I wish Gust would make more Ar Tonelico and Surge games. They are still making them, right?

I wish Gust would make more Ar Tonelico and Surge games. They are still making them, right?

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i want another mana khemia desu

I'm glad I eventually decided to try Ar nosurge despite how awful AT3 was. I still don't understand just what went wrong with AT3.

I like some of the later Atelier games better overall, but it is a shame that none of them have quite been able to match Mana Khemia's combat.

Maybe someday.

I liked diving, some characters and story in AT3. Combat and 3d graphics were terrible though. Purge system in combat was utter trash too. Should have kept AT2 bath system

> Ciel noSurge localization never


AT3 was clearly rushed as fuck, considering how the story just starts falling apart somewhere midways in and shit is being said that the player would never understand that all the characters are just talking about like it's a matter of fact easily understood thing that everyone should know already, and they do this several times and never actually go to explain anything to the player.

Also leaning too goddamn hard into the fanservice, it started overtaking proper fucking written scenes.

diving is great


I could deal with the 3D in AT3, but the battle system was bad. I played it through because I wanted to see how things ended though.

AT and Surge have a ton of lore that future games could use if they made more games.

Do I need to play the Ar Tonelicos if I want to play Ar Norsurge? I dont know if I can make it through the intro of the first Ar Tonelico.

Luca is literally a whore

If you can't handle even the most basic boilerplate shit that is introduced in ar tonelico, you might as well never even look at Ar Nosurge, I don't even understand why you would think you would want it at this point.

It's not a necessity. I would still give AT2 a chance, though, even if you decide to drop the first game.

Because I saw those pictures of 4th wall breaking moments in Ar Norsuge and I thought it looked interesting.

Norsurge is a super super distant prequel. You don't have to play AT first but it helps.

There's a translated playthrough on youtube up to the final chapter.

This character is extremely cute, too bad the game is bad.

The concerto team is working on something new, all they've said is it's "experimental", has something to do with "beautiful girls" and probably involves VR.

It's probably low on their list of priorities but I don't think Gust has abandoned the series, gotta churn all those Ateliers first to see if there's some money they could invest into Ar without expecting much profit.

You will miss some refferences if you don't play them, but if your problem is the pandering then I don't see you ever liking a single Ar game.

The "4th wall" shit is already explained away if you know the context, which is YOU THE PLAYER are controlling a terminal for a robot from this other dimension the game takes place in. It's not even really a spoiler.

Not necessary, but you'll be missing out on a lot of the background since it's a prequel in the same universe. If you enjoy worldbuilding, I'd play the AT games.

>youtube translation of the main scenario
>vita is being hacked
>the translator said he is interested in doing a translation patch if Vita hacking ever gets to that point
The dream lives. Don't lose hope!

>not liking the concept of Oversight and how it was applied in to the game

Gust game contain:
- Horrible dialog
- Horrible stories
- A small selection of areas
- Low resolution backgrounds
- Copy-pasted assets
+ Cute girls

It's like riding a roller coaster with broken tracks.

If it's the 4th wall breaking you are seeking, Ar Nosurge is definitely something to consider

What. I didn't say that. Just the game is bad. The gameplay sucks and combat is dumb.

>It's not even really a spoiler.
Even less so for those who played or know about Ciel nosurge; it is the same player from it, that game ended with Ion placing your conciousness on Earthes.

I agree. The combat is shit. You should consider it more of a VN anyway.

I recall some faggot used to avatarfag with this girl years ago, never thought she was from this series.



Why is she so cute?

She has to be cute.

I should honestly play more Gust titled. I only really played Iris 2, Mana Khemia 1, 2, Annie and Rorona. I did kind of like Rorona but I would it way too easy and the non-existent story kinda make it feel bland.

Any suggestions?

I think pre-Arland trilogy gust stuff was all right.

Mana Khemia 3 fucking when

The legend of Flay must continue

Man, I totally missed out on nosurge when it came out, even though I really liked all the Tonelicos. Is it worth it to dig out the old PS3 from storage just for this?

And does it ever go on sale on PSN or is some cheap physical the way to go?

It's more worth it to the plus version but well. It's digital only over here and on only vita. It does go on sale sometimes though.

But vanilla is okay and really cheap if you just wanna play nosurge.

Get the the vita version, ps3 is a unfinished mess.
Better is pirating that shit so that those whoresons don't get even more money for their bullshit.

Got digital plus version. But I want a retail cart.
Too bad it's limited and sold out everywhere


I love the ar tonelico serie, but god 3D was such a mistake.

In AT3 the mix 2d/3d was ok in towns, but the 3d environements were absolute garbage.

then enter Ar no surge and it's a pukefest.

I don't understand! Why did they absolutely want to switch to 3D They suck at it, and their 2D art was ok!

I want a new Ar tonelico so badly..