Why do people think piracy equates to "lost sales" again?

Why do people think piracy equates to "lost sales" again?

I mean, what the fuck is a "lost sale"?

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A potential sale.

If i sell something for $500 and a guy down the street gives it away for free, I lost the potential to make a $500 sale.

lost sale would mean refund, right ?


>Man likes game
>purchases games
>one sale

>Man likes game
>steals game
>zero sales

> zero minus one equals negative one
>Lost sale

Basically, stop being a nigger and pay for things.

>I made a product
>I have the legal right to sell the product, and acquiring this product without paying for it is illegal
>you took my product
>I did not gain money from this action

Gee, I fucking wonder. Stop trying to justify your piracy, turbo-nigger.

why pay when you can get it for free?

If you sell something for $500 and no one was ever going to buy it, then someone starts handing it in the street, is it a lost sale? No, you never had a potential sale in the first place.

But then the people that got it for free start talking about how good that thing is, and suddenly costumers start buying from you.

Piracy got you sales.

I can prove it. None of the Denuvo games are discussed in Sup Forums because of that.

>Why buy a car when you can just shoot your neighbour and get his for the low low cost of a single bullet?

>confusing lost sales with potential sales
Same retarded mistake the music industry did

Pro tip; piracy has no impact on actual sales

A pirate of a video game should only be considered a lost sale if the person pirating it would have bought the game if there were no way to pirate it.

I wanted to pirate Deus Ex Mankind Divided even though I'm a huge fan of the Deus Ex series because I didn't want to spend sixty dollars on it. Then I learned that it has Denuvo so I couldn't pirate it, so I bought a key from GMG for 35 bucks.

If you are pirating the game to see how it is and buying if you think it's good, pirating because you never would have bought it in the first place and don't plan to, then it's not a lost sale. Piracy can both convince people your game is good so they buy it and save consumers from buying games they don't actually like, but it can also result in a lot of people not paying money for the product that they would have normally.

The problem is that industrys see every pirated copy as a true lost sale. IE if it hadn't been pirated, they would have sold a copy. In reality though, most pirates want to test out the game and buy if they like it. Then there is the group who never would have bought it anyway. And there is the group who pirates it and never even plays it.

This is delusion at its finest. If you acquire a product without paying for it, that's a sale the creator is not receiving. They essentially gave it to you for free.

>getting something for free when no one loses actual existing thing is equal to shooting someone

>Sell lemonade on the street for $1 a cup
>A guy down the street takes your recipe and starts giving out lemonade for free
>Nobody buys your lemonade since the exact same lemonade is given out for free
>Hurr durr nobody would have bought your lemonade anyway since they got mine for free

Deal with it jew.

That is possibly the worst analogy I have ever seen

Then the people that got the lemonade for free decided to buy from you since they realized it was good and wanted to support the creator of the recipe so they can get more lemonade like that one.

Those people would never be potential buyers if it wasn't handed out for free.

well its simple
you could have gotten 60 dollars from someone buying your game

but someone pirated it and got it for free meaning you get no money

It's only a lost sale if that guy was going to buy it any, 95% of pirates won't buy the game but what they do is freely advertise your game through word of mouth and that increases your sales. Piracy is good for the industry.

>no one was ever going to buy it
And who said that? Your ass? Tons of piratefags break when they can't pirate a game they want, and buy it instead. Those are lost sales if the pirate option is available. Are you really this retarded?

>b-but I increase their sales by talking about the game
No you don't.

If you pirate a game instead of buying it then you made that company lose a sale only if you intended to buy it in the first place.
Since pirates typically do not intend to buy the games they pirate then the point is nonsense, you might as well say that every person who doesn't play games at all is causing the games industry to lose money through lost sales.

this is the worst comparison ever

That person would not have bought my game otherwise though

>No plans to buy game
>Pirate it because it's free
>Enjoy it
>Tell 2 other people about how I enjoyed it
>Those 2 people buy it
>2 sales

....and of course..the question is answered in the most clear and precise way it can be


what are you faggots even talking about? memes or some shit?

>And who said that? Your ass? Tons of piratefags break when they can't pirate a game they want, and buy it instead.
And who said that? Your ass?

Kek you are breaking down

Bad post

>Tons of piratefags break when they can't pirate a game they want, and buy it instead

Nevermind that this is anecdotal and baseless, not the key word WANT here.

Oh really, bringing a game out of obscurity doesn't help sales?

>someone doesn't buy my product

>L-lost sale

So what you're saying is, that I would pay for porn if wasn't free?

Anybody who's not retarded can see that this happens, and all those are lost sales, thus piracy causes lost sales. Stop trying to justify your asshole behavior, if you wanna be a piratr asshole, fine, but at least have the balls to admit it.

That's not a good answer, it's a fucking terrible analogy

there is no such a thing as a lost sale
if someone pirates something is because they dont have the money or they were never going to buy it in the first place

Pirates don't do shit to bring games out of obscurity, marketing has multitudes bigger effects.

Here's my story

>hear about minecraft
>doubt it can be fun
>pirate it
>like it
>buy it to play online and get updates easy

>hear about minecraft
>doubt it can be fun
>pirate it
>love it
>buy it
>advertise it to friends and get them to buy it too


The only games that I would legitimately buy if it was impossible for me to pirate it are games from long-running series, like Fire Emblem or Ace Attorney. Those games should probably have online features to compensate a buy.

>where is proof of your claims?
>I don't need to give proof since it is so obvious
Why are you even wasting your time in this thread? People here want to discuss, no one care about your self righteous spaghetti-dropping hissy fit.

Are you trying to say with a straight face that you wouldn't?

Shit at the second example I mean

>hear about terraria*

not minecraft

And note that I would never have given Terraria a shot if it wasn't for my experience with Minecraft, this means that pirating certain games means earned sales for many others.

That's why Undertale got big, right? Marketing?


shit argument try again

I am saying with a str8 face that I would rather fuck my dog than pay for porn

>If you sell something for $500 and no one was ever going to buy it, then someone starts handing it in the street, is it a lost sale?
Yes. You don't go for a haircut, then when its done say "I didn't really want a haircut anyway", then walk out without paying. Because that would be illegal.

Here's the kicker, if piracy causes companies to lose money through lost sales, then why are companies bigger and more profitable than ever despite the ease and popularity of piracy?

It's one thing to argue about the ethics and morality of lost sales and everything else, but the evidence just doesn't support that piracy harms games companies.

You're right, instead I buy a razor and shave my head.

People saying pirates only pirate because they dont have money or were never going to buy the game are retard.

its just like porn. porn is pretty much free worldwide, but its also up for sale. Most of the people of course, would rather to watch it for free than pay for it. Its the same deal.

>but pirates are promoting the game!
so what? its still a lost sale, buyers can promote the game too you know

lol i would have definitely bought ALL the games i pirated so far but i am so glad someone uploaded dated, impaired (no online) versions of those same games so i, the guy that would originally buy them, can play without paying, and after playing and having a blast i will certainly never ever tell about the game to my friends thus having them purchase it, no, that'd be bad, xddd

So what. You don't have the right to acquire something for free just because you weren't going to buy it.

If you aren't willing to pay then you shouldn't have the product. Period.

>Why are you even wasting your time in this thread? People here want to discuss, no one care about your self righteous spaghetti-dropping hissy fit.
Here's "proof", retard. . It's complete fucking common sense that when somebody wants something, and has the options to either spend some money to gain access to it, or not have it, they will spend money if they consider the thing to be worth the amount of money required to get it. This happens with food, houses, and luxury items like games. Your retarded argument is that no people that consider the game worth the amount of money that's asked for it would instead pirate the game if the option is available. That is just stupid.

why the fuck would you pirate something you have no interest in?

tumblr. I'm sure most of those people bought the game though. You know, those that buy the game can market it as well! Amazing, I know!

Even if I plan to buy it if I like it? Or even if I plan to talk about it to friends and have them buy it?

You probably are too stupid to imagine for a second how starved you'd be without access to porn

Tumblr buying games? This is really grasping at straws, isn't it


>Here's proof retard
>(one guy saying that he would have pirated something if it didn't have denuvo)
Welp thread is over, this guy just debunked piracy, my mind is blown!

I wouldn't be starved, my dog would more than satisfy me.

You realize musicians make most of there profits through concerts/merchandise. Your grandparents used cassette tapes to record music for personal use. Hell most people who became fans of an artist never actually bought there album in the 1st place. It was from the radio or a friends tape.

ham cock

I just proved that a sale was gained by preventing pirating. You are the retard who's trying to claim here that piracy causes NO sales loss, and I proved you wrong. Now go jump in front of a train

>see this thread
>remember I pirated a game not too long ago and haven't played it because of work
>boot it up
>see this
ahh fuck

>It's complete fucking common sense that when somebody wants something, and has the options to either spend some money to gain access to it, or not have it, they will spend money if they consider the thing to be worth the amount of money required to get it.
That's exactly why piracy helps sales, people will think the game is a waste of money, but after pirating it they will realize it is good and worth the money, thus they will buy it to gain access to online features/updates or at the very least talk about it with friends thus marketing it, I know I got many friends to buy games I pirated.

Is a haircut a product or a service? Because I'm positive videogames are a product

Nice job criminal.
Yes, encouraging people to commit suicide is illegal.

Kek I can feel your anger from here, young one!

Have you ever considered, however, that piracy earns more sales than DRM?

If you ever listened to the radio you're a filthy pirate shitter

If a friend ever borrowed you his copy of something you're a filthy pirate shitter and you should burn in hell

If a friend ever played some music for the group and only he payed for it they're all disgusting pirate scum

Whenever anyone buys anyone else a gift they should be in fucking jail

OR they will shit on it like no tomorrow. See: no man's sky. I bet 99% of the people who made those annoying as fuck whining threads were pirates.

>they will buy it to gain access to online features/updates or at the very least talk about it with friends thus marketing it, I know I got many friends to buy games I pirated.
That's what demos are for. I'm not even opposed to pirates who are just trying out games, but it's just extremely retarded to say there aren't pirates who are just cheapasses and never pay if possible.

How? How about you show any proof about this? Your piracy certainly doesn't so either way your piracy is immoral and asshole behavior.

Why aren't you on your way to the train station yet?

If you want to try before you buy then you play a demo version. You watch gameplay and you read reviews. If that's not enough for you to make an informed decision then no you do not just get to steal it on an 'well if I like it I'll pay you' promise that you then have no reason to keep.

the original guy who invented lemonade should get all the money right?

since he bought all the ingredients for everyone who has ever made lemonade...

this is schrodinger's cat 101, there was never a potential sale until it was bought

>trying to justify piracy with"but i wasn't going to buy it" "but im going to talk about it with my friends" "but i dont have money"

Jesus christ faggots just end yourselfs. you would pay for something if you really wanted it. just like you payed for your computers and internet that you are using right now

>OR they will shit on it like no tomorrow.
Good, that means the game is bad, it should fail and thus be removed from the market, such is the way of capitalism you little communist.

>That's what demos are for.
Stop pretending every game has a demo and stop pretending every demo shows what the game actually is, most of them are deceiving

Fuck off, your the reason WMG takes down acepela songs on fucking youtube.

Why aren't you on your way to prison yet, murderer?

>If a friend ever borrowed you his copy
>borrowed you

you fucking idiot millennial

None of the Denuvo games so far were successes. They all flopped and are never discussed on Sup Forums. Meanwhile, many GoG games are discussed 24/7 here. Think of the many people that see those discussions and buy the game.

Your friend bought it, not you. You have no right to consume a product you didn't pay for.

See >wow pirates kill yourselves
>you would have bought the game if you REALLY wanted it
Exactly, if someone pirates it that means they weren't really wanting to buy it

also brb pirating Furi

>Good, that means the game is bad, it should fail and thus be removed from the market, such is the way of capitalism you little communist.
Okay so pirating has a chance to do double damage to a game. How's this not costing sales again?

>Stop pretending every game has a demo and stop pretending every demo shows what the game actually is, most of them are deceiving
I'm not saying that, which is why I said pirating for demoing purposes is ok. If all games had good demos, there wouldn't be too many good reasons to justify pirating, outside of greed and selfishness.


you god damn moron


you LOAN it

fucking grade school failure

I wouldn't of bought DOOM for $30 if I was able to torrent it at the time

However I wouldn't say that there was a lost sale when I torrented NMS (becasue I would of never bought it in the first place anyways)

Wow are you seriously getting that nitpicky because someone insulted you for being a pirate?

Isn't it really the case that some people will just pirate games they genuinely could have bought, and may very well have done, resulting in a lost sale, as described by However, there are also cases where people will never spend the money on something because they don't know if they'll like it, or are apprehensive, so they pirate it, get really interested and end up buying the game outright, or buying merchandise, buying Blu-Rays, buying other games etc.

Why does everyone argue over whether either of these things happen, when they both happen depending on the person involved. I just think people have no way of genuinely measuring whether the overall effect of this is positive, or negative, and just fear monger over the whole thing.

>implying denuvo is the only variable affecting those games' success
You're pretty dumb, aren't you?

>many GoG games are discussed 24/7 here.
I mostly see witcher 3, which gets shat on by shitposters who most fucking likely PIRATED it, and are ruining its reputation on Sup Forums. Undeservedly, I should add, since it's a good game. So thanks again, piratefags.

>How is it not costing sales if it is negative advertising?
It is costing sales of bad games that shouldn't have sales in the first place. It is damaging games that deserve to be damaged. You vote with your wallet in capitalism. Doing that is a service to society, basic sanitation.

With what interest?

>Exactly, if someone pirates it that means they weren't really wanting to buy it
Yes because you totally wouldn't take a free computer instead of buying for it if you had the chance. Pirates do the same thing, they have the chance to get shit for free so they omit paying. Lost sales. How are you this stupid?

Isn't watching an LP a lost sale then?

I'm getting my enjoyment out of the game but I didn't pay for it

I literally pirated the game through youtube

No I'm getting nitpicky because I'm drunk and bored. Also refractory period.

>Then the people that got the lemonade for free decided to buy from you since they realized it was good and wanted to support the creator of the recipe so they can get more lemonade like that one.
Very few understand this concept.

Before denuvo: try a game, if it's awesome - buy it instantly, if it's ok - buy it on sale, if it's trash - dont buy it at all
Now: cant try a game - will never buy it. only buying games from selected few devs like CDPR and CA.

This whole software piracy deal is just like the deal was with movie piracy all those years ago. Retarded producers thought people would start going to theaters if they got rid of the pirates. Well guess what - they got rid of a the biggest sites like kazaa and the like and that had ZERO impact on ticket sales.

>Lol you are pretty dumb, do you really think that all games released with denuvo failed only because of denuvo? I mean, that is literally the only trait they share in common, but surely it is just a coincidence that all those triple-A games from recurring series failed
You are not very bright or good at finding patterns, which is okay, many people aren't, but you should know that debates are not for you, those require logic and observation skills, you should go back to playing COD or something man

>I mostly see Witcher 3
Congratulations for ignoring other titles such as Divinity or No Man's Sky

I'm a lost sale. I'm a big pirate. If I can't pirate something that I really want, I'll break down and buy it. This happens a lot more often than you think.

I'm not going to get into the ethics, morality, blah blah shit. I love piracy, but sometimes I have no choice.

Take Deus Ex: MD for example. I want to play this. I'm buying it. I don't have much choice.

I agree with this post
theres games i pirated and then bought them because I liked them

then there are games i pirated and never bought, but i bought the sequels or other merch from the series

and then there are other games that I pirated, though they sucked and never bought them

Makes the assumption that the dude had $500 in his pocket anyways.

If he didn't, it's not a lost sale.

If you consider it to be so, then anyone too destitute to buy your game [read: 80% of the world] is a lost sale.

Poor people are costing video game companies /trillions/.

Also, best price is the very foundation of capitalism. Companies have been throwing it in our collective faces for better part of 100 years... that free market determines price, supply and demand and so forth.

With digital shit, supply so far outstrips demand that the value is effectively lowered to 0.

Better luck with your next business model. :^)

Sup Forums is anti-piracy now.

I don't like it either but you have to deal with it.

you meant lend you fucking illiterate

who the fuck loans games to their friends?

See here, piracy is probably costing sales for witcher 3 too Piratefags who skimp on paying for games they want to play are scum and they need to accept it instead of pretending to be some kind of good-doers.

Stop samefagging and falseflagging, your IP is not new

I only pirate bethesda games tho