What went wrong?

What went wrong?

I don't have it. Buy me so I can analyse what's wrong.

Patch 3.1 was complete fucking ass and soured a lot of people on the entire expansion cycle.

Cats, lizards, and potatos were a mistake

Literally nothing

Paladins, Astrologians and Bards.
Next question.

Left around 3.1 when there was fuck all to do. Refusal to make PLD as appealing as WAR or DRK. But that's a personal problem.
Gas all potatoes.

>still living in 3.1
PLD is interchangeable with DRK now and BRD is great, what are you talking about?

You should have come back for the free login campaign. 3.2 and 3.3 were very good.

I wanna go back to PLD because I wanna learn how to use Cover effectively (never even touched it before really), but goddamn WAR is just so much better.

>BRD is great
If by great you mean "entirely outclassed by MCH" than yeah, they're pretty great.

YoshiP decided not to go against the same patch formulae as he did in 2.0, Alexander isn't interesting in the slightest, the astronomical jump in difficulty between normal and savage Alexander fights is just too much, adding in either badly designed or just plain bad systems in patches like Verminion, etc.

Literally XIVs only saving grace is story and primal fights.

Basically ARR again. Yes, the story is okay, but it's not enough to cover up that played out formula. Sure, everyone got more buttons to push, but everyone is pushing the same buttons the exact same way everytime. If only something like our gear made it so that pushing buttons in different ways was optimal. That would keep it fresh. But no, gear just makes our numbers higher. So we log in, push the same buttons we always do, get our gear and wait til next reset.

Also, no playable miqittens was a mistake. Easy fantasiabux just down the drain. Fuck you yoship you HACK.

who are these faggots who say that ninjas have a tp problem

I raid savage and i rarely ever have to use invigorate and my bard never uses the tp song unless its downtime

>the astronomical jump in difficulty between normal and savage Alexander fights is just too much
No it's not. The first 3 fights are quite simple. Are you saying that Brute Justice should be nerfed?

literally 40 hours of walking back and forth quests to unlock new content.

i played ffxi for years and i loved that combat, but the 2.5 gcd really did get old after a while in ff14.

plus as soon as a game starts adding dumb new races and considers collecting mounts and pets 'content', you know its as garbage as wow

Adding special procs to gear would require balancing, which is extra work.
Can't expect the xiv devs to do more work than usual now can we?

You make it sound like there's a vast range of Cover tech.

To be honest I haven't played since 3.1 so I don't know fuck all when it comes to second arm.

How is it outclassed? They both bring the same utility with the exception of a stun, and hypercharge just being a physical foe req. And their personal DPS gap is a lot closer now after the bard buffs which is why MCH was better before.

I hate to say it but, we need YoshiP out, he fucking squandered this entire expansion and he's bringing the game down.


I understand they hired a hack to be the fall guy if ARR flopped, but why not eventually replace him? Do they think he's a capable game dev?

I was really happy with HW, I thought it was a fantastic expansion. That is until I beat Ravana Ex, then everything in HW just absolutely fell to shit IMO. Don't even get me started on going into HW as an omni-crafted, I never seen a system get so fucked up before in my life.

Imagine all the work you would have to put the poor modellers through to make every outfit work on miqikkens. All that backbreaking labor time they could spend on something more interesting like modeling more pets.

Looking for feedback, since this is usually where the sane discussions occur.

I'm a FC leader with a group where nobody has logged on but me for over 25 days now, and own a house on a highly populated server. I have a spreadsheet of players I've asked to join, but most people just bail before I can get enough people interested in doing anything together, or stop logging in.

Would it be worth salvaging the FC in some manner, or just better to sell the FC and house, and join some other FC to occasionally fuck around with? I log in and play daily, and about to obtain my 230 Anima before they nerf it on Tuesday, but I feel really down and defeated that I couldn't make a cozy FC, despite it not being my fault for complete failure.

The playerbase. No matter what SE can do with the game, the remaining playerbase ruins it with unneeded elitism or extreme casualness.

New 24 raid hits, and people are begging for it to be nerfed enmasse on the forums to the point people are having to make counter threads begging for it to not be nerfed.

More than 8 hours since new content releases? You better have watched Mr. Happy's shitty ass guide, or people will yell at you to do it and then vote abandon over a single wipe, if they don't just drop party to be carried in another group.

Fucking loved crafting in ARR. One of the comfiest crafting systems in an mmo by far.
HW i just don't even know.

He undeniably saved FFXIV and it's carried him ever since.

He's phoning in the dungeons, phoning in the Primals (Niddy is a joke), phoning in the Relic quest, phoning in the class balance

Seriously, was he responsible for LoV? That has to be the biggest train wreck in this entire game, a Triple Triad tier minigame they pushed hard to the point it dominated significant Live Letter and Patch Note space.

Diadem turned out to be uninspired as fuck, nothing but spawning hunts for like an hour or so.

Palace of the Dead is dull, it's just a really long, boring dungeon. The dungeons in this game are boring, why would we want a 50+ floor one?

Well a6s was a bollix until they nerfed it.

Oh, the launch was fantastic, then 3.1 happened and I think it's been downhill from there on.

>Why is this game so shit?
2.5 GCD
No open world, loading screens and zones
Boring mindnumbing leveling
Shitty slow-paced combat
Worst of all shitty rehashed 11 races instead of superior Ivalice races

It's a unique tool to play around with anyway.

They seem to have lost their motivation.

>We're not doing 3 new jobs at a time anymore because its too much work
>We're not doing new jobs mid expansion because it takes too many resources
>We're not doing branching jobs like Arcanist anymore because they're too hard to balance

Just excuses to not actually do anything fun. New Jobs are the number 1 draw back to any MMO. It should be their priority to make new fun and interesting jobs, and instead they're looking for every possible excuse to get out of it.

Dragon's Dogma Online has managed to add a new playable job in every single major content patch since launch, and that's a free to play MMO. Fucking Tera has added like three new jobs within the last year. There's no fucking excuse why they can't manage this on a monthly fucking fee. Clearly they're not doing much else if you can't even maintain 3 new jobs per patch and make raids with more than just 4 bosses anyway. Fuck, I'm mad.

I've been playing this since 2.0's closed beta and even now I want to love this game so much, but every fucking time they say anything they make it clearer and clearer that they just don't care anymore. They fixed 1.X because they didn't want that stain on the Final Fantasy name, but now that people accept it as a "generally fine game" it doesn't fucking matter anymore.

honestly i dont think the difficulty is even the problem, its just that most of the content is fucking boring

I know se can make good fights since thordan and final steps of faith were amazing, but they still manage to release boring ass dungeons and alexander raids that recycle the same fucking music from the previous ones

Clearly they're not doing much else if you can't even maintain 3 new dungeons per patch*

>highest tier gear can be obtained by repeating easy content over and over rather than having to complete hard content

The babbying in FFXIV is worse than in WoW

But therein lies the fucking problem with PLD, it's toolkit is shitty from a utility standpoint.PLD should be the utility tank, yet it's terrible at it.

>being a furfag

It's kind of strange that for a genre that advertises itsself as Massively Multiplayer, I've never seen any gameplay that was actually well designed on a massive scale. Whenever there's large multiplayer content in the zones of a game like hunts, it's just a hideously mindless, mashy clusterfuck of players throwing themselves at a big mod till its dead.

Would be cool just one to have a huge overworld fight that demanded some organization and moderately skilled play.

It's a moniker left over from when that was actually the case. See Ultima Online, Everquest, Dark Age of Camelot, ect.

Daily and weekly caps pretty much. Even adding more ways of doing low-level content or levelling alts to get tomes would make the game better. Its all just really pointless. I want to max out multiple characters, not have a main and shove lower gear to an alt.

>muh 2.5 GCD
>i don't like certain designs therefore its wrong

The main issue is difficulty.

Nothing besides Alexander is hard, and idiots fucking moan about how hard it is.

That and the Battle Voice cooldown buff pretty much made 1-caster foe near equal to 2-melee hypercharge again.

All dungeons are the same anyway, piss easy, linear corridors full of enemies and 3 bosses.

Still no alternate paths, still no trash pulls that REQUIRE defensive CDs besides mass pull and switching to Tank stance.

No interesting story in the middle of dungeons.

No voice acting.

Played the game up till now and got plenty of enjoyment from it, but I cannot pretend combat doesn't feel irritatingly slow, even taking into account weaving in off-global CDs

What are you talking about pedoshit?

The problem with Alexander, which was a player sentiment from all the way back at Gordias but was brought to Yoshi's attention on stage by the CEO of Level-5 during the Yokai Watch crossover announcement, is that making the normal version takes the mystery and excitement of progressing into completely new content out of endgame raiding.

The charm of endgame raiding is that you're experiencing content you've earned the right to challenge through hard work and perseverance. Every new sight and encounter is a reward in its own right.

Being able to brute force your way through easy modes of that content on Day one, and then being forced to grind them over and over again before you can even step foot in the difficult one just sucks all the fun out of it. There's nothing new in Alexander until the last phase of 8. No one cares anymore, they just want to get it over with to say that they did it.

I still remember when my static stepped into Turn 13 for the first time and how fucking excited we were, and still remember how half my group quit the second we walked into A7 without even attempting it once because no one fucking cared anymore.

The 2.5 GCD is only noticable on Tanks, XIV class rotations otherwise are far too busy for it to be a issue.

You sound like someone who would kill himself over playing FFXI

I dont get it, Why do i see so many tanks out and about(PLDs and DRKS), yet the duty finder always needs tanks?

The lore behind Alexander is undeniably garbage.

However, T13 stopped being the best fight in the game when AS3 was a thing.

I'm sick and tired of the pedestal people put T13 and Coil on when Midas beats it hands down in imagination and mechanics, butb ecause it's not 'epic' it's somehow less fun to play?

Because tanks are fun to play in solo content but stressful to play in group settings.

>still no trash pulls that REQUIRE defensive CDs besides mass pull and switching to Tank stance.
I really, really, REALLY cannot stand the dungeons in HW. I go in as scholar with my friend on tank. And I just adlo shield, bane my dots and alt tab and browse Sup Forums or youtube. The dungeons are so mindnumbingly boring and easy.
Someone needs to slap yoshi, or whoever had the smart idea to get rid of giant pulls and speedruns. As much as I fucking hated grinding Brayflox for Myth tomes, I really miss it these days.

Too busy talking on their linkshells, afk'ing and erp'ing. Or they just ignore dungeons altogether cause of bad experiences.

>pepsiman is better that bahamut prime
come on now.

I loved being a Weaver in ARR, then HW comes out and all this scrips shit and all other overcomplicated nonsense plus the bottom dropping out on the below 50 market in regards to clothing just made me stop caring. I despise gathering and buying the materials was out of the question due to the retardedly inflated prices on everything.

I didn't say anything about the quality of the fights. I said no one cares about Alexander Savage because everyone gets their fill with Alexander normal. My group walked out of A7S without even attempting it because they didn't care to bother, not because the fight isn't entertaining.

They have to do away with normal 8 mans and go back to the coil formula.

>Tanks in solo content

Wat? why not just play a DPS since it would be faster to kill shit.

That makes sense but how did they get the high lvl gear they have?

>T13 stopped being the best fight in the game when AS3 was a thing.

Jesus. People like them actually exist.

Mechanically Bahamut Prime was stupidly boring, only T11 was more boring than that

The story is what made Coil so memorable. The major fights were someone you knew from 1.0 and it had a meaning.
Alexander is Touches Scar and some fucking bumpkin goblins who they keep trying to tell us they're a threat but no one takes goblins seriously even for a damn second. It goes from trying to be serious with the Au Ra woman and her dead lover. Then goes to fucking goblins doing silly shit with a tiny cat. It's so inconsistent and jarring.

The good news is they've more or less trashed the scrips system for most things. It was an undeniably garbage system though, thankfully I think they realize that too.

DPS die more easily. A tank can charge right in and mash buttons without worrying about health. They also look better in story quests.

Indeed, the fun in dungeons comes from (and this is true for all of HW for me) how fun classes that are not PLD are in this game, but that's outside the realm of the Dungeon itself.

Yes, AS3 at that point was the only fight in the game that put DPS and Mechanic responsibilty on the ENTIRE team.

Whilst the mechanics themselves were well balanced so you had to weigh them up with dps uptime and also Ferrofluid, Digititus were far more original than Divebombs and Megaflares.

People complained about story in the middle of dungeons because they didn't want to wait for new players to watch the cinemas.

this game is a disgrace to the artist formerly known as Final Fantasy Eleven

>i played ffxi for years and i loved that combat
>2.5 gcd really did get old after a while in ff14
You're going to have to explain to me how waiting for your TP to reach 300%, essentially a 5 minute cooldown for one move, is better than a 2.5sec cooldown.

Okay, I don't disagree, it's a shame Alexander's story is so shit, but I'll play Midas over Final Coil any day, can we really say AS5 is less creative and fun than T10?

They can have it told in realtime, with voice acting and a Boss talking to you throughout a dungeon before finally dropping in, NPC companions talking as you run thorough ("We're approaching a the lair")

Oh fuck yes, this. NM killed raids. And it also became another daily grind.

Mechanically, A3s was an absolute godsend. It was truly hard content that made people realize how fucking bad their static was together. It was a good wakeup call for groups that couldn't overgear content to clear it, that they need to shape up.

Most of the top raiders all agree that A3s is one of the best designed fights in the game alongside t9 and t13. But then came along a4s. zzzz

Almost everything added to XIV since Yoshi took over for Tanaka that WASN'T planned to be added to the game by Tanaka has consistently been absolute shit.

Wanted to make a class split off into two jobs, completely fucking forgetting that the way the game is set up you can't change the fundamental nature of a class with a job ie SCH was always a DPS that had healing, instead of the other way around.

Added a ton of absolutely shittastic side content that was dropped by the playerbase because it didn't provide PHAT LEWTS because they went all in on the stupid iLvL fad, not to mention the content itself was mediocre at best.

Added a new race that was yet again just a modified human model after showing off concept art that looked incredible.

Doesn't want to make the player think for the most part so keeps to just generic secondary stats with no set effects ect. so as to not make people farm content for those special pieces of gear - even though you have to fucking grind content to get the gear you need to attempt to do the content you need to grind for the next content ect.

All said and done, I don't really see XIV deviating very much from its current model going forward because the casuals who care about muh glamours would riot, and the people who like the status quo so they can show off their Savage gear would riot too, because having not having a distinctive BiS item would hurt their brains too much.

>everything must be like 11 or its shite

Spotted the bitter 11 zealot.

a3s destroyed most raiding done in this game

In terms of the actual fights, Midas is really well designed. Lots of phase changes, good music that fits the theme and interesting ways to do things. I didn't really enjoy the fights from Gordias though. It felt like going through the motions like Binding coil 1-5 did. Even had the 2 bosses turn and mob rush turn.

Second Coil and Midas are probably my favourite sections of the 2 raids.

I hate tanking dungeons and random trials. I only tank raids and EX with my FC or static.

Whether or not you enjoyed it no argument can be made for A3S being healthy for the raid scene. It almost single handedly killed it.

I think my FC lost about 3 complete and separate statics over A3S salt.

The main problem I find with PLD is that its unique abilities revolve around fixing aggro fuck ups. As long as the tank is on top of his shit in the first place, he should never need to use Cover or Clemency or whatever other moves he has. This could place him comfortably as an off-tank who can help with special healing and defensive abilities but his DPS as an off-tank is pitiful, not to mention that half of his abilities depend on blocking physical attacks with his shield.

PLD is such an annoying clusterfuck. I want to like it too because I've always liked the idea of heavily armored healers but fucking hell man, PLDs just suck.

I'm exactly the same.

The people are just beyond retarded, it's just frustrating to tank with them.

>he never cleared A3S during 3.0

Either you dedicate countless hours for welfare weapons or do something difficult a couple of times for top tier weapons. I think it's fair.

Not true for Cover, you can use it to soak hits that target other people regardless of the aggro table.

>maybe if I pretend to be retarded and imply they won't reply to me!

Bad players that moved to Gilgamesh like it was some holy grail of raiding servers, and there only being 4 Raid fights over the course of what, 8 months? is what did the damage.

A3s was overtuned on release, fuck yes it was. They needed to add 1 or even 2 more fights to stretch out the difficulty cliff that a3s presented after a2s. Or swapped a4 and a3 around.
No crafted gear for the starting tier is also a really big problem when you had multiple ways to gear up for First coil.

>abilities revolve around fixing aggro fuck ups

You couldn't be more wrong. Jesus fucking Christ. How can people be this ignorant.

>they went all in on the stupid ilvl fad
Unfortunately this is the nature of a vertical progression game. Players want progression in the form of ever increasing numbers. To put a stop to that they would have to change the entire nature of the game's progression.

>Added a new race that was yet again just a modified human model after showing off concept art that looked incredible.
Frankly I hope they never add a new race ever again. The races that are already in the game need more customization, more ability to make them stand out so you don't run into several clones of yourself whenever you enter a town.
But further than that, a new race is not new content because nobody who plays this game actually makes alts. There's no reason to. It would just be a model for your retainer to use, or for you to fantasia into - meaning it's essentially cash shop fluff.

Aside from failed experiments like Diadem, they've been taking patch content in a very safe direction in HW. PotD was a big experiment and it's already dying now that people are getting their weapons and of course never playing it again because there's no reason to. All other incentive to do so was nerfed before it even got out the door.
>Can't make PotD a viable leveling alternative, then people wouldn't do low level duties and FATEs.
>Can't make it give gear other than the 220 weapon, same reason.

>loading screens
>slow-paced combat
Meme complaints that don't actually speak of the real myriad of problems the game has.
Also kill yourself, furfag.

Yes, it exposed the community for wanting the gratification but not wanting to work. And you know it did because because STILL were saying it was overtuned when they were as close to BiS they could be with Thordan weapons and people still treated it like it was Week 1.

Objectively you simply can't fault the design of AS3, it was farmed by groups from all servers, so no lag or gear check bullshit flies as far I'm concerned.

The thing we must ask ourselves here, how did WoW cultivate a community that welcomed difficulty like this when out community cried overi t? What can we do to slowly introduce balls hard difficulty?

The clear rates for AS8 are such an embaressment.

>220 weapon

Yeah but that shouldn't be a problem because the tank should be at the top of the aggro list for all enemies at all times, period. No excuses. I understand that we're not all experts and I certainly fuck up often enough too but the game is designed so that tank will ALWAYS have the capability to be at the top of the aggro list.

Cover can be useful for the few enemies that ignore aggro and, if I'm not mistaken, Cover can also absorb AOE attacks. In these special circumstances, however, the game is designed to be passable regardless of the party makeup so cover is there just as a little help and nothing more.

Basically, there is never, never a situation where anyone will say "oh gee, I sure wish we had a PLD with Cover or Clemency to help with all this damage coming in!" That is literally never the case which is part of the problem with PLD's unique abilities.

I will say that those unique abilities are useful when taking on brand new content where unexpected shit might occur, like sudden enemy reinforcements or something. But if you've done a dungeon or trial once then you know what's coming the next hundred times you do it and PLD will remain as an underperformer compared to DRK and especially compared to WAR.

What are you talking about? How hard is to just type what you mean instead of these cringy reaction images and memes? Is it due to crippling autism or are you just a massive faggot?

Here's how I would fix things.

Scrap Final Turn weapons, make the final step of the Relic be farming the final turn.

Earlier steps, if we'ren ot going to make new content would be do Ex Primals on MIL, then coil on MIL, this would ensure only the skilled got the Relics.

Never ever release the upgrades from later turns for the current currency, keep that Ilevel gap wide as fuck, if you don't raid it won'tm atter.

Release all three Tiers at once at similar difficulty, but make theo rder optional, and the drops from all 3 required for the relic.

People moved to gilgamesh because a3s destroyed statics on small servers, so the remnants moved to the biggest raid centric server around

Small servers arent going to recover until next expansion so gilgamesh is the defacto raid server now

>You couldn't be more wrong. Jesus fucking Christ. How can people be this ignorant.
>I'm not going to explain how you're wrong but wow, you are so wrong.

So should I move to leviathan or gilgamesh?
Anyone here on either of those servers?\
I've heard gilga gets like 40 slots on the party finder, how many does levi get regularly?

Then you're just removing welfare weapons altogether. As stupid as it sounds, there are people who like to play this game single player and they want content to keep coming back to. Thus, welfare weapons like Anima and Deep Dungeon. I hope you understand that Square isn't going to stop supporting them as long as they keep subscribing.

And the people who moved to gilgamesh found out it wasn't the promised land. You couldn't get free carries and loot. A lot of statics never went anywhere or even lost out because they switched server.

Most of the top raiding groups on gilgamesh like those in EM and DNT are all closed. They are within their FC/private LS only.

I wonder if SE are going to do a server merge sometime soon. Their Raid Finder thing didn't work the way they hoped.

Everything about your post is wrong, and awful. But you knew that, and I fell for the bait anyway.

Having played from 1.0 Release until May of this year, I just had to come to terms with that fact that this generation of MMOs isn't for me anymore. I played XI for 10 years, so grinding content and slowish combat don't bother me as much as the fact that Eorzea never felt ALIVE to me, and seeing all the FATEs that timed out or were never even attempted by people as time went on only made that feeling more concrete for me. That and I'm fucking done with the part of the community concerned with shit like housing and glamours when they take the ALREADY LAZY DEV TEAM away from maybe working on content that will last longer then a month, or anything that doesn't make waiting for an seasonal event or a crossover event one of the few things to actually look forward to. Take the Yokai Watch event for example, I'd wager a good 90% of people who are trying to collect all the shit from the event don't even know or care what Yokai Watch is or is about, but muh glamours and muh pets is all they care about.

Now that I think about it more, I think I'm more bitter because of the inclusion of the fucking cash shop that gets me more upset then anything else.

Still no Viera race.

What's the point.

I'm on Siren and I rarely seem more than 9 in the party finder on weekends, maybe 3 or 4 on weekdays during peak hours. Still, I would consider searching within the server that you're currently on. Give it a week and if you absolutely cannot find anything then move elsewhere.

Honestly I couldn't find anyone to raid with, my guild was full and whenever I use the duty finder I get a bunch of people who don't bother learning the content before hand. At that point I just fall behind with the content and no one wants me in any raid groups because my ilevel is too low. It really sucks because I can play pretty well but the same thing happens every time titan HM, t5, t9, sephirot, a4s. At this point I'm considering resubbing to just gather and craft because that was the only fun thing about that game for me that I could do by myself but I still have to leve grind to 60 and thinking about melds and shit and the fact that I don't have that much time anymore really puts me off.