Why is this treated on Sup Forums as some controversial thing for Adam to say? It seems factual to be honest.
Why is this treated on Sup Forums as some controversial thing for Adam to say? It seems factual to be honest
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Based Adam Jensen.
Its not harambe to get augs.What the fuck is this?
>"its not them because its against their beliefs"
by that logic christians never have sex
Being a terrorist in general goes against Islamic belief. Yet, there have been Muslims who have blown themselves up to kill innocents.
Funnily, extremists often follow their own rules looser than your general practitioner.
No, I know, Adam isn't completely correct, but you do realize he's a character, right? Characters can be wrong, I just don't understand why a lot of Sup Forums crossposters on Sup Forums seem to be so angry at this statement.
>Being a terrorist in general goes against Islamic belief.
>Being a terrorist in general goes against Islamic belief.
Citation needed
Anything that has the various trigger words such as Muslim, Jihad, etc regardless of context will attract Sup Forums like bees to a hive.
ISIS is led by a guy who has a PhD in Islam
ISIS is as muslim as you can get
>nu-Deus defends muslims
Color me surprised.
>Funnily, extremists often follow their own rules looser than your general practitioner.
It's the other way around. Extremists live, eat and sleep on holy scripture. Why do you think they're less educated on the subject than someone who half heartedly prays once a week?
Read the Qu'ran sometime
The Quran is real fucking specific about what constitutes a "innocent person". And many muslims themselves do not fall into this category, which is why so many keep getting blown the fuck up.
Try reading the book, fucker.
It's just Sup Forums being retarded as per usual
Yeah man they should've committed suicide by condemning Islam in their game
>Being a terrorist in general goes against Islamic belief
Mhm. Keep going reddit, very informative.
>Mudslimes in my cyberpunk
Absolutely disgusting.
>tumblr can't handle the truth
I'm sure they can pull a verse out of their ass and justify it.
Why does this look worse than HR?
Many ISIS members can't read. They rely solely on what higher ups tell them.
Both Sarif and Malik were of middle eastern descent
sounds perfectly fine... its actually a well written line, considering adam jensen's anti-conspiracy SWAT skepticism, no idea whats the fucking matter
>Being a terrorist in general goes against Islamic belief
The Quran and the Prophet Muhammed says otherwise.
>those "moderate" muslims that beheaded a 12 year old boy two weeks ago
muslims are subhuman
It looks about the same it's just there isn't a piss filter to blend everything together
Yeah totally, when it's literally written in Koran to kill all non believers, you dumb fucking autist.
What has to happen until people finally realise that Islam is pure evil?
They could have simply left religion unmentioned. Alternatively, they could have portrayed a non-extremist in a positive light. Instead they decided to defend the actions of a terrorist. Support for radical fundamentalists of any religion should never cross into video games.
I want to play this game but I refuse to purchase anything with denuvo.
But there's nothing wrong with Denuvo
>defend the actions of a terrorist
>I'm a white atheist male so believe me I know everything about islam
White fragility
there is no problem 2bh
its just Sup Forums being Sup Forums
If you said that to my face I'd slap your pasty numale face.
I know, I don't get it but I've seen at least 3 full on Sup Forums shitposting extravaganzas on this fucking image and I don't get it.
You just need to say certain words and people will freak out. Muslim is one of those words.
I won't support DRM or StarForce 2.0 especially. It's anti-consumer.
white atheist numales are usually the first to defend pisslam
nice try though
I really wish the US would take refugees and place all of them in this higher-middle class white suburbs in Portland, San Fran, Seattle, NYC, etc just so they can realize why no one wants refugees here.
>all those pink-haired trust-fund progressives having to deal with being raped, bombed, gunned down,and oppressed
It would be beautiful.I'm convinced at this point they're so for it happening because they think there's no way they personally will have to deal with refugees.
Yeah but you don't really get real christians anymore. Muslims do it too to be honest, alcohol is the most obvious one. Very few people genuinely value their religion or believe genuinely in the rules, they more just adhere to them to the minimum they can to get whatever benefit the religion promises.
It's actually quite hilarious because people like that are literally trying to pull a fast one on GOD and catch him on technicalities
when christianity starts handing out the death penalty, then you might have a point
they still stone people to death out there for tiny shit just because it's not muslim
Only nu-males hate Islam.
>Y-you're being mean to women! I won't allow it!
How is ti anti-consumer?
someone post the pic about being allowed to lie to non muslims for the sake of advancing islam
Only nu-males butter their toast
5 years later and the sunglasses textures look like they're straight from a PS2 game.
Maybe not, but definetely more than what you gathered from the huffington post (Quran lies on my shelf) . And by extension Al-Bagdhadi knew a shit ton more about the Quran than you do and he saw no problem in his operations obviously.
Explain how the life of mohammed differed fundamentally from what IS does instead of posting the funny fedora man meme.
but they weren't muslim
This Tbh.
What degenerate doesn't butter their toast?
>all this attention on a shitty religion like Islam and not the 10/10 baller as fuck religion that is sikhism
What's controversial about using the term Muslims?
Are you kidding me? Numales love Islam because saying so gets them brownie points with SJW sluts that will never fuck them
What if you butter it and put cinnamon on your toast?
This is unironically true. Men who consume dairy are loaded with estrogen, leading to early balding and poor vision associated with nu-male syndrome.
The only thing you should ever drink is water, tea, and sugarfree fruit juices. Never eat cheese or butter or any dairy products if you want to remain masculine.
cut your fucking hair you greasy turban nigger
white atheist numales Sup Forumstards are usually the first to attack islam
>dirty brown hippies
nobody cares pajeet
In the context of the OP, they're using the "no true scotsman" argument. They're pushing the idea that muslims who commit acts of terror are not actually muslim, hence their choice of words. While they're obviously not condoning terrorist attacks they're depreciating the heinousness of such atrocities by changing the conversation to fit their agenda and detract from the real issues.
Sikhs are the Islam Exterminators so they're too politically incorrect to use in video games.
>Prevents modification of the game
>Prevents you from "tampering" with your own property
>Needs to relicense if you change anything in your computer
>Always online singleplayer
For lighter DRMs I'll usually buy the game and then pirate the DRM free version, but obviously this isn't possible here.
Fuck off Saahil.
Anyone that has a brain will attack islam tbqh.
They're human roaches.
but denuvo games are still somewhat modifiable
and you don't "own" your video games
and it's not always online, just occasionally online
of course this is all pirates fault anyway, if pirates weren't a thing DRM wouldn't exist
Calling people fnames is not an argument.
You're a Numale, he's a numale, I'M A NUMALE!
it insinuates Muslims would commit a bombing, which is racist.
then why is pol anally ravaged by this picture?
estrogen doesn't lead to baldness you fucking retard...if it was true women were the ones balding not men.
Bald men are just insecure, so they hop on the most conformist bandwagon they see.
Because they have a victimization complex
Sup Forums has to shit on anything that even mentions muslims to save face in front of Sup Forums.
>someone does terrorism
>someone suspects they're Muslims
>Jensen disagrees, utilizing the knowledge gained from long flight conversations with an old pilot who died on a rough mission
Nothing wrong
only cucks call people nu males.
Organ transplants are forbidden in Islam, you think cyborg implants would be ok?
>Arab Christianity has produced countless heroes and developments
>White Christianity has produced invasions and burnings of innocent women
>Arab Judaism has advanced society extensively
>White Judaism has created Hollywood pedophiles
>Arab Muslims were the only real scientific minds during the age where Europeans were too busy rolling in their own shit
>Most white Muslims are bitter wannabes
>Asian Buddhists have sprung countless kingdoms and written hundreds of books on healthy but peaceful lifestyles
>White Buddhists are hippies who believe in crystals and stuff
really makes you think
I am curious how are they victimized here? The biggest dindus in history are still muslims in my book
malik isn't dead
It's not.
It's just that whenever you mention Muslims it's an excuse to turn it into a Sup Forums-thread
Lying is justified to spread islam as are any means to win the holy war.
Islam isn't a race you fucking twat
I think Jensen is wrong in this.
Let's start from basics.
What is islam view on organ donors/donation (organs getting replaced)?
In situation where the giver is dead and the recipient is in dire situation this is permisible. Giving organs while you're still alive is a somewhat no-no and you should consider your life first, to not put it at undue risk. It's not allowed to do under any monetary insentive.
There is a clear situation, the recipient needs to be under some struggle for life or his livelihood that he hasn't been before when the needed organ was functioning.
Let's get more complex with prosthesis, this is directly related to augmentation.
Generally answers are the same as with being a recipient. Jihadists could just take a lot of amputees from all kind of wars and then outfit them with prosthetic machine gun arms and other sick augs and unleash them upon cuckolded west where such things are banned.
Wtf I hate islam now, we all know no other religion had people killed
Too tired to engage your bait about the evil pirates.
Tell that to SJWs
Words trigger them and they feel victimized by them so they lash out via shitposting. Hence this thread.
Estrogen in a male body definitely leads to balding, as you are not meant to handle a lot of it inside you. Have you never noticed all those mouthbreathers with gyno and babyfaces are also balding?
Then how come jews are a race? Check mate racist!
>people who shit on Islam and Musdslimes but then defend Christianity and christfags
Almost as stupid as Rep-Dem partisan behavior.
inb4 Sup Forumscuck mspaint strawman image
>all this Islamaphobia in this thread
But it's true. DRM was a direct response to people stealing games and other software.
Sikhs are pretty cool I guess
>le religion of peace meme
Muslims being in Eastern Europe is too far fetched.
>this is want sandniggers actually believe
No other religion does it on such a big scale now as ISLAM.
Who gives a fuck what an institution looked like 500 years ago if oyu have to judge it now
Recently it doesn't happen much. Except for Islam. Stop trying to bring up shit Christians did a thousand years ago to try and muddle discussion about things Muslims have done in the past twenty years.
>Arab Muslims were the only real scientific minds during the age where Europeans were too busy rolling in their own shit
You mean Persian Muslims were.