What are genuine console games that are better than the pc version?

What are genuine console games that are better than the pc version?

Pic related

>Vertical plastic PS1 cases
What the fuck.
Spider-Man 2

Is this a fucking joke? All those games are marginally better on pc with little to none modding.

Hell, SE even fixed the music so now you dont even need mods for that.

They also accept fan translations in case you want something closer to the original plot in FFVII and VIII specially.

>tfw your shitty PS1 cases of these games have cracks in them.

I wish these were a thing.

As a base game and as a steam 'update', FF7, 8 and 9 suck compared to their PS1 counterparts, and let's not act like any sort of fucking modding can fix their terrible texture issues, particularly FF9 which is a fucking android port of all things.

With you on the translations though.

I prefer VII on PC purely for the mods.

post most underrated ff characters.

pic related

Bloodborne, because its not on pc

>hurr, because durr

Irvine is best girl

If it's cracks in the clear plastic just find some replacement ones from old CDs at a thrift store or flea market and swap the paper insides. That's what I did for most of my PS1 games.

European PS1 cases are different than normal CD jewel cases.


Dark Souls* and Silent Hills.

*not even shitposting, it's darker, the image is "dirtier", it does the artistic direction more justice, just like in the case of the Silent Hill games. Having player hundreds of hours on both the PS3 and PC I STRONGLY advice anyone to at least play their first playthrough of Dark Souls on the PS3.

I've always wondered if the lower framerates make it easier to perform frame-dependent actions like parrying rolling.
Not trolling, I'm genuinely curious.

Higher framerates make you fall faster, or your jumps not go as far, something like that. All of the jumps are still possible though. Outside of that I don't think there are any differences

>fixed the music
They didn't

Who is this mattress actress

saints row 2
god what a mess

Runs great on PS4, but the PC version is literally unplayable.

>They also accept fan translations
WHERE CAN I GET THEM? I want the original FF7 script for the PC version :c

>I've always wondered if the lower framerates make it easier to perform frame-dependent actions like parrying rolling.

at least when it comes to bosses it makes your actions more precise. Excluding PvP, I'd say that playing DS on PC is playing it on easy mode.