Comfy Hitman™ thread

How's Thailand going, have you unlocked mastery lvl yet?
Have you got Jordan cross to kill the lawyer by pushing him of the edge yet? Then pushing him? poetry.

Sapeinza > Thailand > Paris > Bonus Levels > Litteraly the tutorial levels > Marrakesh

Glad we can all agree.

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Would I enjoy this game if I loved Blood Money?

That "oops I did it again" challenge really cements my opinion of nu hitman. It's on pace to be the equal of bloodmoney.


Mostly yes. It's an unfinished mess but it is a real Hitman.

Just turn off opportunities, and instinct.
you're going to miss out on suits though
they are purely vanity items, they don't have stats or shit. Blood money suit is at 10 Elusive targets, 8 were released so far.

The restaurant was comfy but you can't sit down eat kebab.

Can I get away with buying it episodically or do I need to buy it all in one? I kept seeing something in the reviews about episodic buyers being unhappy about something but I was just skim reading.

>tfw no hideout to put your elusive targets on display

What do you need to do for that opportunity?
only lead Ken to the apartment and clean it up?

Buying it episodically costs more in the long run, you miss out on bonus episodes until the end of the season and there is no real benefit at all.

I actually got this spoiled by the game audio bugging out and for some reason playing their conversation. Probably to do with the letter from meg

>The white room in contracts

I'm sad he no longer has a snowy mountain base.

Is Marrakesh that bad? I bought the game today and that's the next level i can play

I'd buy the full package if i were you.
Alternatively you can buy the intro pack and then get the full upgrade if you like it.
Buying every single episode is more costly, and makes you miss out on Summer Bonus Episode (changed, but smaller versions of Sapienza and Marrakesh set at night and unrelated to the main story)

>Probably to do with the letter from meg
Perhaps you disguise yourself as a drummer and hand him the note?

It's the weakest so far, but not unplayable. Still enjoyable.

It's just extremely meh and uninteresting, especially after Paris and Sapienza were great.

Marrakesh is still good. Just not as good as other maps, night time Marrakesh is great
Biggest problem with marrakesh is that the market area feels like it exists solely to show off how big of a crowd can the engine handle.

Its not like a bad hitman 2 levels bad, its just ok.

Biggest problem is how rigid the targets are, the consulate being a nightmare to navigate through, the giant unused crowds and a more boring plot

I wish the embassy was bigger.
Hope Japan is a comfy small village.

>bump into a person
>they stand and stare at you for like a minute

This is really annoying, especially when you're following someone

Anyone done lvl 4 of the Thailand escalation?
With a decent rating.

I just cleared a path and put everyone in the freezer using the audio distracting device.

>Figured it finally might be time to get this since there's at least a couple of levels at this point
>gmg gets rid of their vouchers
God damn it.

>mini-map on
>npc on minimap also on

I bet you play with opportunities turned on too you double nigger.

yes but only after a few playthroughs

Just play as you want.

basically 2 buildings that the targets never leave, and a big town between.

You need to make the physically cross paths. I know that you can get Morgan to follow you if you disguise yourself as hotel staff and tell him his room is ready.

Also breaks your rating.

When are they adding the sniper rifle suitcase?

Will this game actually get some fucking polish before release? Every level they release they make the game itself worse, which is a fucking shame considering how good the actual levels are.

just bought this shit it's p.good and i enjoyed the framing of the tutorial and how it didn't hold your hand

I guess fumigator to bait him into the lobby, then change into hotel staff to take morgan to the same lobby?

any baguettes around?

Its in there, Im guessing it just needs balancing..
Did you not play the game when it actually released? The lighting was awful and the framerate was even worse. They've improved the game imo

No suitcase, no buy.
Also, holy shit, those lazy shits better have an unfolding animation.

>try to do tuktuk opportunity for mastery
>find screwdriver
>can't find wrench
>decide to do something else because fuck that
>return to that challenge after some time
>can't find screwdriver for shit but found 2 wrenches


>tfw doing usb opportunity and letting cross see you


What exactly happens?

No it doesn't, unless you bump into them like 5 times.

he begs for life, if you let him be for too long he will run away for help

Stop trying to ruin Hitman with your memes.

>if you stand in here ambient sounds cease to play

good job io

Might get this soon, but few things I'm wondering about if anyone would care to answer.

Is it worth 32 quid in its present state?
Will they be adding more weapons or thing like the rifle suitcase?
Is the performance acceptable on mid-tier rigs like the 760?
Is it as glitchy a mess as some make it sound?
Do the features feel dumbed down if you're a big fan of BM?


Do not support episodically released games.

>Is it worth 32 quid in its present state?
If you like Hitman, probably
>Will they be adding more weapons or thing like the rifle suitcase?
Apparently, they've added weapons with each episode but the rifle suitcase is taking a while
>Is the performance acceptable on mid-tier rigs like the 760?
performance isn't great, but it depends on what you find acceptable or not
>Is it as glitchy a mess as some make it sound?
Is it pretty glitchy, but the game is in a constant state of flux as to how bad it's broken and the major glitches change every other patch
>Do the features feel dumbed down if you're a big fan of BM?
Not really. The instinct and opportunity systems make the game easier but they can be turned off, and the disguise system is more complex than it was in blood money. You also get more choices in each mission.

>Is it worth 32 quid in its present state?
I'd say yes
>Will they be adding more weapons or thing like the rifle suitcase?
Every new episode adds 3-4 new weapons or pieces of gear
>Is the performance acceptable on mid-tier rigs like the 760?
I have a 760, it's around 40 fps@1080p with a mix of medium and low settings, the game is not well optimised yet.
>Is it as glitchy a mess as some make it sound?
Not at all, I encountered maybe 2 glitches in Bangkok a day after release, no glitches in other eps.
>Do the features feel dumbed down if you're a big fan of BM?
Not if you turn off instinct and opportunities

>Is it worth 32 quid in its present state?
If you loved BM then yea, Elusive targets are also fun
>Will they be adding more weapons or thing like the rifle suitcase?
Apparently, but I have a feeling they'll push it over to season 2
>Is the performance acceptable on mid-tier rigs like the 760?
A 2gb card like that might not be the best idea, im on a 280x and it runs good, any lower and i'd have a problem though
>Is it as glitchy a mess as some make it sound?
>Do the features feel dumbed down if you're a big fan of BM?

technically, it's not great but it's much better than release so at least they're trying. Framerate loves to dip, and glitches do happen. Both these things are worse right after an episode releases. Gameplay wise, it's up there with blood money.

Huge levels, lots of different ways to proceed, a decent amount of missions within the level.

Some stuff is dumbed down but you can turn it off. You can see through walls, and the different paths to kill people are spelled out for you but you can turn it all of.

I love this "instinct is dumbing it down" meme. It's like the map from the old games except it only shows NPCs who're nearby and highlights things you can interact with which is means you don't have to hug every object to see if it's intractable.

>Is it worth 32 quid in its present state?
Unless you're really itching to play a fresh hitman game, it'll be better to wait until full release.
>Will they be adding more weapons or thing like the rifle suitcase?
They're adding weapons and tools every episodes, some episodes have better ones, some worse. No idea about the suitcase, probably not gonna appear in season 1.
>Is the performance acceptable on mid-tier rigs like the 760?
It runs like crap on every rig
>Is it as glitchy a mess as some make it sound?
Most of the stuff concerns optimisation and audio, the rest is good or at least i don't recall anything significant
>Do the features feel dumbed down if you're a big fan of BM?
Unless you were a big fan of human shields and buying items. Besides that everything from bm is here.

I don't disagree. Blood Money showed you every person in the map.

The difference is convenience. It's so easy to use that it dumbs down being aware of your surroundings.

>Unless you were a big fan of human shields and buying items. Besides that everything from bm is here.

welp forgot two thing - no newspapers and score instead of missions ranks

Thanks for the replies.
I'll probably wait a bit until they've released all episodes, and I have a chance to upgrade.

They need to tidy the equipment it's a complete mess when selecting equipment at planning stage

Be nice to smuggle more than one item maybe I want to mess around with SMG and sniper without having to reload

More global challenges might be nice to encourage the use of some of the gear like explosives and knifes instead of the escalation

Not a fan of the exclusive targets, time way too short make it a week neat concept though

Abit weird cannot bring starting outfits to other missions summer suit is nice

They need to bring back the suitcase and classic wa2000, the agency guns are so fucking ugly I avoid using them for that purpose.

Also love how ave maria plays when you're zoomed in in that alpha clip - hope we get an Ave Maria easter egg in one of the later missions

>tfw user-made escalations never ever

dude the newspaper was so pointless and you could see through it in 2 missions. Also arent ranks in, you get rewarded for attaining SOSA challenges

>hope we get an Ave Maria easter egg in one of the later missions
Like the one in Bangkok?

escalations suck anyway. Just give me the contract with all the handicaps from the beginning.

You can find a wrench in the laundry room in the basement and a screwdriver in a room nearby from there where the guard with the military cap patrols.

its a step up from this

Why not?

Tell me how this is a bad thing? Presently it costs less than a full released game - if we had shit future maps you can just buy the good ones and save yourself money

Why do we always get someone saying episodic release is bad and never explaining why?

It has done nothing but good for this game in increasing it's longevity

Still, newspapers were part of bm and some people miss them for some reason. About the ranks thing, I meant the titles you get after missions like silent assassin, ghost, etc.

Huh where is this? I'm at mastery 15 on bangkok but haven't heard it, though I might have not been paying attention to the music as much

>escalations suck anyway

Best assassination on bangkok is the one where you disguise yourself as the drummer and push Cross off the top of the roof when he talks to you in private, the conversation is absolutely hilarious

Oh god, don't fucking remind me.

>Scripted death scenes, even when you fucking headshot or strangle someone
>Ave fucking Maria playing when you're killing this annoying hick sheriff like it's some meaningful moment

Everyone involved in the direction of Absolution deserves to be lynched.

Queen suite.

escalations should just be the lvl 5 level, it would be less grindy

>tfw user made contracts are so bare bones it hurts

It mystifies me why they still haven't set more options for contracts in terms of forcing you to use certain items or having time limits or all the options from escalations. Instead everything you create is just '[optional] use melee'.

I want a contract with something like '[mandatory] use poison' and having a reduced loadout/designated spawn and option to add a time limit

Small agency. Very low profile. You wouldn't have heard of them.

exactly this, I enjoy the added difficulty and how it makes you think outside of the box sometimes, but having to grind the same contrract 4 times to get the ultimate challenge is stupid and needless

probably because they consider contracts 2nd tier issue

>they add search option

doesnt the kotti one technically count as user made though

True, for about 90% of the escalations it is just do EXACTLY the same thing with a minor change for 4 escalations until the final one decides to add laser trip mines everywhere and you have to actually think

>Mfw 47 starts playing the drums

You can get him to strum a guitar and play the piano in the map too

Truly a man of talent

When did he have the time to learn all this?

>tfw diana is 44

It's not like he's killing people every day.
A master of disguise needs to learn many skills to blend in on the spot.

He's a clone designed to be the perfect assassin. Part of being the perfect assassin is blending in.

Alternate explanation: only SASO runs are canon

>that moment when everyone brings up that his dad ordered the cake
>Jordan gets all quiet and distant
>takes a piece of the cake
>slowly dies thinking that his died poisoned the cake on him with his last words being 'dad'

>Thomas Cross did nothing wrong
Unlike his son

Unless the old man was in providence.

A spinoff game for the Shadow Client would be a nice idea - done in the style of Splinter Cell perhaps?

I tried to go for that assassination but for some reason everyone crowded round ready for Jordan to enter the room and then he just stood outside it and never entered even though the door was wide open and everyone was looking at him

It was hilarious, after a short while everyone in the room in the cake just sort of stood around without moving and Jordan decided to walk around in circles

>Shadow Client is taking down Providence
>Shadow Client used the hit in Bangkok to draw Thomas Cross out and kill him
>Thomas Cross, the multimedia, multinational billionaire
How the fuck is there any doubt in your mind that he was in Providence?

God Tier
Bangkok > Sapienza

Great Tier

Good Tier
Marrakesh > Cuban Base > Nighttime Sapienza > Nighttime Marrakesh

Eh Tier

Maybe he just needed a shitload of cash?
And an autistic billionaire was his target of choice.
But Cross being in Providence is way more likely.

Most likely. It's still in Early Access right now, though.

I would have loved for the game to have a comfy hideout for you to hang around in like the cathedral in Silent Assassin or even the shitty underground base in Blood Money.

It's without a doubt the weakest of the 4 areas so far, but it's still only slightly below mediocrity by Hitman standards. It's not a bad level by any means.

>entire shotgun fits in small suitcase

>Not playing in Professional difficulty, where the map only showed target locations
Also, it still took more time to go to the map menu and look at what was going on than just straight looking at the minimap on the lower left or clicking the Instinct button and having time slow down while you get to look at everything going around you.

The game plays much better with that casual shit turned off, in my opinion.

>>Shadow Client used the hit in Bangkok to draw Thomas Cross out and kill him

this reminds me of tracking hayamoto so badly

>Mastery increased
>New item unlocked
>It's yet another fucking explosive

I think they should switch from 5 stages to 3 stages. Either that or they need to use the "wild card" condition more, because that actually switches things up and forces you to use new strategies.