Nothing wrong with it being a fan game but it's not a real sonic game. Where's the hype for Sonic Generations 2?
>sonic team returning
>classic and mordern gameplay
>first sonic generations was GREAT
Nothing wrong with it being a fan game but it's not a real sonic game. Where's the hype for Sonic Generations 2?
>sonic team returning
>classic and mordern gameplay
>first sonic generations was GREAT
Other urls found in this thread:
Because it's being made by someone who actually cares about and loves Sonic.
It's hard to hype over a game that hasn't been shown yet. Besides, I'm not one of those people who make a thread before a game comes about. I wait for it to come out like a sane person, play it, and maybe have a good time
Have you ever played the taxman remakes of classic sonic games, particularly CD? He knows his shit. It isn't a fan game, it's a game backed by sega headed by a fan who actually knows what he is doing.
Play his remakes of sonic games, then play sonic 4 or generations classic levels, and come back and tell me he isn't the right guy. In fact, Generations would've been far better if he helped with the physics.
>It's not a ""real"" sonic game
guess I'll just play my imaginary sonic
I wanted Sonic Heroes 2
>Where's the hype for Sonic Generations 2?
No gameplay was shown, literally nothing to be excited for. Sonic Mania at least looks solid.
Taxman and Stealth only provide the engine, the rest is being done by other studios under contract from Sega, and even though they're fans of Sonic (I think?) they have professional background (just like Tee Lopes), so no, this is not a fangame no matter how many times you meme it. May as well can Dimps games fangames now.
Sonic Team doesn't make real sonic games either.
I'll pick the game that at least plays like a real sonic game.
>Why are you so excited for a fan game?
Not a fan game when it's official.
>Where's the hype for Sonic Generations 2?
It'll be here when they reveal more about it.
>classic and mordern gameplay
>first sonic generations was GREAT
We have no clue what the gameplay will actually be like at all.
we know next to nothing about 2017 other than Classic being shoehorned into it again
"Real" Sonic games have been horse shit this decade so, yes, let someone else try.
This. I loved his Sonic CD for PS3 and Sonic 2 on mobile. The guy knows his shit and Sega recognizes that.
>impying the team that brought us generations doesn't love sonic
Yes I played them and they're shitty touch screen mobile ports. What's new?
Same desu
Look at the first Generations' gameplay
Dimps games are in cooperation with SONIC TEAM, this is not
Lets hope they get Urkel to voice classic Sonic
>Look at the first Generations' gameplay
How do you know the sequel won't change and fuck things up? How do you know that they'll keep things the same and not change things radically?
>Sonic Team returning
You act like we've gone a longass time without a game from them. Lost Worlds came out in 2013
>You act like we've gone a longass time without a game from them. Lost Worlds came out in 2013
nigga, I was in primary school back then. That was ages ago.
That'll be four years when the game comes out, which is a while considering that they used to come out every year or two.
Not a fucking argument. 8bit games, Sonic CD and Chaotix were not done by Sonic Team, and they've done non-Sonic games too, would a Ristar game without Sonic team be a fangame now? Stop being retarded.
I'm with you OP, new Sonic looks fucking rad.
>Because it's being made by someone who actually cares about and loves Sonic.
Take a second to just think about the Sonic fanbase. Think about the fans who care about and love Sonic. And I mean the ones that REALLY REALLY care about and love Sonic.
Actually, Runners came out last year, which was their last game.
>Not a real Sonic game
It's being released by Sega made by fans with their blessing. It's an official game.
Generations 2 or whatever it'll be will probably be good too.
Fun fact, early on in the development of Sonic Generations, there were plans to have 3 Sonics. Classic, Modern, and Dreamcast.
Those plans fell through because they couldn't even get ahold of Ryan Drummond. Probably for the best, because Generations was pretty evidently rushed.
He cares enough to apply his programming skills into making an engine with proper physics that emulate that older games. sure the fanbase is one of the cringiest in existence, but I wouldn't lump in Taxman or his coworkers in with the "Cody the Hedgehog" recolor fans on deviantart.
Me, excited for a Sonic game? Fucking come on OP, give me some credit.
I know better than to get excited for a Sonic game.
>and Dreamcast
Why? Aesthetically, it looks pretty similar to to modern one.
This has to be bait
Leave Sonickino to us.
Yeah, I can understand that. I was just trying to be snarky really. Sonic fanbase has so much dirty laundry it's hard not to be.
Is it like a remake or an entirely new game?
Both. Returning levels are remixed heavily and there's entirely new zones as well.
I never realized that the Mania main theme sounds just like the opening from 3D blast
>they're shitty touch screen mobile ports.
60fps, a higher fov, and more options than the original release and you focus on the touch controls that aren't even bad. The game even has console/pc ports so it's not like you HAVE to play it with touch controls. What can expect from someone that wanted a Heroes 2. Fuck right off.
Not like all of the Sonic games have all been under the same people so I don't see where it's a detriment that the developers of Mania used to be normal fans.
Generations wasn't that great. The classic style was very stilted feeling and there wasn't enough Modern stages to carry it.
Because they are gonna release it along with a """"real"""" 3D Sonic game to make faggots like you to shut up.
For once, SEGA did an incredibly smart decision.
It's a new game, but some zones get revisited with new layouts. Act 1 alone of Green Hill completely changes in layout less than halfway through and has a midboss with a different background. I'm really curious to see how Act 2 of it looks.
Sonic 1 and 2 are mobile exclusives. You're just a casual mobile gamer, stop dictating what my Sonic games are going to be
If you wanted a Sonic Mania thread you should have just asked for one.
>I was in primary school back then
user, you do know you need to be 18 years or older to access Sup Forums, right?
first 2D sonic game since 1994
taxman is weird as fuck but he is based
look at Sonic CD remake it's perfect
Anyone who claims that Heroes was a good game is a massive hypocrite who's blinded by nostalgia. Heroes was the game that put Sonic on its decline, introducing everything bad about future sonic games at once.
>sonic advance, 2, 3
>sonic rush, rush adventure
>sonic colors
>sonic generations
Fuck off
well I agree but at least the camera works unlike Adventure 1 and 2
What did they mean by this?
>le shitty camera meme
Shut the fuck up and stop buying into e-celeb crap.
>>sonic advance, 2, 3
shit games not made by Sega
>>sonic rush, rush adventure
not 2D games since it uses the second screen gimmick
>sonic colors
it has more 3D stages than 2D
>sonic generations
it's a act1 2D game with not so good 3D mechanic
Only sometimes, and at the expense of having speed sections that are far less fun than Adventure's.
Colors > Unleashed
Which is the correct opinion.
That's the point the general consensus felt Sonic was becoming good again
Then we have masterpieces like Lost World and Boom, and a return to Unleashed's gameplay of "BOOST BOOST BOOST GOTTA GO FAST!" to completely negate that, since Sega is still experimental with Sonic, when they have recent games that worked well and were received well.
>Why are you so excited for a fan game?
>Nothing wrong with it being a fan game but it's not a real sonic game.
you're trying really hard to push Sonic Mania being a fangame
like go suck a dick so people don't have to hear your mouth
i played the game on xbox xbla and gamecube
both games
Are they implying Sonic in 3D hadn't found its footing in the Adventure games?
I agree
>not 2D games since it uses the second screen gimmick
>sonic team returning
>classic and mordern gameplay
Proves that they aren't confident in the modern gameplay so the classic is there to ensure half the game is decent.
>not 2D games since it uses the second screen gimmick
are you stupid?
I really wish Sega releases a patch to fix Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 HD camera
They can do it it can't be that hard
>e-celeb crap.
Bruh, camera complaints and Sonic were synonymous until fucking Unleashed, where one of the first previews we got mentioned "hey, the camera doesn't suck anymore".
It's a 3D game in a two screen
it doesn't have sprites
/r/-ing that "absolute madman" pic from Mania's title screen, or just the weird-looking face by itself
>Why are you so excited for a fan game
We're excited for another good Sonic game after years of shit.
Why are you so retarded?
>Which is the correct opinion.
Yeah and I bet you preferred to play as Classic in Generations.
Best fucking part of the stream
i can't tell if you're serious or not
Do people really don't know that this game has new zones? Did they not watch the trailer or are they being retarded
>>sonic colors
>it has more 3D stages than 2D
Sonic Colors "3D stages" were half 2D user
Most of the 3D sections were scripted
Think the guy was referring to the Dimps DS version anyway
I agree too
I'm not excited for project 2017 at all right now. All we know is they're bringing back classic sonic (which wasn't that great in generations and considering they're doing retro throwback games now is wholly unnecessary gameplay-wise) and that its setting is more "serious" than it has been since, you know, 2006.
I don't think anybody that actually knows and cares about Sonic as a franchise, nevermind the fanbase, could see an official game being made by Taxman and Stealth as anything other than the most exciting thing that could be going on right now.
Holy fuck, your bait is actually working on me. I'm so mad at this argument for even existing.
Mighty > Sonic in the comics
I'm guessing the majorty of people thinking this didn't actually play all of the classic games, so they don't know if Studiopolis is new or not and don't want to potentially look dumb by saying anything regarding it.
Heroes is fucking trash and I'll never understand people that think it's the best sonic game. Not even from a "well it's just nostalgia" standpoint, I had it as a 12 year old at a time where the only other sonic games I could play were the genesis ones on mega collection and even then I thought it was pretty bad.
I still find it weird that Colors has not been ported to another system or PC yet.
can you send me a link to the stream please?
Sonic1+2 remake windows port WHEN??????????
>it's not a real sonic game
Yes clearly it is not good enough to carry the sonic name.
You should play sonic 4 and sonic generations, the true sequels which carries all the quality and originality of the original titles, featuring pothead the porcupine, edgy the black hedgy and sonic 2 rehashed poorly with 2.5d graphics and broken physics.
Not the Sonic Heroes 2 fag, but I do enjoy the game up to the casino zone. That's where a lot of the issues become apparent and makes the game frustrating.
I never had a Dreamcast so Heroes was my first 3D Sonic and I was so excited for it.
>Generations team
>loves Sonic
Pick one. The writers (literally the happy tree friends faggots) have admitted many times they weren't fans of Sonic and had barely played any games. Meanwhile Sonic Team HIRED those guys to write the 20th anniversary game scenario.
Fans he says...
I'll give you that the first stage is pretty okay, but the casino stage is like the third one, if that's where it falls apart that's a really bad sign.
Not that you're wrong, I don't think I ever got much farther than it as a kid (and I didn't want to get much farther when I forced myself to try to complete the game last year just to see if I was wrong back then, turns out I wasn't) because it was so shit.
I completed the game all four times and hated it back then. It has the same problem that the Dimps games do, bottomless fucking pits. The Genesis games had so few of these and I don't know why they've been tacked on.
I gurantee you Sonic Mania fails in sales, and bombs.
Don't get me wrong, the game will be amazing, it's track record on the devs making it will not make a crap game, it'll be amazing, we've already seen, HOWEVER. The people that scream HAHA WE WANT OLD SONIK XD are just that, screamers. When they game comes out, they won't actually buy it, they just wanted to be seen as the guys who said haha bring old sonik back. The -exact- thing applies for the new Crash Bandicoot hd remake games, even if they're INCREDIBLE, the sales will do terrible because at the end of the day, it's just these pathetic wanna be nerds screaming they want it the old way, but will ever actually play the final product
Yuki Naka hasn't been the programmer on a Sonic game since Sonic 3.
By your logic, every game after that, including Sonic Generations, is a "fan game."
Be less of a retard please.
>The writers
>By your logic, every game after that, including Sonic Generations, is a "fan game."
And they wrote a good game. I bet you're an edgelord who liked the Sonic Aventure 2 story.
Pontac and someone, I think.
I thought Ian had something he wrote related to the 20th, but hasn't been revealed yet due to NDA?
Flynn said that if he was or wasn't working on 2017, he wouldn't be able to say either way.
Because this is the era of quality fan games.
>Project M, Brawl -, Smash Flash 2
>Another Metroid II Remake
>Mother 4
>Pokemon Uranium
It all started when mods became super popular with all the PC games that were big.
but those guys are not working in sonic mania
>Mother 4
Because they showed actual gameplay footage of Mania and everything we've seen so far looks great.
Not-Generations 2 on the other hand only had a short teaser trailer and no information beyond that revealed. I'll get excited for it when there's something to get excited over. Also, I hope they fix how classic Sonic handles but I have no faith that they will do so.
I'm holding out hope that he's involved on that, since he usually does a great job.
I hope not, and they can't really do too much without voice acting involved. Hoping Mania returns to Sonic 3 & Knuckles style of pantamine storytelling.
Glad they can look back on it and laugh
Sonic Mania will bring a new era
a 2D sonic game every 2 years
no more 3D shovelware
Sonic&K remake soon
>>Pokemon Uranium
They wasted 9 years making an edgy pokemon game that looks like shit.
Because Generations 2 was only good in comparison to the other modern games, none of which are that good to begin with
Mania on the other hand is being made by a guy with a proven track record and is based on games that actually were good and not 'good at release'
the second boss of generations it's so many stuff going on
a very high quality game but it's too much stuff on screen at once