're doing in exchange for unpredictable erratic movement, you're not getting any benefits out of it.


Goo Garment, from the Trouple King. When you burst, you bounce off the wall spinning like that. Theres also the spin burst that makes it so you automatically spin when you burst.

see you get more mobility at the cost of having less control.

Haven't played the game, but those vids were pretty cool, was the guy asking about the 3ds version so I think I'm gonna go order that now

>they butchered his "character" in PoS
that was hillarious

how so?

Waiting for gender swap mode

Breastplates for everyone!


I'd play it

>tfw Sup Forums drew him getting fucked by his own boomerang

I must be misremembering things, I just went and checked and he's acting the same, just a little bit stupider.

Do you have any other systems? All versions (except the one for PC) have exclusive content:
-Wii U has an amiibo that unlocks character customization, more relics(sub-weapons), and co-op.
-Xbone has a Battletoads level & bossfight that gives you exclusive armor.
-PS4 has a Kratos bossfight that also gives you a different exclusive armor. (imo the bossfight is less fun than the battletoads)
-3ds has the same amiibo the Wii U has, but with no co-op.

tips for boss rush on ng+?
can't seem to get it right

Nope, just 3ds and pc (and a wii and my brothers ps3, but 3ds and pc are the only ones i really use outside of ps3 for symphony of the night)
There's an amiibo thing for the old 3ds isn't there, so I could get that if I really wanted, but i probably won't.
Thanks for telling me though

Oh, what exactly does the amiibo unlock?

I've got the 3DS version, any relics make it worth getting?

I hope they do something unexpected with spectre knight or king knight and make the whole game play completely differently like with plague knight. But from what it looks like from what they've shown us so far, Spectre Knight just seems to be Shovel Knight, but with an upwards attack instead of downwards.

I suppose that's fine though, Plague Knight just spoiled me.

Golden one, just for that extra King Knight dialogue. Plus the effect when you jump.

Plague Knight seems more like a Ninja Gaiden game than Shovel Knight was

And by Plague Knight I mean Specter Knight

My favorite was pic-related solely because the majority of my deaths were due to getting knocked back into a pit. A few deathless runs were ruined before I could get this armor, but I never had a problem after.

Honorable mention is Chaos Armor just cause it's a cool little extra and pretty cool to play with.

I was so happy when I found this at my local gamestop. I didn't even know there were physical copies for Ps4 til I saw it. Great addition to the overall game collection.

Does the slash auto-aim for the nearest enemy or can you aim it yourself? In the first gif it seems like he couldn't get the collectible until it lined up with the enemy.

I didn't play it in time to know to vote, but I think a Polar Knight side story would be cool. Go more in depth into his, shovel, and black knight's past. I suppose they could just ram up the difficulty, but I don't know if everyone would dig that.

Why uh...why isn't he floating?

Wow dude, good stuff

Auto aim.