This triggers the Sup Forumsirgin

This triggers the Sup Forumsirgin

does it? why?

Fat woman is meant to be buff as fuck.
Diablo Guy looks pretty good.
Don't know who the next woman is, but god that armour is gay.
Elf woman has a terrible face for an elf. She looks like a fucking gnome.

that costume was very well made, she deserved the win

cosplay contests aren't fucking beauty contests

Those bimbos faces in the right says it all.

>fuck off sjw Sup Forums doesnt welcome you
>lol Sup Forums does this trigger you

Sometimes I wish Sup Forums IS one person

That's true, I do feel kinda bad for laughing myself.

Doesn't trigger me at all. She won because her costume was alot nicer than the rags the other contestants had on. I would have been more upset if some girl in rags won

>cosplay contests aren't fucking beauty contests
Yes they are

>Hey, I bet if we dress slutty, we'll win the contest!
>Ugh... really? This fat whale won? Who cares if her costume's better, we deserved to win!
I like to think that everyone's sick and tired of slutmogs by now.

No, they aren't.

Every one of those people had awesome coaplsy

I am though what do you mean?

They are because the manchildren are used to drooling over attentionwhores in skimpy clothing

someone is cosplaying? Is that why? Even if the costume looked like shit, why would you really give a shit? They're not hurting anyone they're having a good time. Do you people have such boring lives you jump on ANYTHING just so you have something to get mad about

Well then props to blizzard for not pandering to retards who can only think with their dicks.

The two on the right's armor isn't that slutty though, and is quite accurate and well made.

I agree.

Third from right looks like it was much harder to produce and also cooler, and the girl also fits the costume better.

Why did the one in the middle win?

There's been a fuckton of better Night Elf and Death Knight cosplays though, and those really pale in comparison.


Are you retarded? We're talking about Blizzard.

Jesus, the CEO is a fucking Jew.

You worthless drones. You need to stop giving these females false validation
You think she is gonna sex with you? That she is gonna choose you amongst thousand of drones just like you?
You need to stop giving them click, likes on these social media pages and evolve.
Mods get that ass banned

>inb4 but Reinhardt and Mercy

Everyone knows she won it out of pity.

please go back to Sup Forums.

that face dont help, but the costume its good

The costume looks very well done, and from a distance she looks to fit the part. I'd have voted for her.

Please go back to NeoGAF and/or Plebbit.

>Posting a post about a movie not even made by Blizzard is somehow proving me right
Fuck off to Sup Forums or Sup Forums, whichever

thats a nice ass

>mfw there are no balanced servers anymore
>almost everyone is heavily skewed towards a faction

what went so wrong after TBC?

>It's a "Sup Forums starts a thread and mods are to busy jacking to BLACKED to delete it" episode
Does this show have more reruns that actual new stuff?
Wtf I hate 4chink now

her costume wasnt the best and shes fat rather than a power lifter

so yea, she didnt deserve to win. costume like the third best one though so it wasnt that bad. i bet some liberal judges just chose her for social justice.

looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today

>i bet some liberal judges just chose her for social justice.
You people are honestly worse than SJWs.
You're just as bad and even more trigger happy.

When did Sup Forums become THIS politically correct? It's literally NeoGAF 1.5 now.

Around what time did this happen?

Her costume is well made
Sup Forums hates women

Even if she was attractive, she'd still receive hate and be called a whore

Some fatass won the US the first bronze medal in 20 years at the Olympics for weightlifting so you can be fat and strong. Doesn't mean you don't look gross though.

They already do that in their games

We grew up.

>you are just as bad
back to tumblr, friend

Yeah, he made such a mean post, omg.

I'm an oldfag, joined in 2014 and already have seen some shit but this guy must be really mad.

doesnt matter, zarya isnt fat. shes just a power lifter. and that girl definitely looks sweaty and fat and gross.

tumblr/reddit invasion mostly

And became unintended Marxist shills like every dumb bimbo in the streets?

There's better Zarya cosplay too

>It's ok to be fat, guys!

>Some fatass won the US the first bronze medal in 20 years at the Olympics
Which means they're obviously better than you if they're at the Olympics and winning medals.

Must be fun to act like children.

Her legs/boots look fairly shitty compared to others. I haven't seen anything other than this picture but physical attractiveness entirely aside in that shot at least she has the worst costume on stage

Can you just please go back to NeoGAF already?

And take this shit game and its cancerous community with you.

it's called maturing user. You're young so obviously you don't realize how annoying it is to see someone blame EVERY SINGLE MINUTE THING that makes the uncomfortable on some big bad boogeyman. it's the reason we have Sup Forums in the first place, as a containment board.

i said thats a nice ass, i didnt say thats a nice ass because shes fat

Look, you can argue about whether she deserved to win all you want, but you're actually getting triggeredat people having opinions different than yours here.

what is overwatch?

Sometime after Sup Forums came and wouldn't leave.
So 2011-12

Go back to Sup Forums, you're not Sup Forums's protector or big brother, you're just a bunch of huge sweaty fat retards that get triggered just as easily as the SJWs

>this fictional stylized character doesn't look realistically japanese

why is tumblr so dumb

What the fuck is going on in that image.

let's be completely honest
I'm glad she won and it's not like she didn't deserve it, it's a great costume
but before the sjw complained about overwatch they wouldn't have let her win over the other girls ever
they've discovered that a lot of people support this so they're sending a message they are a politically correct company, that's all it boils down to

Sup Forums is full of underage and tumblr now after fappening and gamergate
nothing you can do about it

Only children worry about looking like adults

Or maybe, just maybe, people are legit sick and tired of always having sluts win these type of contests.

I remember when I was 12 and was worried whether people see me as mature or not too

>she deserved to win
My god, shut up you Jewish piece of shit Blizzard drone.

Her costume is piss easy to make, everyone who ever worked with acrylic stuff and fiberglass knows this. It's just a plate with bumps. The other girls have minuscule details fucking ALL OVER their costumes.

This is 100% just a fat/degeneracy acceptance move and nothing else.

and only children act so unbearably childish.

pic related could pull it off

Honestly I'd be fine with that edit if it were the original design.

Go back to tumblr, nu-cuck.

And you're a disgusting NeoGAF tourist, probably joined a few months ago. Kill yourself.

>The little user that cried Jew
Back to Sup Forums user.

all of the threads that criticize the current trends are saged and/or deleted ever since the gamergate debacle, so now we have shitty mods with an agenda.

before that you could post what you wanted as long as it was related to video games.

neo/v/ is real.

her costume is good but not even close to being the best one. she just looks like a fat guy in a diaper. theres no question the judges are leftists who chose her for social justice.

this is what a real zarya would look like

So you admit you have no clue about cosplaying, no counter argument and this contest was rigged from the start?

People have been calling other people jews on Sup Forums ever since Sup Forums was a thing. It's not recent at all.

needs more muscles
That's not zarya

Did you stretch the right image or is the pink haired dyke seriously that fucking fat?

Like seriously, that's fucking obese. I bet she's american.

>All these (You)s
>The poster count doesn't even go up

Yeah she's a chubbo, but the costume is pretty fucking good.\


Her costume is fucking shit, kek.


its not stretched, it just looks blurry because the camera was panning through the stage

>Zarya is literally a weightlifter filled to the brim with STEROIDS and TESTOSTERONE and tons of MUSCLES with a nice face

>Cosplayer is a fat ugly dyke bitch with 100% bodyfat and burgersauce around the entire mouth


before they chose sluts because that's what they thought would appeal to the userbase
now they understood that non-sluts make different people, more people, happy
it's not an impartial judgement, it's just different forms of pandering
that said I'm still glad she won

It's voted on by the people there.
For example, this cosplay didn't even get into the qualifications for the finals, meanwhile a cosplay that wasn't even shown won.

It's good these things happen, though. All those people with great costumes there that lost to this fatass in generic blue plates... It WILL make them think. They probably WILL get redpilled byt his. They will think about the "why". Why did this ugly fat thing win with this shitty costume.

It's good. The Jews become more and mor reckless and retarded.

What is this shit?!?! Seriously, seek a psychiatrist.

Spotted the tumblr landwhale.

>It's voted on by the people there.
ah that explains it. the average german is a cuckold. that arakkoa costume looks amazing.

God this pic makes me so angry.
Why should I care I ethnies a represented in cosmetics in a videogame what the fuck ?
It's like complaining that the Famas is in CS:GO because it's french

You couldn't be more tumblr if you tried.

I figured something was off, then I realized it's the weekend and school was out.
Don't you kids have homework to do?

I said more muscles not more fat, you dumb fuck.

No, people are not sick of seeing pretty girls in skimpy clothing. Softcore porn still exists because of it.

>God this pic makes me so angry.
Is this satire or is Sup Forums really more PC than Plebbit right now?

Getting angry because some people don't like Blizzard's multiculturalism obession which is absolutely their right.

And then this guy What is going on on Sup Forums?

I'd bet none of those customes on the females are made by them.

Alright then little buddy

You're actually autistic user.
Does your mommy know you're on the computer?

Shadows gather

That bodytype is sexist, mysoginistic and basically rape.

The beatiful woman who won totally deserved because her body is empowering and progressive, and frankly because its 2016!

Indeed. Nothing wrong with American media.

Fuck this shit! ! !

The outfit was very well-made, but the individual is an ugly hambeast.