For Honor all classes

Which one will you main Sup Forums?

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none, the game looks and plays like hot garbage

Shugoki is a big guy

yeah sure buddy, you must not have played it then.
4v4 mode is gangbang trash but 1v1 and 2v2 is fucking god tier gaming

For Honor

Lot of loyalty for a hired katana.

>knight with a hood
hows the game though

sadly no female option for him

was getting wiped out a part of your plan

>Not playing lawbringer

Absolutely heretical.

I suck giant viking cocks but those norsemen look like they're straight out of Skyrim.

Japs look somewhat decent if a bit bland.

Apart from the guy with the hood, the knights look baller as fuck.

>token females in each

How daring

>not bashing skulls with the conqueror

I hope this game is good. The concept is too neat.

Nobushi or Lawbringer master race.

Valkyrie/Nobushi/Lawbringer are the sickest shit


Conqueror because flail.

>females "knights
>female "Vikings
>female "Samurai"

Fuck YouBeSoft.

I like how all of them lack any personality beyond being stereotypical of their theme.

you're a soldier not a fucking snowflake


You know it.

Except I'm not actually going to play this game because it looks bad

its not

>female "humans"

Just give me men, please. Nothing but big, sweaty, buff men.

Sure if you're a retard

What exactly is this game? Chivalry?


each faction has 1 male only, 1 female only and 2 option male or female classes

Those are some of the most meaningless class names I've seen.

Peacekeeper, raider, lawbringer? Jesus. Really scraping the bottom of the barrel there Ubisoft.

its chivalry with stances you need to counter your opponent. Rock-Paper-Scissors in essence

>Crusader vs Samurai
sounds fun, I think I'll buy it right now

is that a valkyrie (male)?

>> the "guy" with the hood

It's a female only class

the game is absolutely fucking horrible to play, but looks really good

>Berserker has no shield to bite

What's even the point?

oh so it's Chivalry for the Overwatch fanbase?
Fuck that

>playing this piece of shit
>when the more fun piece of shit known as Chiv exists

it's basically street fighter with swords you fucking nigger

game has feints, guardbreaks, parries,throws all the jazz

chivalry is a niche cuckfest

valkyrie is female only class

I thought Absolver was street fighter with swords

>ballet with swords

So it basically four classes just different outfit in each faction?

The alpha was fun probably sank in atleast 20 hours into it

damn that artsyle is so fucking neat
i hope it turns out a good game

i think that's a perfectly reasonable request

Lawbringer looks cool, whats his deal?

None. The game is getting horrendous feedback from people who play the demos. Literally worse than batman combat.

Duels are literally QTE fests. You have attack/block angles(up, left and right) and you have to keep a close eye on which angle your opponent attacks from so you can block or parry the right angle. You parry by attacking your opponents strike while it's mid-air. That is quite difficult when you consider that some classes light attacks come with different speeds.

Then you still have dodge moves(left, right, backwards and towards your target) and combos(dash moves, strike combinations, light/heavy) and stuns/guard breaks and unblockable strikes.

It's not an easy game and takes a lot of time to get even somewhat decent at.

Valkyrie is a man?
And what the fuck is Orochi suppose to mean? It's a mythological monster, did they just pick random names?

each class plays differently has different attacks,combos and special moves, different cancels as well

each class also has a shit ton of armor and weapon pieces you can use to customize + emblems,symbols,tattoos and colors.

I played the alpha test for like 30 hours and just wanted to keep going

the 4v4 turns into trash quickly but the 1v1 duels just one after another i could play for hours on end

>no archer/ranged classes

Thank god a game does it right for once.

I can see that your reading comprehension is lacking, user.
>mad cuz bad

Middle and bottom team look cool, top look like faggots

are you an idiot?

people fucking LOVE the combat. it only doesn't work well in gangbang situations and even then i consistently won 1vs2 or even 1vs3 battles cause i understood how the game works

>Duels are literally QTE fests.

picture related.

Oh you sweet summer child. You bet your ass there's throwable poison weapons. Orochi's are fags that toss poison kunai as soon as it's avaliable. Fucking annoying too.

Reddit = Knights

Sup Forums = Samurai

Sup Forums = Vikings

Guys I found a whole half hour long HD recording of gameplay

Stop giving them your money!!!!

holy fuck it look tight

I pick Uninstall.exe and play something else, shill

Looks like they did.

I don't mind classes having a sub-weapon that can be used at range. I'm talking dedicated ranged classes that are meant to do everything at a distance.

only in shitty 4v4 feat enabled mode

1v1 there is no such shit, 2v2 neither

God these all look awful

Yeah no. The vast majority of feedback has been hugely negative. Its too easy to abuse the shitty tracking and have people backstab you. 1v1s fall down to latency fights.

Its dead on arrival rubbish as per usual for a modern ubisoft game.

>red flashing attack angle
>not a QTE

>not Reddit
DUDE VIKINGS LMAO MUH BLACK METAL is about as Reddit as you can get.

>knights = reddit
fuck you nigga, knights are the most based of them all

The Valkyrie looks a bit slimmer than the other vikings and has no beard. I think it's a grill.

he is the hybrid class of the knights

heavy armor tank with a long range polearm

very good at parrying people to shit

Anyone up for some Blade Symphony? That game was tight

>Female knights
>Every character looks like an American fantasy interpretation of European and Japanese warriors rather than anything grounded in reality
>Viking Valkyrie and Raider have horns sticking out of their helmet, something that never/rarely happened

>rock paper scissors casual trash
No thanks.

orochi was fun as fuck in the tech test, but I love spears so I might trynobushi

>buying Ubisoft games

The game looks like utter trash with barely more complex Bamham style combat.

Peacekeeper if I buy it

but I probably won't.


Well which one is it faggot.

hahaha yeah man, you have fun with your lies,i bet they'll love you in the no man's sky subreddit

Oh man, I remember that game.

Is it dead now? cuz it was a ton of fun.

dumb frogposter

>mash left click

Vikings are pure Reddit
Nothing more fedora than fapping to barbarians rapists who couldn't even read

she is the viking female only class, yes.

>spamming light attack while wildly switching attack angles
You are a special boy.

Nigger what. Don't even.

Just stop. Please.

Does Valkyrie have javelins? Which Samurai has bow? Why there is no knight with lance?

I dunno. I've seen it Pop Up in a lot of Dead game Threads.

>rather than anything grounded in reality
>samurais vs vikings

good luck wining against me with that "tactic" you shitter

i parry you and you die.

Prove me wrong faggot.

>anyone being able to hurt the knights with swords

Not to mention, the mere notion of Vikings, Knights and Samurai fighting each other is patently absurd. Samurai weren't even on the same continent as the other two, and in those years you didn't have planes to travel around the world. Who buys this garbage?

I'm talking about the depictions of the warriors themselves

no ranged weapons in this

and a lance? on the ground? what?

I hope that you can customize the armours and unlock new weapons

He's right, though. How is it any different to a directional arrow in a Telltale game telling you which arrow key to push?

>Vikings and Knights have English name that somewhat describes their class
>samurais have gook names that has no hints as to what their class does
Multicultural team my ass.

That's too bad. I hope the devs did well enough off of it, they deserve it. Probably one of the more interesting fighting games I've ever played, even if greatsword charge spam was a little broken.

>> throw fireballs
>> win

that's not how it works once you played the game for more than 30min nigger

What the hell is going on with the peacekeeper's neck? It looks like their collar is strangling them.