Can we take a moment to show appreciation for this game? When it first came out, I thought it was fairly mediocre...

Can we take a moment to show appreciation for this game? When it first came out, I thought it was fairly mediocre. The multiplayer was fun as hell when you didn't get matched with hackers, but the singleplayer was fairly linear and short. Looking back now with Federation Force in our hands? Holy shit, what a miracle of a game this was. The gameplay was fast and snappy, the artstyle was solid and mirrored the console games' aesthetics, the music had energy, and the graphics were INCREDIBLE for the console it was on. Like, holy shit.

This game is ten years old, and yet it looks miles ahead what just came out yesterday. Graphically and gameplay wise, this just looks so much more COMPLETE than the game we've just received. It's baffling how hard Federation Force dropped the ball when many of the same people worked on both these games.

Other urls found in this thread:

As a comparison, here's footage from Hunters.

The single player really wasn't anything that special, and you could tell through the marketing and the presentation that Nintendo was going after a different kind of demographic with this game, very much like Federation Force in that aspect.

With that said, it definitely managed to capture the Metroid aesthetic much better than Federation Force could ever hope to, and the online was fucking great despite all of its problems.

Yeah this game was actually great. Especially online.

It was fucking garbage.

No we can't. It's a shitty version of the real Metroid Prime games, not worth playing at all.

>can we start pretending we never actually hated it on release?

what was wrong with it? I liked it.

Hindsight is a funny thing, user. You never know how good you have it until things get really bad.

Can't you read, retard? It's a dumped down shitty handheld version of a big console title. The MP is full of cheaters and shitty as fuck, no one who ever touched a PC arena multiplayer shooter will ever enjoy this.

It doesn't offer anything you can't get elsewhere better. Can we stop pretending that games suddenly become good only because they look special on the platform they're on? I love handhelds for games that are only made for handhelds this days, not for games that are cheap knock-offs of the real game on a stronger platform.

>Beating kids who tried to play Trace and be a hot shit sniper.

Fun times before Action Replay happened.

Loved the multiplayer on this game, so freaking fun

>Federation Force is doing for Hunters what Other M did for Fusion
Feels pretty good desu

>hating it on release
Typical Sup Forums. Hunters was a fantastic MP game, on release and even to this day.

Even though it was better than Federation Force, I still can't bring myself to like it. At its core, it still violates what a Metroid game should be: a singleplayer experience only.

When you turn it into esports with gamer scores and achievements and online leaderboards, then the singleplayer stops mattering. There's no longer a sense of isolation and exploration and adventure in the sense that Super the first Prime game had. Now you're just doing it for "le high score".

>it still violates what a Metroid game should be: a singleplayer experience only.

This wasn't as big a deal as it is now, because we were still getting core Metroid titles at the time.

Metroid tried a lot of different styles anyway.
Super, Fusion, Zero Mission are all different in what they try to accomplish and they all succed to varying extents. Metriod even got a pinball game. Not everything has to be a Super clone and I can enjoy a spinoff arena shooter as much as I can a spinoff pinball game.

MPH was a great multiplayer game. It was awful as a single player game. Shit kept having the same two bosses repeat over and over again.

I imagine MPFF would be fun as a multiplayer game too and also have a shitty single player mode. However, at the end of it, both aren't 2D Metroid games that I like.


That's why it was a spin-off dumbass

the online is dead, idiot.

No one cares about the single player since it was just an afterthought. For what the game was trying to be it did it very well- a multiplayer Metroid Prime game. It was especially impressive at the time for being portable.

Cheating is also a bit of a moot point since hacking didn't really become a thing until later into the game's life. I had already had a five star ranking for a good long while before that.

>create an entire stable of potential rivals for Samus
>never see any of them again

Sylux is in Federation force :^)

As usual space pirates were the best part of the game.

Let me ask you this: can I go back to Prime Hunters and enjoy it right now at its full potential? No, I can't. Because it relied on disgusting esports. Whereas with super and Prime, I didn't need multiplayer. I could enjoy the game regardless of how many people were playing it. That was the big flaw that it had, and it's a flaw all esports are guilty of.

Multiplayer was bretty gud when you were lucky enough not to get cheaters.

Single-player was decent except for the fucking bosses which were downright insulting in their laziness

>just a fucking ball that rolls around
>just a fucking column that spins and shoots lasers

The Hunters were mostly pretty cool, hope we see more of them someday (apparently Sylux is confirmed to reappear)

You can say that of literally any online multiplayer game. You can say that about Unreal or Quake.

>not the overzealous lawbringer

All that's special about this game is that it's on the DS. Other than that it's a piece of shit.

I remember the demo for this game came with my original silver DS.

Basically quake for the DS, best handheld arena FPS. I'd still play if it were at all possible. So much diversity with all the different hunters, was so hyped for the potential the game showed then. Except this is Nintendo we're talking about.

And fuck you, I was disappointed Prime 3 didn't even try to expand on this; especially seeing Prime 2 had a shitty half-baked VS mode.

You know, I bet you hardly even played this during it's hayday, if at all. Get the fuck out of here.

That's why singleplayer games are always better than even the most populated online game. Allow me to use a non-food analogy.

>boot up Portal
>enjoy fun singleplayer
>at no point ever will my experience be hampered because an F2P or brazilian decided to come into my game

>boot up Counterstrike
>"gib money plx i report you huehuehue"

See how one dates itself really fast?

You're only allowed to post in this thrad if your faction managed to kidnap Samus motherfucking Aran and turn her into a shoverlware bossfight.


Fucking garbage like the rest of the FPS trash Nintendo shits out while real fans have clearly signaled that something like AM2R is what we really want.

So your point is that we should never have multiplayer games because they have a shelf life.

>he doesn't still play local MP

This, absolutely this

Compared with the hot turd we just got, hunters is a blessing

AM2R is worse than Prime

If you want a multiplayer game, make one yourself from the ground. Don't you ever touch a game whose glory came from singleplayer.

That's what I'm saying.

It's a spinoff, cool your autism.

What you're saying is retarded.

This was one of the first games I played that kept track of time in singleplayer and multiplayer.

I had over 1000 hours of multiplayer.

Meanwhile Quake 3 is one of the highest regarded games in existence.

I disagree. I think so long as a game grasps the essence of what the fans enjoy about a series it can do basically whatever it wants. Prime 3 didn't feel lonely or isolated at all with all the interactions you had with the other hunters. However, what it lacked in isolation, it made up for with stellar atmosphere, lore, and gameplay. If you limit the way a series can grow to some strict modifiers (X HAS to have Y), the series will quickly lose it's luster and stop being fun.

Look at Megaman for example. 7-9 games in a series that all play and feel exactly the same, with each game selling less than the last. If Megaman restricted itself to SOLELY being a sidescrolling platformer where you fight 8 robot masters and then a final gauntlet, we would have been sitting on Megaman 30 instead of amazing games like Legends or Battle Network.

I played this in high school in classes with friends. Like I said, nothing special about it except that it's on the DS. It's like a 60 year old man who can fap 3 times a day. It's impressive for his age but he didn't do anything impressive in general.

Hunters exands upon the lore in a good way. It introduces you to little pieces of the galaxy that are fun and interesting to combat. It's creative. The Metroid universe is huge and filled with potential, it shouldn't just be limited to Samus, the GF, and space pirates all the time.
Also the gameplay is good.

Sylux > Weavel > Noxus > Kanden > Trace > Spire

(ranking them as characters, disregarding gameplay)

Prime only looked like it was going to be shit before it launched since it was being handed off to a western dev and would turn a 2D game into a 3D one. We were worried it would be turned into a Halo clone.

It didn't, it was turned into a 3D version of a Metroid game. Maybe without as many things to discover or hidden routes, but it was very good rendition.

Only Prime 3 was really not a very good example of Metroid since it was the 3rd act of a story and therefore pretty linear, but it had amazing gameplay anyway so it didn't matter all that much

>I disagree. I think so long as a game grasps the essence of what the fans enjoy about a series it can do basically whatever it wants.
And what did the fans enjoy about Super Metroid and Metroid Prime? Le ebin gamer scores?

If Hunters had a good singleplayeplayer, I could've excused the disgusting online play. But it didn't. Reused bosses everywhere, no challenge, boring world exploration, lackluster ending. I'd have gladly scrapped the entire MP if it meant the singleplayer was better. Infact, I'd give up every single multiplayer game in existence if it meant that every game's respective singleplayer improved.

>The Metroid universe is huge and filled with potential, it shouldn't just be limited to Samus, the GF, and space pirates all the time.

I do actually agree. It triggers my autism when people say shit like, "You can't have Metroid without Samus".

That's like saying you can't have "Aliens" without Ripley. We know that's not the case. It's just finding the right balance, something that's not been done yet.

Game was great, and I wish it and Star Fox Assault got more love for being awesome multiplayer titles.

Hunters was AMP game first and foremost with a tacked on SP. Sure a good SP would've been great but nobody bought it for that. Meanwhile the MP was great, therefore it was a good game.

It sounds like you just have an irrational hatred for things that are different.

Not everything has to be a clone of a previous game in the franchise. After Super Metroid, Zero Mission, Fusion and the two Prime games I can appreciate something else done in a different style so long as it's done well.

Your problem seems to be that it's not faithful enough to the franchise's history. I disagree because a) it's good and b) at the time there was a deluge of other great Metroid games in classic style to enjoy.

>a MP game

>I'd give up every single multiplayer game in existence if it meant that every game's respective singleplayer improved

This game was shit. If it wasn't Metroid you wouldn't even remember it.

The first good shooter on a handheld is worth remembering.

Hacking isn't a feature user.

The game was good. It captured the feel of a metroid game pretty well especially compared to federation force.


>Playing as a guy that can split himself in half and turn his legs into a turret.

Nah, I'd remember it.


I wish I could enjoy Toblerone

What other shooters do this? The alternate form thing for every character? It's sounds like something thst should be done more often.

>You can't have Metroid without Samus
I agree with that to an extent actually, a work needs its main character. I'm more talking about the settings and the characters around her. The universe can grow if they use imagination, like they did with Prime Hunters. Other M and Federation Force were a failure of imagination.

You guys are implying that I just want rehashes. That's not true. Before Other M and besides Hunters, I did enjoy every Metroid game to date. I love change when it brings a new angle to the series. Prime was a geat change of pace, but it kept the spirit of Metroid. Even Fusion had its merits.

But Hunters stopped being about the singleplayer and tried turning it into yet another esport. And the singleplayer suffered.

Then Nintendo did it again with Metroid: Other M. Again they didn't care about the singleplayer. Sakamoto wanted to "tell a story" more than anything. Now we have Federation Force, which again doesn't put emphasis on singleplayer. They try obscenely hard to push multiplayer and online co-op and minigames.

Whatever happened to a good singleplayer game? Whether it was sidescrolling platforming, or first person.

I don't think you know what esports means.

my spine gets all tingly just thinking about it.

My definition is "any game whose emphasis is on multiplayer or singleplayer".

Pushing a story IS for a singleplayer experience. You're basically disregarding every single decent RPG that's ever existed as "Not singleplayer games" simply because they carry a narrative.

The SP didn't suffer because it was never the focus. Hunter was always a MP game and it was successful at being one, a good one no less.

And stop using the word 'esports,' you clearly have no idea what it means.

Literally git gud and stop being so ass blasted about multi-player

Multiplayer doesn't mean esports you fucking idiot. Also telling a story in a single player game is single player, what the fuck are you talking about.

If Prime 2's SP suffered because they wanted to throw in MP, then you'd have a point. However that doesn't work with MP:H because it's a MP game.

You have zero idea what you're talking about. esports were barely even a thing when this game came out, and that wasn't Nintendo's intention when they were making the game.

At least do some research before you start talking shit.

>If Prime 2's SP suffered because they wanted to throw in MP, then you'd have a point.
Prime 2's SP was sorely lacking in polish, I think cutting the MP would actually have improved the game.

Assuming you meant to say "multiplayer not singleplayer", because in it's current state that sentence makes no sense. Either way, you can't just use words to mean what you want to use them to, you do realise other people need to understand what you're saying. Type out the word "multiplayer" instead of "esports" next time why don't ya

>You're basically disregarding every single decent RPG that's ever existed as "Not singleplayer games" simply because they carry a narrative.
Well, you see, there's your problem. Half of the RPGs that exist currently are complete trash. Games like Final Fantasy 10 and Metroid: Other M and other non-RPGs push their story so hard that they don't even let you skip cutscenes just to get to the gameplay. That's really my hugest issue with story-heavy games.

As for my problem with esports, it's made even worse when you consider that I can't even name more than a few Nintendo IPs that didn't have shoehorned multiplayer thrown in at some point. Why did Metroid need that treatment too?

The MP was an after though just like Hunters' SP. The focus of each game wouldn't have changed if the other was removed.

I played SP recently and I thought it was pretty good. Control scheme was a little wonky and the bosses were pretty...well, lame, but the rest of the game felt like a faithful handheld port of Prime

I completely missed the boat on MP and nobody I know has ever heard of the game so LAN is impossible

>Nintendo's intention was to make shit instead of a good singleplayer game

That would explain why Hunters was so terrible. A video game would've been better than another esports cashin.

Extra money and time could've gone into the singleplayer if the MP never existed.

Just kill yourself.

Did you just claim that FF10 is not an RPG?

You clearly don't like story heavy games or multiplayer. Stop being so assblasted about it, and let other people enjoy it because you clearly don't
Seconding this; neck yourself

Fire up a few bot matches. There's a Nintendo WFC emulator so maybe you can round up some faggots and shoot it out.

You still don't know what esports means

That was a typo on my part. I didn't want to imply that Metroid: Other M was an RPG.

>Stop being so assblasted about it, and let other people enjoy it because you clearly don't
This wouldn't be such a problem if people didn't shitpost in Am2R threads about how the game is "shit" because it doesn't have multiplayer. Perhaps you would do well to practice what you preach.

I think part of the problem at the moment is that modern Metroid is defined by Metroid Prime and it's far too dark a series for what Nintendo seems to want to be doing at the moment, despite promises that the Wii U would focus back on the core demographic. That's why we got a goddamn chibi co-op shooter. It's as sanitary as you can make the IP while still technically being Metroid.

>shitpost in Am2R threads about how the game is "shit" because it doesn't have multiplayer
What the fuck are you talking about?

>shitpost in Am2R threads about how the game is "shit" because it doesn't have multiplayer.

And this is the moment where everyone should stop replying to him.

I don't go into Am2R threads you fucking idiot, if you're going to direct something right at me like you did there, how about picking something that I've said I've done and not something some people do. Also other people being faggots is not an excuse for you to be one

>Nintendo WFC emulator
Possible on the 3DS? I'd rehack my shit for that chance.

>"eSports (also known as electronic sports, esports, e-sports, competitive (video) gaming, professional (video) gaming, or pro gaming) is a form of competition that is facilitated by electronic systems, particularly video games; the input of players and teams as well as the output of the eSports system are mediated by human-computer interfaces.[1] Most commonly, eSports take the form of organized, multiplayer video game competitions, particularly between (but not limited to) professional players. "

All that's needed for something to be an esport is a video game and multiplayer being the main focus.

It's easiest with a DS flashcart. I'm not sure if Action Replay still works with the 3DS.

I could never get the hang of the controls.

The different hunter designs were really cool though.

>This wouldn't be such a problem if people didn't shitpost in Am2R threads about how the game is "shit" because it doesn't have multiplayer.
Never. That has never happened. 90% of Sup Forums loves AM2R anyway.

Competitive multiplayer is not inherently esports.

No it fucking isn't, no one fucking plays competitive Hunters
>Most commonly, eSports take the form of organized, multiplayer video game competitions, particularly between (but not limited to) professional players. "
How about reading your own fucking quote, organised hunters tournaments? Professional hunters players?

I see you've never run into a common tripcode user called Cody, who spams AM2R threads with several hundred others, talking about how the game is "unofficial shit" and how "Federation Force is far better".

I try to be respectful in these threads, but never do I get respect back. It's a real pity.

You have the definition right in front of you and you still can't get it right

I'm convinced by that post and the one you made about people shitting up AM2R threads because there's no multiplayer that you are a genuine potato head