Telling myself in 2006 that in ten years time, this company would become borderline irrelevant in the industry
Things your younger self wouldn't believe
Other urls found in this thread:
>you actually got bored of videogames
>implying they werent irrelevant at that point
They've been irrelevant to most gamers since N64
tell myself who grew up with Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry that both series will just fizzle out and die
>can't spend literally 10 minutes without posting about it.
>The only good videogame company remaining
I've thought about this a lot lately
>time travel back to 1999, I was about ten
>hey little user you sure do like Nintendo huh
>well, in 2016 the game boy will have two screens, you won't need to buy a million AAA batteries for your Game Boy Pocket and it'll be in color
>not only that, but Donkey Kong? super punch out? Mega Man X? You can play all those old games on the new Game Boy
>not only that, when you're older, you'll finally get a time of under 14 seconds on Piston Hurricane
>your best time will be 6.88 seconds
At that point my head would explode and I would cease to exist
>being this dumb
They lost it after the snes guy, after that its always been get the home console for ninty exclusives and get literally everything else somewhere else like ps or later on xbox. Especially since those also had good exclusives back then.
Yeah I'm sure their handhelds arent doing well at all.
"women will destroy the market in 12 years, and they won't even pplay videogames.
Also you'll never see another F-Zero game."
>Nintendo is dead
Would have never believed it.
That eventually it wouldnt matter which console you get, most of them would have the same games.
We're in the Multiplats/Ports gen lads.
>Here's a pic of your future self.
>a warcraft 3 map will start a trend that all companies will follow resulting in bad games one after The other.
>Metroid Prime 3 will be the last good Metroid game
AM2R doesn't count
This. I have a PS4. I have Fallout 4, Dark Souls 3, Doom, MSGV and GTA5. I haven't played on it in over weeks. I did recently finish ZTD and I had a great time. I regret buying GTA5 and Doom. My favorite game is MSGV. I'm spending more time reading books than playing games. They no longer give me the pleasure they once gave back on the Gamecube.
On my laptop I've got Stellaris, EU4, CK2, Vicky 2, Homeworld, Minecraft, The Sims 3, Tropico V, Banished, Civ 5, Alpha Centauri.
I haven't played EU4 in a long time even though I bought a lot of dlc, barely play CK2 because I can't understand it, haven't gotten around to playing Homeworld, played some Banished at first but got bored, played a lot of Civ 5 though, played 3 minutes of Tropico 5, played only 1 game of Vicky 2 because I couldn't understand it, played only 3 campaigns on Stellaris.
I just feel its all meaningless now. How do I eliminate these feels?
Uh huh, shit poster.
I wouldn't have believed that Microshit ruined console games with online bullshit, and that PS3/4 had virtually no games for most of their life cycle.
I'd have told myself to stick to handhelds , then invested the money I did in awful PS3 multiplats I was conned by the media into buying into something productive like studying a language or improving my art and writing.
Videogames are memes. Shitty may mays.
That Playstation will go back on their promise about free online.
I would also tell him to start a riot, maybe if we started one we wouldnt have paid online like how xbros rioted to get kinect and always online to fuck off
You just outgrew videogames. There is no point in forcing you to do things you don't enjoy.
Sell your consoles and games, uninstall all of your PC games, sell your Steam account and embrace your new interests.
Be happy you're free from such a pointless hobby.
Good is being generous. More like least bad.
Internet anywhere, everywhere, all the time.
Fuck man Im on the brink. I keep fighting against it but its the ABSOLUTE lack of games being released now, and when they do theyre either a complete disappointment or plain average.
He's talking about DOTA2, League of Legends and their imitators; they were born from a certain Warcraft Map
SNES games are expensive as fuck because of collectors. buy as much earthbound copies as you can using our moms credit card.
>you'll still be a virgin at 32
Best joke I've heard today.
NX will lead to Nintendo reigning in the mobile market.
I would tell my younger self that closet faggots would love to blogpost for the smallest for reasons
>Nintendo is consistently one of the top things trending on Twitter or Facebook.
>Every person I see in college is playing on a 3DS or Pokemon GO.
Step outside a bit you pathetic peice of shit.
If only those two things sold home consoles!
Selling consoles doesn't matter anymore, it all about clout and online presence. Just look at the music industry.
Oh good lord this.
Though it's not entirely my fault. The game industry turning to a shitpile and consoles becoming exponentially inferior to PCs had a lot to do with that.
Pokemon Go was not developed or published by Nintendo and has nothing whatsoever to do with Nintendo. At all. Look it up.
>Pokemon isn't really owned by Nintendo
Spot the retard
>Selling consoles doesn't matter anymore
>For a videogame hardware company
This. Maybe it's becuase I never really noticed before, but anywhere I go I see at least on faggot with a Nintendo themed piece of clothing from NES controller shirt to Zelda caps.
Metal Gear Survive
Even if Nintendo owns 33% of Pokemon, 10% of Pokemon Go, and has no mention of its name inside the game, LITERALLY EVERYBODY mentions Nintendo when talking about it.
They do, including the funposter, but Nintendo doesn't directly earn a single penny from Go's success. Their stock rose historically initially, but then dropped historically when investors understood that Go isn't a Nintendo game, etc. etc. Far from being the wild success for Nintendo, Pokemon Go is a mixed blessing at best.
What does their earnings have to do with their relevancy?
And yet they still got a noticeable bump. A pretty damn huge bump for an "irrelevant" company that "has nothing to do with Pokemon Go"
Absolutely everything, because they're a business.
The industry is going to sell half finished products as full games and everyone will rely on the Internet and dlc to make up for it. Also to stick with Sony
>A company is relevant only when it's earning money
What kind of fucked up logic is that? There are companies that go bankrupt after a bad decision while being pretty fucking relevant.
That logic would also mean that Nintendo is still relevant since they still turn a profit.
I never called Nintendo irrelevant as they're one of the biggest companies in Japan. All I said was the basic truth that Pokemon Go's success does not directly translate into Nintendo success. It benefits Niantic the most, Pokemon Company quite a bit, and their shareholders (including Nintendo) last (but certainly not least, of course).
So, while for Niantic it was a wild runaway success, one of the biggest int he history of the industry, for Nintendo it was a decent enough investmant, but that's about it.
>time travel back to 1999, i was about 10
>hey little user you sure do like Zelda and Nintendo huh
>there will never be another Zelda game as good as it so don't bother wasting your daydreaming cause Eiji Aonuma is about as creative as gravel.
>nintendo will re-release the gamecube under a different name instead of joining the HD race
>nintendo will make an HD console, then not make any worthwhile games for it.
you forgot to tell him to come out of the closet
We'd have to fucking clarify who or what the relevancy is towards. Nintendo is and has always been one of the most relevant companies in video game development. They also are one of the msot relevant companies in Japan, which is one of the most relevant countries. So they're pretty fucking relevant, although not as much as in the second half of the oughties.
>Everyone will make HD consoles and then not make worthwhile games for it
Fixed. Thankfully, Platinum and From still exist and even are prety damn successful.
>implying that didn't happen
>Pokemon GO was a worldwide phenomenon
>The Mini NES
>Breath of the Wild is the most anticipated game of 2017
>The Nintendo NX will have actual modern hardware
It's funny how much Nintendo improved after (thanks to?) Iwata's death.
Iwata was responsible for everything you just mentioned dumbass.
>actual modern hardware
What, the Tegra mobile processor you mean?
Yeah, sure they were. That's why all of those things arrived a year after his death.
I wouldn't call it much of an improvement due to iwata dying, if you look at it from a perspective they're capitalizing off anniversaries and taking slight steps of of their comfort zone
Breath of the Wild looks like shit i hope it changes considerably from that fucking E3 demo that was primarily a physics tech demo.
no one knows what the NX is yet
>going back in time and telling your n64 playing self that nintendo will re-release the nes but with only 30 games, excluding most of the ones you had
>talks about how the industry is being ruined
>wants to stick with the company ruining it
You need to educate yourself. Especially on Iwata's actual plans about mobile games and where the idea of Pokemon Go even stems.
>nintendo is only a videogame hardware company
I don't get what don't has done that's actually fucked up this for worse or as bad as Nintendo and Microsoft?
>inb4 sonygger
I genuinely don't see anything
Microsoft is bad according to you yet Sony copies Microsoft exact same strategies like paying for Call of Duty exclusives. They also fucked up the industry because they paid off publishers to make game for them only.
Sony was important for the console industry because it broke Nintendo's mafia-like grip upon it and allowed many developers to develop its potential without being victims of Nintendo's arbitrary policies.
Even at their current precarious situation they still have the gall to treat Metroid fans like garbage; what would expect a third party in an industry dominated by Nintendo?
This. I went from playing as much as I possibly could to only 5-10 hours per week.
Except they helped funded the game by giving Niantic $30 million.
Just because they didn't develop the games doesn't mean they had nothing to do with it.
that's still than most people
Nintendo owns 66% of Pokemon due to a loophole, as they own and created Creatures Inc. and used the Creatures subsidary so that Gamefreak couldn't just up and run away with the franchise after it blew the fuck up when it released.
I dunno. Most normie friends without families that I have play a little more.
It's from a Starcraft map
are they core games or more casual phone games? Because you can get away playing mobile games for longer hours than something on PC or console
>Super Smash Bros. Melee really is the best game ever made, and in a few years, they're going to make another one that has Sonic in it too, but you'll get bored of it after a week
PC. Overwatch, LoL, FO4, etc.
so casual titles. This is fine
Why are you here? Fuck off to Sup Forums for shitposting
>It will also have Sorridu Snaku, despite no MGS games on the console proper
>and next title will get Cloud
pfftyeah right.
Because I'm not dead inside.
My younger self would hate how many games I don't even play, despite owning them, though.
They were practically a laughingstock in 06
I thought we were talking about relevance here? Being the most talked about thing is what makes one relevant, user, quit moving the damn goalposts.
>nintendo will make mcdonalds toys that interface with horribly outdated consoles and a subsection of autistic 30 year old men will defend them while everyone else plays real games from other companies
Hmm I actually agree.
As long as Nintendo keeps putting out good first party titles now and then I'll be happy.
When you're a kid you say "I'll play video games forever and I'll never get bored". Then you grow up and say "Video games used to be great, but now they're just okay".
what did you expect from an anime poster?
>people will watch other people play video games and pay for the pleasure
>companies will sell a game, then sell more pieces of the game because they cut content
>mass people will buy this
>people will pay money for virutal things
>people will pay money for digital video games
>video game magazines will die to be replaced with pink haired hipsters that don't actually play video games
Found him
>watching people play video games will be more popular than playing video games, especially among the youth
>the most popular of these guys have made tens of millions of dollars from it
>being mad about it
>not telling him to be the first one on the gravy train
How young are you exactly? It's more like I'd be telling myself this shit in 1993 or so. I wouldn't believe someone if they told me that some day, a tech and movie giant like Sony would come in and start making video games, ultimately dethroning Nintendo as top dog.
Hell if someone told me that someday Microsoft would be doing the same, I would also be shocked. I'd ask myself "Where the fuck are the video game companies? Why aren't they making video game consoles?!".
>then you go back to the present and realize you never did those things because you promised your old self they were for granted and you killer yourself
>Go back to 2003
>11 year old me
>What do you think of Wind Waker?
>It sucks
>Years from now you'll love it and it will be one of your favorite Zelda games
>You're fucking retarded it's all cartoony and gay looking Majora's Mask was way better because it didn't look like a cartoon
>Also in hindsight you'll realize you had a crush on Medli and your adult self will fantasize about adult Medli, and it'll hurt because adult Medli will never happen
>the biggest talk since the NES about nintendo stuff is a third party mobile game
if NX is a failure as well they might as well go third party this time around, no way they can pretend not to like the potential money, remember how they said they wouldn't go mobile too? yeah some fags spotted articles where they noticed plans they had since 2011 to go with DeNa, fucking hacks
the metroid series becomes shit
>worthwile games
haha oh wow my sides it must be fun playing demon's souls over and over again with another name and a reskin, kek
>fucking the bird until it explodes
>>nintendo will re-release the gamecube under a different name instead of joining the HD race
>ywn see a now adult Link visit a now adult Medli at the Earth temple entrance for the first time in 6 years after traveling the world
>ywn see her with with her full, curvy female form run to Link, bouncing with her long brown hair flowing in the wind as she wraps her wings around him and buries her face in his shoulder
It's meant to be, I tell you.
This started happening to me and for like almost a year it was like that. Now for some reason I've just absolutely fallen in love with Alice: Madness returns.
I thought everyone knew the wii was just a super charged gamecube?
>Telling 2006 13-year-old me
>2016 23-year-old-me: Hey did you know that 10 years from now, you will get to play as Mario, Sonic, Mega-Man, Pac-Man, Ryu, some girl named Bayonetta from a future game, and Cloud from FF in a new smash bros. game? Cool huh?
>2006 me: lol yeah right and heath ledger will pull off the joker. fuck off with your bullshit
It makes you think doesn't it???