>get told pic related is worst far cry
>it ends up being best far cry
what went right?
Get told pic related is worst far cry
the grass can start on fire
thats about it. sorry for your shit taste
Yeah its the best because it actually has fun mechanics.
I don't know man, all the gripes with this game seem full of shit, except for the respawning.
Seems to me like no one played it and instead just parrot shit they heard from people like you :^)
People who say it's the worst far cry should have their every opinion ignored.
The game's plot is basically Heart of Darkness and nobody fucking noticed it in all these years. Goes to show how well they implemented the story in this game.
>bulletsponge enemies
>extremely repetitive and formulaic
>Press X to malaria / fix jam / fix car
>enemies respawn the second you turn around
>literally the game that started the modern ubisoft open world cancer, including radio towers
>ubisoft games
You should at least shit your threads on Sup Forums for common courtesy
They need to remaster this game.
environments were pretty nice
the grass setting on fire was pretty neat
and it was fun seeing how africans fuck up literally everything
Call it bait all you want I'm dead serious and the fact that this is your best response almost definitely proves me right
Checkpoints were fucking BS though, I just wanna roam without having to shoot niggers every 500 yards.
>nigger shoots your car with an AK
>immediately breaks down
>you shoot shirtless nigger with 7.62
>lmao just a scratch
literally unplayable without that one mod (forgot the name)
>nigger shooting simulator
a game that could not exist today, must have done something right
Dylan's mod.
What are you even talking about? Most of FPS in the last 10 years have you shoot either brown people or vatniks.
>Get mission
>Drive a jeep to the other fucking side of the map
>Stop every 3 minutes to shoot bad guys in jeeps
>Can't shoot guns in the jeep
>Have to actually get out of the jeep to kill them
>Every 3 fucking minutes!
>Keep this up for an hour
>Nope, can't keep going on like this
If I could shoot weapons from inside the jeep, I would have enjoyed Far Cry 2 a lot more.
Great setting.
Good writing.
Cool fire mechanics.
Stellar atmosphere as a result of the above.
The other Far Cry games don't compete in terms of atmosphere. They are fruity in comparison.
best farcry
most immersive
>brown people
yeah no one cares about sand niggers
Have you even finished the game?
It's utter garbage. Story is non-existent, fetch quests or "go to X and kill Y" quests. Shitty "You work for us now" plot-twists. Respawning checkpoints, new weapons degrade and break after half an hour or so, pointless buddy system, ect.
The game is fun for an hour or two, where you fuck around with vehicles or planting IEDs pretending to be an insurgent but the actual gameplay gets stale and boring very fast.
It had potential but as usual You Be Soft fucked it up.
if you think anyone outside of the US cares about black people, I have news for you
>kill some lone guard with the dart rifle
>suddenly all the other enemies know your exact location
The stealth mechanics sucked.
>has a million protagonists to choose from
>not all of them are white
yet they still got shit for far cry 3 being "another white savior" game.
shame on ubisoft for giving into their bullshit with far cry 4, never directly pander to SJWs who haven't even played your previous games because they weren't recommended by pewdiepie
>Bullet sponge enemies
Grenade launcher and silent sniper rifle shat on everything for free.
No reason not to use it either because so many free refills.
Everything else is accurate but only the respawn rate actually kills the game
Forgot to add the "Stealth" mechanic was completely broken.
You could be Wesley Snipes in camouflage during a pitch black night hiding in tall grass and enemies would STILL spot you from a kilometre away.
Oh yeah thanks for reminding me of another gripe, the piss-poor weapon balance. Where the 9mm MP5 outperforms the G3, and the DLC weapons are just borderline broken.
>pointless buddy system
It wasn't pointless at all.
I actually found the stealth to be rewarding as hell. Sure if you fuck up everyone knows you're exact location but the AI was pretty easy to fool. My favorite mercenary simulator hands down.
i have never had that happen, and found stealth in the game a bit too easy, if anything. git gud maybe?? bushes in this game actually block enemy LOS
In my playthrough he saved me once and only because I fucked up badly. Other than that, I never had any use for them.
you forgot
>the default one is israeli to boot
youre literally just bad at the game.
Please don't talk about things you know shit about, you moron.
The stealth in the game is one of the best parts. Suppressors only suppress, they don't silence. The suppressed weapons not only still have audible shots, but even the mechanical motions will still make noise. Enemy's will usually make a sound when killed. You can easily use tons of different distractions to draw attention away from an objective. It was great.
buddies are great for when you wanna jump off of something tall
>have to get down from that waterfall
>too lazy to go back down
>just jump it
>fucking action music starts playing, it goes through the buddy dragging you out of combat thing, he's firing into a lake and shit
>theres literally no one around
pretty laff
stealth in FC2 worked fine and if you complain about it you're either shit at the game or never played it and are just memeing out
same for the checkpoints, just blow past and blast whoever chases you, or get out of the car and torch the place. they don't spawn new vehicles or enemies once you leave.
t. beat the game on "hardcore" setting
The fact they are based on the people you can choose to play as made the Far Cry 2 world a little more interesting imo. In act 2 they also betray you which was a fitting decision considering the setting.
>increases the ammo you can carry
>makes enemies weaker
>makes enemies bother you less
>increases your sprint gauge
>increases your sprint speed
literally a casualization mod
yeah why people lost their shit over RE5 and not FC2 bewilders me
What? The default main character was that Brazilian American guy with the bandana and sleeveless vest. And for some reason he's the only buddy who gives personal quests in two different areas depending on who you're playing as.
>no limit to quicksaves
>after playing for 8 hours, it took 5 minutes to load the "load save"-menu.
i mean what the fuck
mods fix a lot of the problems this game has and do indeed turn it into best far cry
why not just play a different game if you don't want to shoot ppl
why are you not just playing a freeroam game instead of an african warzone arcade simulator
this is true, the plot advances all at once over the course of like three missions and everything else is filler. it's easy to forget what you were doing and it's not clear how anything you do puts you towards your "find strelok; kill strelo-- i mean the jackal" objective
like, all of act 2 basically abandons him and starts to be about continuing the war so you can get a paycheck, but you were sent there by the UN to end the war in the first place so why are you helping them???
the jamming and gun exploding mechanics were the most fun part of the game and a source of lots of tension 2bh
delete your old saves dude
fuck user i was eating and nearly choked
I really tried to enjoy this game but I can't. I've played all Far Cry games except this one and Primal, but I don't even consider that one to be part of the franchise.
Dunno, I just hate when I sweep the place while my AK blows up in my face and then return 2 minutes later only to be greeted by the same exact fuckers.
It's literally jeep simulator, wait for the boredom and repetition sink in.
>casualization mod
it adresses bullshit frustrations that you can't overcome by skill. There's nothing skillful about having to dump an entire mag of 7.62 into one enemy that respawns the second you stop to pick up a medpack. If you consider yourself "hardcore" for putting up with what is very clearly bad game design, congratulations. I'd rather play a more immersive version where bullets actually kill people and niggers haven't mastered the technology of teleporting out of thin air yet.
This is the game I think had the most missed potential out of every game I've ever played.
I still liked it though, but I know it could have been so much more.
It got difficult in regards to long range vs short range.
Long range you had the dart rifle with four bullets.
If that was finished you had to take out the rest with the pistol or machete if you were frugal.
However, with only those weapons your chances in a firefight was extremely slim, should chaos erupt.
It's one of the few games I actually want to see remade eventually, but only if they stuck with the same atmosphere and didn't get some retard dev team with no clue to reboot it.
>bushes in this game actually block enemy LOS
Only while unalerted. If they spot you even for a milisecond, they can track you through any type of foliage and they even shoot you through bushes.
Are you actually complaining about having to press buttons to do things in a video game?
flash games >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Far Cry 2
They used to make good shit, you know?
that ain't blood dragon though
No, I'm complaining about gameplay being interrupted by tiresome random bullshit
Can someone tell me the technical reason behind the ridiculous guard spawn rates?
And here's the problem with most of the people who played Far Cry 2. They didnt pick the hardest difficulty
>Suck at something
>Complain its unfair
Cry more
They still do sometimes. Black Flag and Blacklist aren't that old. Unity was at least technically / visually impressive. I've heard mixed things about the new R6 but haven't played myself.
Its actually really good but no one's pc could run it when it came out so they said it was bad
>that you can't overcome by skill.
wew lad
>There's nothing skillful about having to dump an entire mag of 7.62 into one enemy
aim better and maybe aim for the head
>that respawns
enemies don't respawn until you leave the area
>the second you stop to pick up a medpack.
why are you stocking up on shit when there's still dudes around
please no, if they remaster it they are just going to add in all the same bunch of dumb animal bullshit and wallet/ammo pouch/malaria pill bottle crafting bottlenecks that have infested every far cry game that came after it.
It's even better with Dylan's Realism Mod.
>git gud
>against people who shoot you through bushes
>while you're only armed with peashooters that break down every 15 minutes
yeah nah
>no one's pc could run it when it came out
i play on a dell "low profile" business model from 2006 and it ran fine on my rig
i had to have it on all low but it still worked out, i only had sound bugs with the weapons (they'd always play the firing sound a couple extra times per round i'd fire but maybe it's just how the game's sound is intended to be)
>i had to have it on all low
Not him but that barely constitutes as actually running it.
Without fast respawn and enemies cars always faster than your it would be perfect, still the best fc game for me.
There were so many great things in that game, many didn't made its way to sequel, that I could write wall of text about them.
empty world would be even more empty without constant conflict, and I suppose that's the point of the game given its setting, though the way they went about it, with 2 minute respawns for entire encampents, is retarded
Just look at Far Cry 3 for the answer. They removed respawning guards and you're able to clear the map. Once you've cleared them, traversing the map becomes boring, with no danger involved and thus no tension.
Far Cry 2 is a dangerous place. You have malaria, your guns break, every motherfucker you see is out to kill you and they don't stop coming. It's not a safari. It's not comfy. It's not for pussies.
M o r t a r
Improvisation is a big part of Far Cry 2. Weapon jamming, malaria, guard posts always populated — these things throw you into endless conflicting situations where you have to figure out what to do next, usually right on the spot.
>all that foliage
>minimal hud
>great treasure hunting mechanic
>coming back to the gun shop after a long day shooting in the jungle and collecting gems
>shooting is just as good as any of the other games
>best antagonist and finale
Dunno why everyone stopped for checkpoints, like nigga, just drive through.
Far Cry 2 was cool with the burning grass and friends reviving you but then you gatta kill them all in the end plot twist
but overall its still shit
This doesn't tell you the reason behind the FC2 respawn rate, it just tells you what happens if you remove it entirely.
>Far Cry 2 is not for pussies
It sure rewards pussy playstyles more than anything direct confrontational.
>drive through
>stop, get on the mounted gun
>turn around and blow up whoever's chasing you
hot tips from a pro
Guerilla warfare tactics is considered a pussy playstyle now?
>Improvisation is a big part of Far Cry 2. Weapon jamming, malaria, guard posts always populated — these things throw you into endless conflicting situations where you have to figure out what to do next, usually right on the spot.
Improvisation implies that there are options and different ways to approach things in this game. If your gun, car or health breaks down, you press a button to fix it. If you are attacked by enemies, you shoot them with your guns. Sometimes you can shoot an exploding barrel, too.
Licensed jeeps was neat, I love when non-racing game have real cars.
Shame land rovers didn't got a badge too.
i found the mortar was too hard to use and i didnt want to spend several irl days learning the trajectories when i could just use the Carl Gustav as a defacto Javelin
the mortar should have come with an instruction manual or some kind of readout of the range you'll fire at or something
this, FC2 is fun because it's tense, and that tension comes from shit like your malaria acting up in the middle of a battle or your gun jamming suddenly and having to switch to your pistol
literally just git gud, it feels amazing to go through a mission just blasting dudes with a shotgun in a stand-up firefight
srsly rifles are for sneaking, if you wanna play it like a traditional fps, take a shotgun. shotguns are op as fuck in FC2
>enemy cars magically catch up with you 100% of the time even if they were unmanned and the engine was off when you drove past them
>enemy can shoot while driving, you can't
>your car breaks down from minimal gunfire
Using the grenade launcher in every single encounter because of how it trivializes most encounters effortlessly and how easy it is to get full refills + repairs for free is guerrilla warfare now?
>game that started modern Ubisoft
That would be Assassins Creed
What it implies is that things happen that you don't expect, which make you change your game plan. Your weapon jams or you get a malaria attack exactly when you don't want it to, sometimes when you're about to move forward with an attack strategy on a camp. It's a situation that forces you to take a different route sometimes.
That's exactly what the respawning guard posts do, they force you to think about which route you should take to go back when you're done with a mission. You can never just go back the way you came and expect it to be clear. Sometimes the geography of the land makes going back the same route with the camp still full of guards a worse option than a different route around the map.
Did you enjoy your gift?
I already played through FC2 a few times.
It wasn't really a hard game, just tedious.
Ended up rolling with a setup that's more efficient because fighting wasn't satisfying and with the spawn rates being so high there was no reason to have extended battles.
Malaria doesn't take much to fix because you only run out of pills at certain points(Or at least it felt like it) and once you bought a gun or two weapon jams became rare.
That first shotgun you can get was great though. Forgot the name
The only thing I actually truly hold against the game is respawn times and the ending. Wouldn't give a shit about weapon balance if enemies stayed down for a little longer.
Far Cry 2 is in desperate need of a remake. Not in the same shit style as 3 and 4, but the same style as it was originally. Mortar still works the same, as in no casual showing you exactly where it will land. I want the actual burning mechanics back, not blackened models of the trees.
Also, add in more animals that don't die in one hit. Civilians and child coldiers too, because this is a fucking African conflict. Finally, they need to fix the AI and fuck the bulletsponge, this would make it a fantastic game.
>That's exactly what the respawning guard posts do, they force you to think about which route you should take to go back when you're done with a mission. You can never just go back the way you came and expect it to be clear. Sometimes the geography of the land makes going back the same route with the camp still full of guards a worse option than a different route around the map.
You're defending the undefendable with the most ridiculous and self-defeating argument I've ever heard. If guards respawn anyway, you always take the shortest route, because you'll run into enemies anyway. They're never a challenge, just an annoyance. There's no element of strategy to this, because they're positioned on EVERY FUCKING ROAD that matters.
Not him, but i wouldn't mind respawn outpust if it wasn't happen in such short time.
As soon it was out of your viewing range it was fresh with enemies.
Something like reset after one game's day time would fine.
It wasn't hard to go past them, more annoying because you do it same way most of the time, push through in defender and LMG whatever was coming after you.
Not yet, give the industry time to work out the trends from it's system.
>you only run out of pills at certain points
i'm not sure how it works but I think the first couple times you run out are plot related and then it's by number of uses
but malaria striking is so rare that it basically doesnt matter, its just a reminder to do a certain kind of mission
all the mortar needed to be good and fun but not casual was some distance markers on the "sight". not a casual marker on the ground, just a little thing reading "25m" or "50m" on the angle indicator on the side
I agree, also have the viewfinder give a readout of range and angle relative to the player so you can actually be super accurate in your calculations.
The hang glider also would have been the greatest if you could gain altitude from thermals.
But if they didn't respawn, or only respawned in longer intervals, you would always go the way you came since missions are usually short, since it'd be empty after you cleared it. That would turn a good 50% of the game into a walking simulator.
Because they respawn rapidly, you have to look at the map again, you have to find either the shortest route or the route that you think would be easiest to get through. Maybe one route is shorter but you'd be going up-hill and it'd be harder than this slightly longer route that is a flat surface or positions you on a high cliff above the camp.
Maybe it doesn't matter much to you if you don't care about dying in the game. I played on the hardest setting and did my best to not die once, ever, so these little things were important to me.
Yeah, would be great.
>mfw using the carl g as a top-attack launcher
that thing was op
why even use the mortar when the carl g exists