Why did you lie to me Sup Forums?

Why did you lie to me Sup Forums?

This game is trash.

>Shit fanfic tier writing right across the board

>Characters literally never fucking shut up

>Boring combat

>Meaningless classes

>Awful character alignment/party interaction mechanics

>Inexplicably ordinary character art and animation

>Garbage low res textures everywhere

Fuck you Sup Forums

I don't think it's trash, but I did not understand the hype. It's fine. Just because it's ode to the CRPG's of yore doesn't mean it's worth playing.

You should probably look into Dragon Age Inquisition and Mass Effect, that could be more for your taste.

Not everyone can have good taste.

are you 12?

No, you are trash

I disliked it as well and the fact so many people praised the game's shit points means the sequel will keep it shit, so I am depressed with that fact.

The combat is especially awful. I feel like everything could have like 3x less hp and the game would work just fine, but instead they make everything have loads of health so battles take like 15 minutes.

I also had no interest in the main quest whatsoever.

Go back to Plebbit.

>The combat is especially awful. I feel like everything could have like 3x less hp and the game would work just fine, but instead they make everything have loads of health so battles take like 15 minutes.

Shitter confirmed.

That's what you get for believing Sup Forums. You should have known it was bait when it was a cRPG - they're all trash.

You are especially awful

Eh, its a slower paced RPG. It doesn't drown you in attribute points so it tires to push you to play tactically.


I liked it. ;_;

When I say "everything" I include the players too, there is no reason to make battles take so long. I am most of the time waiting to gather enough AP to use my good skills since monsters can't even damage my own party significantly.

What did you enjoy about it user?

There's no shortage of great cRPG's, Original Sin just isn't one of them.

user, nobody would have recommended this game to you if you mentioned that you suck at tactical RPGs

the kiddynity is a good game is just a meme to anger the real rpg fans
terrible writing, circus music, easy repetitive combat made for console users, godawful sense of humor, world of nerdcraft anatomy and terrible voice acting
everything about this game is shit and like i said, retards only pretend to like it to bait true rpg connoisseurs

All these retards with sub-highschool reading comprehension.

>but instead they make everything have loads of health so battles take like 15 minutes.
Haha, what? You can outright murder everything if you know what you're doing. Some fights don't even get a chance to start before everything dies.

Those are the gimmick battles though and they suck too.

I am good at FE though

Like how you pretend to speak for "real rpg fans" but then throw out nerd.

Not everyone plays on faggot difficulties user.

>he can't handle tactician difficulty
A pleb is born every minute.

Preach it! I bought it at Walmart recently for $15, and was absolutely appalled by everything about the game.

Baldur's Gate was an obvious influence for this game, yet Divinity feels so much worse.

I was implying the complete fucking opposite retard.

>divinity games
>Shit fanfic tier writing right across the board
also Sup Forums is 18+

>Those are the gimmick battles though and they suck too.
Those are every fight. The game lets you basically do whatever you want.

Tell me what difficulty requires you to slap everything for 15 whole minutes.

There is a large Larian-drone base on Sup Forums; you won't find people admitting that overall it was pretty average with need of improvements in certain areas.

No user it was a 10/10 uhhh *reads script* that has saved RPGs

Is that so? Okay.

Tell me how to instantly kill that first mage that summons skeletons on the start of the game. If you can't the game will be undeniably awful.

is still true for tactician difficulty so I can only assume you're getting your ass handed to you on a nice silver plater, with a nice slice of Gorgombert to go along with it.

The entire game is literally "fanfic", but not for actual fans of the genre, it's for LOLIMSONERDYXD fans that never played Baldur's Gate, Planescape Torment or a Fallout before 3.

what did you expect from kickstarer game from nearly dead studio?
sequel will be better

>Boring combat
Kill yourself, you shit-eating mongoloid. DOS on Tactician difficulty is amazing.

Was pretty fun playing through with my friend, us both controlling 2 characters each, I enjoyed the combat but probably wouldn't have if I was playing by myself


Wow, calm down there turbonerd

Shit taste confirmed

Could never come up with a half decent skill setup so fights were just painful. Never finished it.


Shittier taste confirmed

i agree. the music was especially garbo~

turn based combat? 1995 called and wants its game mechanics back lmao!

>you can't make an orc waifu
shit game

This it was okay, but some people over hyped way too much. I remember before it came, people claiming that you can do anything, and finish quests in multiple ways, and all that bullshit.

You can't make much of anything on the console version.

What are mods?

>have to mod a game for it to be good
not an excuse

>need some shitty orc waifu to be good
not an excuse

>literally a worse game mechanically than Baldur's Gate/Icewind Dale which were released over 15 years ago

>wanting to green shit instead of BBC
not an excuse


Pretty sure Ultima was the infuence for this game.

How do I not get destroyed in combat?

The game was good, but it was obviously all expereimentation.

OS2 seems to be going all out.

Honestly, I loved it for bringing me back to the days when I had people to play D&D with.

Being able to control 2 characters' dialogue options means you can really roleplay 2 separate people. I like playing the girl as a rogue-ish tsundere and the guy as a wizard with a stick up his ass. It's pretty fun.

The combat had me disappointed at first, but since it's turn based, it can get really cozy to chill and figure stuff out.

I also might be biased because I pirated it and hadn't played a CRPG or fantasy RPG of any kind since Dragon Age Origins.

get good and dont be a retard with character building

Itemization and inventory were the worst thing about this game and the combat got old pretty fast, hope they fix it in the sequel

You can win most fights even with a terrible build. My playthrough was with a Rogue and a Warrior, both with a subset in Aerothurge.

Point of the matter is the game gives out so many grenades, just about any fight can be settled with a combination grenade turn.

pay attention instead of trying to dumbfuck your way through everything

Gameplay was fun, but the story sucked. Too much boring, nonsensical shit happening at a time.

Also, it was too easy to gimp your party. Went with a balanced party the first time around and died in almost every battle. Restarted the game and just went mostly melee, nothing fancy, just pumping points into strength, and was almost invincible.

Its just that my characters are crap.

Larian's "humour" is garbage

I remember 0 jokes.

All I remember is me chasing some kind of necromancer and an incredibly confusing netherrealm located out of space/time and I had no idea why that was even there or why I had to go there all the time and speak to this annoying, shrill goblin.

The "netherrealm" is your pocket plane. Makes sense you are to return there often.

at least it wasn't a complete mess like uhhhh that other crpg around
that's why people tend to defend it

I agree the itemization was in a shitty diablo style which conflicted with the rest of the game. Shame OS2 seems to also have level locked loot like the first game.