Post 3DS collections.
3DS appreciation thread
Pretty good looking collection, OP. I've got some of those but I'm not at home to take a picture.
What's a good place for a Fire Emblem noob to start?
I enjoyed Awakening but a purist would tell me to eat my own ass
Try one of the GBA ones first, if not Awakening
OP here. As user before has already said. You can easily start with Awakening, but the GBA ones are also pretty good.
Here's mine, it's got my ds games as well. Wouldn't mind getting some more 3ds games, cause I've been mainly getting ds games recently, so wouldn't mind any recommendations if anyone has any. Also as far as rpgs go, what are the good ones on ds / 3ds. Heard good things about SMT IV but I'm not sure, wouldn't mind considering some other games as well
Pretty solid collection you got there
My only 2 games are MH4U and MHG
I'm fun at parties
Forgot to say but that white box is Omega Ruby, the special edition with the metal case
Op here. You should get SMT IV only AFTER you've watched some gameplay videos. Even if you're an rpg or Atlus fan, it's always best to see if it's your kind of game.
Rpg's I recommend for DS and 3DS? Where do I start? off the top of my head Radiant Historia for DS and Tales of the Abyss for 3DS. The Bravely Default games are okay too, if you like old school Final Fantasy games.
Nice collection. Fuck I wish there was a physical release for SMTIV in Europe. We were robbed.
And DS
rate me.
Since picking up a 32gb SD card I've gone a little wild on the digital side.
> Etrian Odyssey IV
> Phoenix Wright Trilogy
> Boxboy
> Legend of the Dark Witch
> Liberation Maiden
> Monster Hunter Generations
> Nano Assault EX
> Harvest December
> Retro City Rampage
> Radiohammer
> Sonic 3D
> Zelda LA DX
> Zelda OoS
> Zelda OoA
> Zelda
> Tomodachi Life
> Rhythm Thief
> Steamworld Dig
> Shantae PC
>paying for 3ds games
nintencuCks indeed
Awesome collection. Rpg fan 10/10
>having money to buy things
Fucking Nintendrones XD
It's all I need. I regret buying Paper Mario though. I also have the Ace Attorney trilogy. I haven't played most of the games yet.
10/10 for Gundam Origin whatever you have there.
I've watched a bit of game play of it cause some guy i watch was streaming it. Game play's just like a traditional turn based rpg; attack, spells, items, and your party is made up of demons you fuse yeah? It looked alright to me. I mean it's a turn based rpg, I'm not actually sure what I'd be looking for if i watched any more game play of it
>tfw sold my collection for 650$
If NX has backwards compatibility im fucked.
Then I say go for it. It's a good fucking game.
Yeah I've heard good things, and it's a turn based rpg which is what I want so I don't see any potential issues here
Except for the lack of a physical release in europe, which I'd like, but what can you do
I envy you for your steel book fates case.
Here is my stuff. I have some games digitally (NSMB2, Awakening, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, Senran, all the Ace Attorney games, Sonic Lost World), but my SD card is starting to get full so I keep buying physical games.
Bought a new 3ds a few weeks ago, wanted to get MH4U too, but couldn't find it at a decent price in my country.
3DS- 8/10
DS- 10/10
Ain't no one here got 7th Dragon III.
Yall a bunch of fuckin' homo-sexuals.
I've seen 7th Dragon and honest, while it's better than the endless fanservice dungeon crawlers on the Vita, there wasn't really much to distinguish itself from the Etrian Odyssey games at the time.
What makes 7th Dragon III so different?
Ace Attorney Trilogy
Ace Attorney Dual Destinies
Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright
Rate me
>Metal Gear 3D
My brethren
Emulate path of radiance and then radiant dawn. You don't need to play the others because you would have already played the best ones.