Looks like SJWs are shitting up our Deus Ex
>first black lives matter
>now this
Looks like SJWs are shitting up our Deus Ex
>first black lives matter
>now this
Don't try to dissuade me now. I really want it
Get shrekt kafir cuck
>body augumentation goes against muslim beliefs
>muslims yet again don't want to evolve with modern society and deny modern technology
hahah true
You can be certain that when cybernetics roll around, the Muslims are going to have a problem with it.
Why do white people always get easily trigger for things like this?
Dude sex Mankind Divided takes place in the future. So why are there still muslims?
>evolve with modem society
Leftist pls
the real problem with this picture is that it appears they've turned jensen into a cartoon character. who the fuck is the art director for this game?
Here come dat Sup Forums boi
it's fiction
Seems logical, they wouldn't want to use new tech like that. Also this is probably just one dialogue choice and he's also not taking the side of a Muslim or saying their beliefs are good.
This bait is bad because there isn't even any bait here, just a retard who made a shit thread for attention.
>inb4 that alt-right picture that's popular with the kids these days
>Sup Forums boogeyman
You're no better than the SJWs that cry patriarchy
Why shouldnt there be?
So does this mean that the hatred and bigotry of muslims against aug's caused ultimately all the fucked up shit in the first game?
>muslims are allowed to rape women
Shh, you hear that?
That's the sound of the stormfront approaching.
>not getting bitchin' robot eyes because MUH HOMMAD
nah fuck that
I'm right wing and this picture made me laugh so hard because it's true. Thanks dude
Sup Forumstards are baited simply by the word Muslim in any context. They are very simple.
The guy who draws the Cheetos cheetah
Because they are outbreeding white people 3:1.
>say the word muslim
>SJW now
If Jensen said Islam was a religion of peace then maybe you'd have something
>It's an OP gets ironicly offended easily like the SJW's he's talking about thread
Oh you
judging by the state of the world today, a better question would be "why are there still non-muslims?"
> weeb numale triggered by Islam
Every time
you're forgetting the fact that it got decked points in some reviews because it wasn't SJW enough.
hol up
hol just a moment
malik was augmented in the last game
she was also a muslim
What the fuck happened to Jensen's face? He looks like an AIDs victim.
Fuck off retard
Why do literal retards only communicate through strawmen Ms paint comics in here?
Fucking moron
>realistic take on the future
just stick to playing your garbage weeb vn's
jesus christ
>SJW won't affect our video games they said
retards finally realize when it is too late
now we have to wait for these games(influenced by sjw rhetoric) to slowly fail over time
Source, faggot
You've got something against AIDS, you alt-right Sup Forumstard?
>There's no Sup Forums cross posters!
And some Muslims drink alcohol
A jihadist is a fundamentalist, though, and doesn't bend the rules.
>she was also a muslim
stormfront took this place over years ago newfag
it's not a good thing, but it's not a new thing
Muslims probably wouldn't use robot parts. There are Christian groups, I forget the name of them, that refuse blood transfusions and surgeries for the same reason. Sometimes this belief kills them.
With that said, if the day ever came where we got to the point of Deus Ex and they didn't use it, their belief would only be holding them back. Not that it matters much because in 200 years or so religion will be on the downslide no matter what.
That wasn't meant as a pro atheism comment, either. It's just what's going to happen.
2011 Jensen = Cool, chill looking guy
2016 Jensen = Old grandpa trying to be cool for the kids by still dyeing his hair
Was her religious belief even mentioned? All I know is that she was middle eastern, lived in hong kong, and is probably a lesbian.
but half those kids are retarded from inbreeding, and the other half will die in civil war or blow themselves up to please the almighty imaginary father figure in the sky.
Honestly, a lot of things "go against" muslim "beliefs."
For example, a lot of them drink booze and sleep around anyway.
Their "beliefs" are full of many contradictions and can easily be bent to the will to something.
This is why muslim terrorism is so apparent. Exceptions are made numerous times due to the fact it was a cult founded in expansion through war. You can't say killing is bad and then go on to execute tribes who won't join your cult.
Basically, anything against their "beliefs" or their "morals" - none of which are original - can be bypassed as long as it has to do with blah blah blah killing the 'infidels.'
So, an augmented muzzie is a possibility.
However, the game can't imply its a long-dead but reappearing cult used for social and cultural manipulation. They have to stick with the idea it is a religion, when unfortunately it isn't. History and their book lead to the clear conclusion that it was just a way for muhammad to gain sex, money, and power, by manipulating and using others to expand and conquer the lands he grew up in.
I mean - when he died, there was an immediate split. The guy was very messy, both in the book he put together and everything else. He had no plan for the future of his followers. Once he was dead, he didn't give a shit.
He gives a shit now - Hell and all.
>every arab is a mudslime
He looks so pale and faint. Is Jensen gonna make it?
and some jews eat pork
and most catholics still eat meat on fridays
This was established in the first game
Why do you want to hate this game so badly? I don't get it. It's possible that I won't like it, but I'll make up my mind after playing the game. Jensen isn't even taking a position here, he's just stating a fact without any moral or political judgement.
That's perfectly reasonable. Some Imams are already denouncing the evils of theoretical Transhumanism, extremist sects will almost certainly reject it when it rolls along.
When is this game set, realistically speaking if it's somewhere around 2050, the backdrop to the whole thing should probably be a race war in Europe.
Sup Forums is literally a click or two away from Sup Forums, and it is well know that those troglodytes can't stay in their hugbox containment board and go to spill their shit on all of the other boards.
It's bot crying wolf when their actually here, falseflagger.
She was a what...?
She did annoy me the entire game and constantly try to force her opinion on me, I didn't even attempt to save her and when she died I was happy/relieved to be rid of the dead weight. Now it makes more sense.
What a shame, I liked him.
>you're not allowed to post on multiple boards
>1 Muslim does something
>all Muslims do the same thing
There are Christian groups that refuse treatment even for cancer and instead use prayer to try and fix it.
don't ignore the rest of his post which is true. You guys are are bigger crybabies than SJW's sometimes. It's funny and pathetic at the same time.
Keep thinking you're "fighting" them though
I can already hear Sup Forums marching into the thread with the sound of papers of statistics, graphs, and citations ready for red pilling
but aren't all BLM and other SJW movements funded by some shady "foundations" that try stirring shit in the world?
>she was also a muslim
Was she?
I love how they actually believe that jihadists wouldn't aug the shit out of themselves if it meant they could take some more infidels out despite being against their religion.
careful my friend speaking truth to autism. will trigger some of the "devout muslims" on Sup Forums
You don't know shit.
Jihadis do whatever the fuck they want because in the Quran it is said that they will receive forgiveness from Allah if they do his will regardless of how many rules they break.
>It's a 'can't complain about politics getting pushed in your face without being called something' episode.
This isn't Warren Spector's Deus Ex sadly.
>It's bot crying wolf when their actually here
Muzzies seek to pull us down in almost every way, but would easily use everything they can use against us. There's no reason for one of them to not be augmented. Their ideas of "morals" can all be bypassed as long as, like, it helps the cult.
>OP claim to be anti-SJW
>get Triggered
>Here is piece of information that has 0 real world implications
This is not Deus Ex I asked for.
>some Muslims drink alcohol
first of all muslims is not a race
second of all if a arabic or whatever is drinking alcohol then they are not muslim
t.persian or iranian w/e your country uses
But jihadists would be backwards fundamentalist types. There would presumably more progressive muslims with relaxed views on augmentation.
George Soros. He was behind BLM, Occupy, and those Femen cunts who got rekt by the Slavs.
Basically a bored billionaire Jew who manipulates dumb liberals to sabotage markets he's bet against. His son's a cunt too.
Mudslimes haven't had a reformation like Christianity and Jews have.
If they stray from the fundamentals on their faith, they are committing HARAM and will be punished.
Becoming an apostate is punishable by death according to the Koran.
Not many converted gets to know about this until it's too late.
She's just an Arab. Even if she were a Muslim her Islam would be very weak.
>you should not say nothing against SJW or you arent anti SJW
checks out cuck
I pray for all caught in the cult of mohammed to break through and come to Christ. I am sure conversion would be rapid if their countries did not kill those who spread the gospels and those who listened.
The fact it puts to death those who leave and those who simply speak of a different faith shows its lack of stability in the "making sense" area.
>He was behind BLM, Occupy
That's a bad thing?
Are you a republican?
What are you doing?
You're not supposed to respond to these idiots. Just look at his response.
Fucking lurk more, dumbass
Do you even know what the Christian reformation was, dumbcuck?
muhammad was one of the best motivators of people and conquerors in all history. shariah law is the most authoritarian government system devised by mankind.
>first of all muslims is not a race
Who said they were
>second of all if a arabic or whatever is drinking alcohol then they are not muslim
People break their religion's rules all the time man, it just makes you a shitty follower but a follower nonetheless.
Yea. I miss the good old days when everyone was in on the conspiracy and nationalistic terrorism was a ridiculous notion in the globalized and homogenized post-aug earth.
Seems anti-sjw because they're implying jihadists actually follow muslim beliefs
>Jihadists don't following their understanding of Islam
She is as muslim as she is "canon dead".
Did you come to this ite expecting quality discussion? It's all just ironic shit posting, embrace it.
The terrorists can't be Muslim, Islam is a religion of peace. It's against their beliefs.
>Deus Ex 1
>not political
What the fuck are you smoking, you faggot? That game was communist as fuck.
Why do you want to be a goy so badly?
Like pretty much every kid i knew (myself included) who grew up Christian but stopped going to church either after confirmation or when they were allowed some sort of agency in their Sunday mornings.
Yet the wretched ISIS has used much of the internet to their advantage. They'd use augmentation if it meant they were able to expand their cult with it or kill those who are not part of it.
Lying is already excusable in their "religion" if it is for the 'good' of the cult.
Too bad there's a bump limit then.
Jensen reasonin was that jihadists tend to be anti-augmentation. The anti-augmentation rebel in human revolution removed his augs because they made him impure or whatever. Jihadists in full military augmentation would be pretty retarded if they are screaming about purity of flesh at the same time.
Malik is probably muslim in the sense that her family was. Probably doesent give a crap about religion othervise.
So the pseudo-christian developers were projecting their beliefs on others. Checks out