>720p/60 on Xbone
900p/60 on PS4
>Both have framerate drops and the PS4 is unsurprisingly having vsync issues
So this is the power of next-gen, huh? At least the single player looks kinda interesting.
720p/60 on Xbone
Other urls found in this thread:
>playing Titanfall 2 on any platform
>buhwuuh your shit toy sucks can't wait to give EA and Origin my money tho.
There's no win in this fight, why even bother.
>implying Origin isn't better than Steam
EA is shit but for some reason they're really consumer-friendly to PC.
The game is shit so who cares?
>game is shit
>its not even out yet
First Titanfall was all about its gameplay.
Titans are now "earned" and are shit anyway
Time-to-kill is lower
No bots in 2/3 modes
Smaller maps
No secondaries
Hanging on walls is locked to perk
Don't worry, it's going to be great at launch
>alpha of game before optimizations has performance issues
I'll shit on it if it launches like that, but for now I don't care.
>surprised that a technical alpha test has problems
wew lad
>game has 2 months to launch
>still thinks its actually an alpha
>Alpha of a game a couple of months before it releases
Are they developing this on hyperbolic time chamber?
Aren't alphas supposed to be builds of a program with the bare minimum of stuff working just to show higher ups as a proof of concept.
The game is 2 months from release.
>No bots in 2/3 modes
How is that a bad thing? Neck yourself, you disgusting subhuman.
The snipers are garbage because they aren't hit scan. the second sniper is even worse since it does basically half damage.
The AI added atmosphere, compared to 1 the maps are dead and empty
the AI was on microsoft super servers. PS4 doesn't have super servers though.
It fucking sucks to kill bots, that's why I disliked the first one.
At no point in the first game were you required to kill bots Besides the hoard mode that was added in later on
>Titans are now "earned" and are shit anyway
Oh boohoo, you can't sit back and watch a timer while you wait for your robot anymore. You actually have to kill enemies. If only you and all the little kids that are just waiting to pilot a robot could git gud.
>tfw titanfall is now a cod clone while the original was the best new fps in years
You were forced to kill Grunts in every mode?
It's not about that you fucking idiot.
The game is called Titanfall, yet you spend 90% of the time in this alpha as a Pilot. Then when you can call a Titan it sucks.
I'd rather have the noobs get a Titan once in two minutes than keep it as a kind of killstreak.
amnd i got 4k tv so its going to be 4000p/60 rigtht?
It'll be 1080p 60fps on PC
Attrition is the only mode in the game that gives you points for killing bots, and even then you werent forced. You could play it like any other mode by going after pilots only
Wow thanks. I wouldn't have thought.
Its a tech test.
Don't you need Origin on xbone to play ea games?
You have to play on Xbone, which is miles worse.
They are still using Azure, as well as other server providers.
have fun with your cod clone with a single killstreak that is shit and dies in 5 seconds
>hitscan is better
Fucking pleb, snipers are meant to take skill anyway
That's what EA Live Chat has become fucking indians everywhere i tried to fix my issue but i can't i hear same shit over and over again. EA fired EU/NA staff because they are cheapasses and hired dirty peejats who doesn't even have any rights to change shit on your origin account.
isn't there like only one mode in the alpha that's actually new?
why are you judging this mode as if it's the only one?
are those complaints confirmed for the other modes as well?
going to die just as fast as the first one
What framerate drops? Seriously, I've been playing the tech test on PS4 and haven't noticed anything yet
>Also does live support is located in India?
Learn to write properly English fag, Pajeet has better grammar than you. Also "Change shit on your Origin account" hey fuck face its not their account to manage its your. Just cause you forgot your password or dumb shit doesn't make it their fault. Jamal can log in and not have to beg Pardeep to help him out, why can't you.
That's why its in India because EA doesn't want to pay a shit load more money to talk to useless fuck faces like yourself who need to be cuddled on how to handle their fucking account.
cuz you are console pleb, 24fps or 30fps or 45fps or 60fps doesn't matter for you
>Also "Change shit on your Origin account" hey fuck face its not their account to manage its your. Just cause you forgot your password or dumb shit doesn't make it their fault.
You just projecting you dumb motherfucker, i didn't need to change fucking password you dumb murrican.
I have problem with a game, EA are selling broken shit which doesn't even work with dlcs, i can't even play their fucking game anymore.
Think before you rant you fucking retard.
It works on my machine :^) its not their fault you have a toaster.
This "pre-alpha" build is the June build. It's not representative of the final game.
>pre-alpha 3-4 months before game comes out
>Time-to-kill is lower
What the fuck, that was one of things i enjoyed as having more health made parkour more appealing
>No attrition
>playing a fast paced shooter with a controller
>playing a shooter with a controller
Now that that's out of the way, I'm honestly nicely surprised that they went for framerates instead of going sub 30 at 1080p. More companies should aim for that, especially games where precise input matters.
That being said, did anyone actually expect full HD at anything above 30 fps from this generation? Maybe on games with simpler graphics.
>blaming console hardware for developer incompetence
Fuck's sake OP , you retard. We're talking about people who use the fucking Source Engine!
Heavily modded Source, according to them.
Because maps (at least in One) were huge, and because of Titans limited to only 6v6. Before the titans start dropping finding a player took a while. You had something to do with the grunts. Also that added some variation to the gameplay. I've actually won quite a few games by running and hiding around, killing grunts and hacking Specters. Unless you actually do it yourself, you will never be able to understand just how freaking funny and satisfying it is to go and take down a titan with an army of hacked specters.
The problem is that the game offers 2 rather distinct play styles in a single game. On foot and in titan. The maps were always well sized when there were several titans. But without them it often took some time to actually encounter anyone especially on higher levels where people didn't just run through the most obvious route.
Adding more player would make the titan play style worse. Making the map smaller would do the same.
And since the user said maps are smaller and no attrition, I'm out of this shit.
All they fucking had to do is copy the first game with new maps and add more stuff. Fucking hell. First shooter I enjoyed since T:A died and it died so fast. Then they gave me hope with the announcement and fuck it up.
How is your post related to the post you quoted?