She's truly a Bastly underrated character with lots of potencial
She's truly a Bastly underrated character with lots of potencial
Other urls found in this thread:
Not wrong; lots of missed potential having a terrestrial to foil the entire crew of spacers.
Pity about all the disturbingly high-effort porn.
Your waifu is bad and you should feel bad.
I hope PlayTonic attempts to make it again
AND Project Dream
>grow up on a planet with no civilization as a nearly naked tribal
>speak with a sophisticated and refined English accent
Does not add up.
lots of planets have a north
>Archaic Tribal doesn't pick up the accent of the advanced sophont that taught her galactic trade language
I fucking love Eggman
Are there any humanized drawings of Krystal? I can't get into furries for the life of me.
>posting shit art
You dont have to be sexually attracted to her user.
Try google
Having a nice day?
>speaks english
you didnt even play the fucking game
I want her to be in more games.
... by which I mean I want her to hug me and wrap her tail around me while I run my hands through her fur.
I personally feel the greatest issue in this was the combat.
If it was made more freeflowing and had more enemy variety, it'd be more enjoyable
Why does she even wear clothes? She's the only member of her species on a planet full of dinosaurs. She has no reason to be so modest.
Because fuck you and your flash game canon
What why would they remove melonhead.
Because some bitch complained on their forums
it's racist, because watermelons and blacks
You're going to have to wait until VR gets good to play that particular game.
I'd rather PlayTonic remake Dinosaur Planet
I don't really see that happening.
A man can dream
what's so disturbing about good work ethics?
The disturbing part is that there's a Krystal for every occasion.
Something about her struck a mimetic resonance, a tone that still sounds to this day.
She's gone, her franchise is almost dead, she hasn't been seen for years, but they still keep it going.
I guess focusing energy on a niche area?
>underestimating autism
What's going on in this thread? You ain't having one of those furfag threads now are you?
Why do furries always draw their characters with oversized heads and bulbous eyes?
It's a japanese thing, furfags are a sub-category of weebs
annie may
Chinese cartoons
I'm looking for Vietnamese Krystal, can someone help me find it?
anime or something
She's not from Sauria dingus.
I like Krystal
In this case its just following Starfox character designs.
I started reading Prequel a few days ago, pretty cute stuff