Former Midway Employee here 1983-2000

I was a PR representative for 16 years and am here today to answer any questions you may have regarding my time at Midway..

>PR representative

So you basically did fuck all with the games themselves. Why the fuck should we care?

Was N64? your only successful market, or was it wii?

post pics for proof or gtfo

Did you shave or just trim your pubic hair during your time with Midway?

>Employee here 1983-2000
So you're like 50 or something? why are you on Sup Forums old timer?

timestamp user.

why was Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows such shit compared to Dark Legacy

Did you work on the Rush racing series?

scorpion or sub zero?

How many times where you put on leave for sleeping with the receptionist?

What game did you enjoy marketing the most

Post feet.

Thanks for buying out the studio my dad had worked at for over a decade then firing everyone and shutting it down a month later just 3 days before Christmas.

All so you could write it off as a loss for tax purposes.

He killed himself 9 months after that.

You should have done the same a long time ago.

yeah OP could you have picked a more retarded or less interesting thing to lie about if you were their PR representative literally out of high school at 18, which is extremely unlikely you'd be 41 and not posting on Sup Forums

Give proof or get the fuck out

How does a PR guy have any say in that decision

It sounds like you're just as retarded as your gay dad

you were never part of that company, and all devs will agrees.

He chose to work for them, he's every bit as complicit.

kys yourself bitch

Did your offices actually look like that secret course from Rush 2?

how come you guys never made any good games

Did you buy hookers for game journos?

How often did you work while drunk and/or high?

Also why the fuck should we care about some PR worker? What you do doesn't even influence games

dumb mobileposter

>that secret course from Rush 2?
wait what? I need to play that again

How many times did Dave Lang try to punch people around the office?