Metzen why are we filming my scenes first?

Metzen why are we filming my scenes first?

But he hasn't been in anything since 5.2

They're only allowed to kill him off if Rommath gets to become King, they give him a unique model, and he becomes the Khadgar of the Horde.

Lor'themar is probably the best example of a character they did right in WoW. Those are few in number.

why are we posting the same shit as yesterday? Who cares about WoW lore, it ended when Lich King died or maybe even in TBC.

Probably because Legion started with a bunch of lore happenings. So it didn't quite 'end' when the Lich King died.

>Rommath gets to become King
Rommath wants Lor'themar to be warchief.

>give him a unique model, and he becomes the Khadgar of the Horde.

I'd love this so much.

Rommath is my favourite blood elf and he's crazy competent. I'd like to see him get an unique model if Jaina goes villain since he's like a foil for her.

Fire magic, gets shit done, actually manages to save people

it's no longer lore it's Metzen's futile attempts at proving himself creative and setting up countless redemption arcs.

they never redeemed Garrosh and he deserved it. But you mean Sylvanas right? They really just need to resolve the Forsaken story arc.

Right now all of them are going to void hell when they die the forsaken will just disappear when they eventually all die and that's pretty meh for a story.

Also Lor'themar seems pretty chill about the ideal of losing the only thing between the blood elves and the alliance. Would he just request to join the alliance if they got the land outside quel'thalas?

Metzen isn't even on the team anymore though, he's doing Overwatch atm.

He was already negotiating with the alliance, but then the Darnassus incident happened.
He has a lot of leverage. The Blood Elves have mostly recovered from the third war. Not bearing the brunt of damage for multiple expansions goes a long way.
The improved golems and anima magic they recovered from ToT is a great boon. Not only can it stand pound for pound to any alliance tech, but it's also a failsafe if Sylvanas tries anything funny.
They can scrap the rest of the horde and go with the forsaken, they can fuck them all over and strike a deal with the alliance, now that the Sunreavers have been invited back to Dalaran.
The blood elf troops are highly trained. Rangers, mages, warlocks, blood knights and spellbreakers. On top of that, they are the only faction that has completed "The Manhattan project".
And of course IIRC the barriers around Quel'Thalas have been reactivated (haven't done the starting zone in a long time).

Sounds like a pre-war nazi Germany on steroids, tbqh.

The starting zone is still in Burning crusade time.

Rommath is really anti-alliance because of the Kirin tor and such though isn't he.

Even before Garrosh made them steal the bell when Jaina was put in charge he thought they'd be kicked or they'd have another genocide the elves situation

Good thing Jaina got BTFO by Kadghar. Pretty sure she's gonna go rogue from the Kirin Tor

Then we all remember it's WoW so there v will never be any change to the factions.

WC 4 is the dream

Warcraft 4 is a pipe dream. Activision can't milk it as well as they can an MMO.I still hope for it too. They could use it to setup a wow 2 that isn't stuck with 2 factions forever.

Not even the game knows who he is.

God I love him. The only good character left.

Gallywix lost weight

I couldn't believe this when that shit played out. The entirety of that, and Khadgar just going with the flow of everything was so evident of writers who give zero shit about the story they're writing for.

If she's a dreadlord i'll be disappointed with how obvious it is.

I want the characters to think she's a dreadlord and then it's revealed she's just like that now.

Rommath hates the Kirin Tor outside of Jaina anyway.

>They seek aid beyond their capacity -- and to whom they have always turned regarding matters of the arcane? Oh yes, to us. The humans of the Kirin Tor will swear up and down that you are indispensable to them, that your skills are invaluable. The moment you become inconvenient, you will be discarded.


Thats fucked

Jaina isn't a Dreadlord, a Dreadlord wouldn't have changed their appearance to look so blatantly evil. She's just unknowingly being led to her fate as the new Avatar of Sargeras and will be subject to the same fate as Aegwynn and Medivh.

>That tiny waist-height abomination pet
>That out of scale everything

Blizz are so fucking lazy, that looks utterly terrible man. Whenever i get tempted to resub, i'll just look at images like this.

Also we can see your name, fgt.

Don't you have to be the guardian of trisifal to qualify for that.

Although that seems really likely if blizzard remembers lore. And I wouldn't mind all that much if it happened.

>same fate as Aegwynn

lots of fun adventures and living well beyond her years?

Plz no. Given everything she's been through and if the rumors are true on why they scrapped Thal'dranath and we're going to Kul Tiras instead. Instead of just meme killing her off or some shit, she doesn't just flip a coin and become rational, she fucks off for a while and comes back neutral.

As it stands we're running out of outside of WoW lore characters and WoW's storytelling isn't good enough to have rebuilt a stock of people to pull from.

They need him because no one but him knows where this story is going.or where to take it from here.

Khadgar is the Khadgar of the Horde, and of the Alliance. He works for himself and gives no fucks about one faction or the other.

Okay. Then Rommath can become the Jaina of the Horde only he actually does cool stuff.

Jaina is the DSP of WoW

She's at the broken shore right? I didn't see her in the cinematic at all. Did she fuck off right before shit went down?

She's there beside Varian and the cinematic starts and she's just not.

I did it on my alt and watched her the whole time. She doesn't leave or anything, just she doesn't exist in the cinematic.

Why go out of the way to show Mekkatorque and not show Jaina?

Gnomes deserves some more love. They're so neglected.

When are they going to take over Gnomeregan?

When they find a way to neutralize the radiation and any further bombs put in there by Thermaplug.

BE's won't join the Alliance. A lot of them, including Lor'themar's top guys (like Rommath) hate the fuck out the Alliance for how they got treated during the 3rd war. They also dislike the Night Elves quite a bit for historical reasons and for trying to sabotage shit in Eversong and The Ghostlands.

They'll take over gnomergan when the Trolls get an actual capital not starting zone.

As much as I hate elves, Lor'themar would make a god-tier Warchief. He'd probably be able to reconcile Horde/Alliance conflicts and get us even closer to throwing away the archaic banners, bringing us together as one united group.

Teleports herself the fuck out and doesn't bother Mass Teleporting her allies.

BE and NE hatreds should be decreasing considering NE finally decided to accept the highborne back and let other NE become mages. I mean, there's still the fact that BE are fucking gluttons for magic energy but if you're gonna let the fucks responsible for the first legion invasion back in, then why hold a grudge against people who are addicted to magic?

Post-TBC Khadgar has consistently lobbied for the Horde. He was just about ready to kill Jaina with the full force of the Kirin Tor (think about that for a moment - Khadgar needing the entirety of the Kirin Tor behind him just to survive a battle with Jaina) over whether Orgrimmar and almost all of the orcs on Azeroth lives or dies. He fought for the Horde's inclusion in the war in Draenor, when in reality the engine of the war effort was run by the Draenei-powered Alliance counteroffensive. Now Khadgar is going to let the Horde back into Dalaran with a huge welcome back party, when he could have just asked Bolvar to move over Naxxramas or any other flying necropolis (actual flying fortifications built to withstand enemy assault).

Khadgar has been on that orc dick for a while now. And he still has the balls to call Jaina 'friend'.

>No card in Hearthstone yet

1. Most of the third war haters went with Kael'thas. The ones left behind on Azeroth have the Alliance to thank for getting the Sunwell back. If they are still ungrateful little bitches after all this time, the Alliance only needs to take that Sunwell back.

2. Blood Elves started shit with the Night Elves in their own backyard when they messed with the Draenei in their own crash landing zones.

Khadgar doesn't even need the the Kirin Tor to kill Jaina, he's the most power mage in existence since Medivh.

And then, as Horde and Alliance get merged into one faction, we get the Forsaken faction as a replacement

Khadgar is right though. Most of the shit Jaina bitches about the Horde was just Garrosh and his followers who are dead.

>12 years later and they still didn't properly explain if Garitho's alliance was actually a small offshoot of it
I mean, they never acknowledged his existence in WoW either.

She doesn't know that the blood elves were only following orders.

That ultimately doesn't matter. Everyone knew that Theramore was a bastion of the last remaining High Elves in the world, and the Blood Elves participated in wiping them out anyway.

>Khadgar needing the entirety of the Kirin Tor behind him just to survive a battle with Jaina
More like, he brought them as a show of might. He could rek Jaina by himself. He went toe to toe with fucking Gul'dan and has been fighting wars & leading troops since Jaina was still shitting herself.

>demon hunters and pandaren can finally talk to each other cross-faction
>legion focuses on classes, instead of faction wars
When will they take the next step and dismantle the old, redundant horde and alliance?

I honestly wouldn't mind some other character comparing Jaina to Daelin. Something like "If only your father could see you now. I bet he'd be proud." I get the feeling she would blow the fuck up.

hopefully soon, that would be the dream. I gues there are still some people that are wet for alliance vs horde, don't know why. It makes no sense anymore. When it was vanilla and BC and WotLK it made sense, but not anymore.

>He went toe to toe with fucking Gul'dan and has been fighting wars & leading troops since Jaina was still shitting herself.

Original Gul'dan was winning the Second War, then got himself shredded by plot
Alt Gul'dan almost had Khadgar assassinated and consistently made a moron out of him
Khadgar constantly needed you to be his meatshield and his guinea pig to get by

nigga, listen to the audio dramas. Khadgar and Gul'dan go 1v1

They do actually. He was the leader of the alliance of Lordaeron at the time or whatever was left of it. The bloodelves mention it. Don't think the alliance do

The whole reason Gul'dan went to the Tomb was because he was losing the Second War

Oh sorry i was referring to them stealing the bell which is what got them kicked out

>Khadgar is neutral
>Rommath does nothing
>Khadgar is a more important Horde mage than Rommath

Why are Blizzard so fucking shit?

Man, he should be fucking Warchief not that stupid cunt Sylvanas

>The whole reason Gul'dan went to the Tomb was because he was losing the Second War

It wasn't his war, it wasn't his Horde, and they would have taken Lordaeron and destroyed the spine of humanity if it wasn't for his exit to the tomb.

>tfw TBC didn't add Illidari as the third faction, consisting of belves, broken, naga and fel orcs

That doesn't really matter when Garrosh was Orc Hitler. The next leader should be the one to address the warcrimes that the Horde as a whole committed, not handwave it away as being one bad leader at the top. Especially when the Horde had ample opportunity to get Garrosh throne out before he went full third reich.

Jaina's right, outside of her homicidal heel turn.

>killing Velen's son in the Exodar
>the naaru in the ship gets killed
>Velen loses faith in the light and tries to kill you when he finds out you're attacking his son
>after he mourns his son, he readies his troops to get the Exodar ready to go back home

This fucking expansion goddamn

Then lets make all white people answer for the enslavement of the orcs. Where are our reparations?

Who the fuck gives a shit about draenei?

People who love futa?

Just after the orcs pay for the invasion of the world.

Jaina has been replaced by a Dreadlord. There is no reason she would mass teleport t hem out


Could easily have the best backstory should we go to Argus.
Better than the 5th "oh, THESE are the Tauren ancestors ...only til next xpac tho"

Horsecock futas are disgusting

What? He dies?

Orcs were tricked by the Burning Legion. Whats your excuse?

Why are you searching for that?

>They will never removed Elves, Pandas and Forsaken from the horde.
>Garrosh was the best Warchief since Ogrim Doom hammer and everyone tries to kill him
>Sylvanus has crimes worse than Arthas under her belt and no one questions her rule.
>A fucking elf is leading a nation of orcs

I swear to god if lor'themar does shit all this expansion i'll fucking kill metzen

You don't get tricked to do such thing.

I forgot literally everything the Blood Elves did in WoW since the Isle of Thunder, and even that I vaguely just remember them being really chill and wanting to kick Lei Shen's shit in

For research

Well in one of the books she went to her father's grave and admitted that he was right about everything so we're past that.

Metzen is working on overwatch

>Sylvanus has crimes worse than Arthas under her belt and no one questions her rule.

Haha, ye no.

>Garrosh was the best Warchief since Ogrim Doom hammer and everyone tries to kill him

Name one thing he did that he didn't need the help of Elves or Forsaken to achieve.

Races that aren't Orcs, humans and draenai were on the backburner for Warlords of Draenor

Do you have the full picture or is that it. I want to see Sylvanas' undead poontang.

I think it's funny how Warlords of Draenor managed to retcon the pre-demon blood orcs into being just as savage as they are now rather than peaceful. Bravo Blizzard now there's literally zero justification for not wiping them out.

inb4 >b-but some frostwolves are good

They're like 10% of the orc population.

That only happened because Metzen only realized he made Jaina an analogue to Taretha after WC3 and destroyed the fuck out of that ship with racial purity. You could theoretically argue that everything in WoW happened the way it has only because Thrall has consistently given Jaina the cold shoulder.

She even cries alone in a corner at his wedding. Why would they even intentionally program that into the game?

Ahh I thought he was working on legion

>NE finally decided to accept the highborne back and let other NE become mages
That actually worsened their relations, since the NE didn't accept BE back.

Though the Shendralar aren't responsible for the invasion, they use some special snowflake magic that is undetectable and weren't involved in Azshara's shit.


I can't think of a single Draenei other than Yrel who does anything in any zone. We don't find out anything new about them either.



Why aren't you searching for that?

As opposed to 100% of humans being warlike and constantly at odds with each other before the orcs?

There was a thread awhile ago where someone pointed this out and it fucking exploded she could have teleported Varians ass outta there after he had dealt with the new and improved Fel-Reaver but no such thing happend.

So either Blizzard is fucking stupid and plotholed Varians death. or Jaina intentionally let Varian die so she could fuel the fire of war and use that in an attempt to dismantle the horde and and bring them into slavery to use as cannon fodder against the legion forces.

Shits getting dark isint it ?

BE refuse to convert to moon energy. No reason to accept addicts back into their society.

Yeah, personally I hope there's a lot of cool shit with Taurens in Highmountain, and although I'm in the minority I love evil Troll shit like Da Zandalari, I hope we get good content for both of them. I wouldn't mind Gobs getting a bit of focus too, but nobody like filthy Gobs.

At least the Forsaken will get some focus with the new Warchief, as salty as everyone is about Sylvannas.

How many blood has been spilled because this bitch did not do anything?

>Arthas goes to Northrend because he lacks the counsel of the only person whom Arthas will listen too, respect and loves.
>Daelin Proudmore died because her daughter refused to help him at anything and refused to give any of the Kul tiras men aid, thus dying from the hands of the horde

I'm not seeing the issue.

>It is people cry

u wot

Alternate velen blows up. It's still more than the other races. Now goodbye Yrel forever