New magnum coming to Halo 5.
New magnum coming to Halo 5
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Where's the trigger guard?
could they make it more generic?
Halo handguns are proportioned so weirdly.
>expecting creativity
>while also maintaining the elements of a functional firearm
I don't see what you could really add.
"Iron sights only, no Smart-Link module is attached."
Classic scope confirmed.
the game has literal pew pew laser guns
they can add whatever they want yet they choose the pistol from deus ex hr
>This is the greatest handgun ever made.
>15 shots plus 1 in the chamber.
>More than enough to kill anything that moves if you're not good at aiming.
Nice, it's gonna be like playing Deus Ex in Halo
Its shit
Ive fired one
Jammed multiple times
grip is xboxhueg
i have small hands
I fired a Glock next and it worked 100 flawlessly
Who cares, Halo 5 isn't worth getting into after how long it took for them to put a proper amount of content. Just give me Halo 3 on PC so I can move on with my life.
Fuck these bullshots man. Blood was nowhere to be found in the final game.
I forgot I didn't play it in 4 years. You might be right about the blood splatters though, gotta new game+ and see.
It still doesn't have enough content. Only has like 4 gamemodes.
M9s are notorious for being a pretty unreliable sidearm.
But they're everywhere.
Will it make the game not shit?
>no trigger guard because muh futurism
Fucking morons
just come the fuck on man
like really?
Am I a bad persona because my favorite Halo weapon was the Reach DMR?
They might put it in matchmaking.
Wait so are they still making new updates? Because I ditched it after firefight because that was the last one on the roadmap
Yes, just not monthly anymore. Next upsate will feature a file browser, new maps, and this new magnum. Concept art for the new map, pic related.
They should've added a silencer and laser sight to make it more tacticool.
Yeah but at a slower rate, probably like every 3 months or so. I was actually surprised by new map announcement.
>no trigger guard
b-be careful, chief
It's not the pistol from Deus Ex, it's just the standard H5 magnum with most attachments removed.
>"Lightweight competition pistol carried by Spartan operators who prefer a no-frills backup firearm. Quick draw Magnum with fast-reload magazines. Iron sights only, no Smart-Link module is attached."
Somsone should make a pro looking ODST map and upload it to the file browser. Then put the silenced SMG from Warzone on there. That is atmosphere.
Damn that's right. Iron sights might make the gun seem more Halo now.
>no trigger guard
>pointless threaded barrel
>would be uncomfortable shoot
babby's first fps
so... it's the Halo 2 magnum?
Not really, it will still have the same fire rate and damage as the default magnum, only difference is the reload and switch out speed.
And classic scope.
The description says "iron sights only" though. A classic scope wouldn't count as iron sights.
>threaded barrels
>uncomfortable to shoot
I can't tell if you're joking or not
Maybe they just meant no smart-link and only iron sights like the h1 pistol. A gun in Halo can't literally make you only use the iron sight to aim. That's only in cod. Even the default pistol has a projected smart-link scope above the iron sitght.
>only in cod
how fucking retarded are you?
How do they keep getting away with this
Obviously tons of of other games as well. Was using a Halo to CoD comparison.
How retarded are you?
Berettas are fine. The problem with the US Military's M9s is that they're all beat to shit and parts like the recoil springs that needed to be replaced years ago haven't been. The M249s also suffer from this. Some of them have been in use since the 80s or the Gulf War. If you buy a new 92 for your own use, it'll work just fine.
Bungie weapons felt powerful so no
Do you own a gun? Have you seen the false flag attacks to remove the 2nd amendment?
343 has ruined halo its basically cod
At least we get some type of Halo. Bungie wanted to ditch it and made Desiny through Activision Instead.
Will it not be useless against 90% of the precision weapons?
gone probably because of clipping issues
They said its used for close combat when your main guns clip runs out to finish off a kill.
Are you insisting 2 and ODST magnums weren't COD shit?
5's gameplay is pretty good, the issue is the rest of the package. Even though forge is the best it's ever been and allowing for maps and mini games 3 players could only dream of, there's still not s lot of game modes.
Campaign is really shit though.
KOTH when.
Same shit as this, just with no silencer and a more boring paint job.
I didn't know you could get magnums through REQs. I only have the default.
That one's a special power weapon that fires in a 3-round burst and gives a speed boost.
There's also a loadout variant that gives extended mags.
>5's gameplay is pretty good
It is, you Overfaggot.
Who plays Halo MCC? Its logical to play there until 343 completes Halo 5
Would bang her but wouldn't play as her. Only play as my own gender for obvious reasons.
It's okay, they nerfed Mercy into the ground. Every healer is better.
>takes 50 shots to wound anything
>Posts Overmeme
>Talks about FPS gameplay
It just means there's no zoom my man. Ergo when you "zoom" you're just looking down the iron sights. Which isn't really any more Halo than the other guns.
Also you guys know the CE pistol is in the game and has the classic scope right?
>i never played Halo 5
No, that was Halo 4 with the load outs and kill streaks. Halo 5 is nothing like cod.
>b-but ads on every weapon!
Literally works nothing like ads in cod.
Pretty much does other than the de-scope and aesthetic. Still feels like Halo when hip-firing though.
Halo 5's gameplay is inconsistent, unrewarding trash
I'm at level 126. Finally got my H2 BR a little bit a go
>Solid controls
>Solid mechanics
>Solid netcode
>He can't line up perfect kills one after the next
When meleeing and spartan charging is equally viable to shooting?
>solid mechanics
Because giving them to everyone makes blatantly centralizing mechanics, solid.
>Solid netcode
>He can't line up perfect kills one after the next
oooh he can!
2.0 K/D and I'm averaging 55% accuracy.
Fucking hell I just watn the MKIV armor and the H2BR
H2BR is not a req right? you can have it as a loadout for wazone?
Yeah but they make it so rare to get in packs. Never got it.
>When meleeing and spartan charging is equally viable to shooting?
You might want to position yourself better in relation to your enemies' range and use your abilities properly.
You can easily ninja a spartan charge and stay away from faggots trying to harass you by taking them down with your pistol or BR.
>Because giving them to everyone makes blatantly centralizing mechanics, solid.
They're diverse and easily usable mechanics that make up for a playground where nothing but individual skill matters. There's no dumb abilities nor advantages other than those you earn by proper movement and map control.
>de-scope (even halo 4 didn't have this)
>no slow-down
>no penalty for hip-firing
>on classic controls like recon and bumper jumper (which you better be playing on) it's functionally exactly the same as the old games
How are they similar again?
The fact that you ADS is what's similar. Most people use default so that accounts for CoD gameplay.
The visual effect is like ADS but its functionality is more like oldschool zooming.
So you're admitting that the only similarity is entirely cosmetic and it's otherwise identical to zooming from past games?
>most people play default controls
I guess most of Sup Forums's halo fans are retards then because I thought everybody checked the control options first to find the best one.
No, it's more like 50/50. Keeps the Halo redicule circle but has the ADS. I heard they're taking it out for 6.
No I'm not. The functionality is half and half. Half Halo, half ADS. Halo part being the circle that stays, and the de-scope. Most people use default because it's the most casual option to pick and because it's the default option.
But the ADS works nothing like cod. In cod hip-fire is terrible, ads'ing takes time, slows you down, and increases accuracy.
In Halo 5 it's literally only used for zooming and has no other effects. If you're zooming at close or even medium range you're practically gimping yourself.
So it's more like 90/10.
>Most people use default because it's the most casual option to pick and because it's the default option.
Those people aren't playing Halo anymore. The 10k or so shitters left playing the game monthly are the kind of people that defaulted to bumper jumper as soon as they got the game.
>tfw best handgun ever made is almost never used in vidya
It's because it looks kind of like a 1911 but isn't a 1911.
And thats what makes it so good, the 1911 is too fat
>hip fire is inaccurate and gets worse the longer you fire
>aiming down sights tightens the spread
>aiming down sights takes time
>aiming down sights slows your movement and aim speed
>taking fire during ADS causes you to flinch
Halo 5
>hip-fire is perfectly accurate at all ranges
>zooming doesnt tighten the spread
>zooming is instantaneous
>zooming doesn't slow you down
>taking fire while zooming causes descoping
Only similarity is visual and they only did that to fool retards into thinking it was like cod. Too bad retarded halo players fell for it as well.
The slow-down is subjective because you can use perks like Stalker in CoD which makes it the same speec as H5. I agree that it sucks close-range but it still completely alters the classic Halo feel, which is why it's 50/50 for me. And by the way in old Halo game's, scoping in at close-mid range was accurate.
They should have some revolver type deal
get some variety up in there
Bullet spread when using the magnum is tightened in Halo 5 while ADSing.
Bullet seems to become more accurate.
>The trigger guard is an optional attachment.
>ergonomics means it's a good gun
they have mjolnir suits why don't they have like big mechs yet? it's not like they found mjolnirs in some fucking alien tomb they invented them themselves.
im sure there's a way to just make the same control scheme of a mjolnir armor but so big it encapsulates the wearer like a small 15-20ft gundam
>single stack
>too fat
>not this
Has Halo 5 added the ODST SMG and Pistol yet?
>tfw bungie fucked up Destiny
>tfw 343 fucked up Halo after the beta was so promising
The only real hope for the next big sci fi game rests on Star Citizens shoulders, and it might not even be good
I pity the marine who tries to catch one.
Halo 5's ADS functions like past Halo games for precision weapons like the DMR and BR. However for weapons like the SMG or AR it actually tightens the bullet spread when using ADS.
SAA has the firing pin located on the hammer itself meaning if you load it with 6 cartridges it will have a greater chance to misfire.
1911 is where it's at.
>double stack mag
That grip should be way fucking bigger
>dat beavertail safety
What exactly makes this gun look futuristic?