Univision shutting Gawker down


We've talked about it a couple times but I don't think it's ever been mentioned that Peter Thiel was bankrolling the Hulkster because Gawker outed him. How the fuck is outing a closeted millionaire an acceptable news story?

Unfortunately we can't always have everything we want
>Gawker writers will reportedly keep their jobs at one of Gawker Media’s six other sites, or at other properties owned by Univision.

Have you thanked a Real American today, yet?

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't give a flying fuck, fuck off

My only question is, why would any company buy those employees for? I'm glad they're not going broke for one dick's decision, and obviously association hurts Univision none since it's a latino news outlet, but why?

Yet you came into this thread, gawker employee.

There is nothing to praise. It's only gawker.com that's going away, Kotaku isn't going anywhere.





feels good man.



Because believe it or not, those sites get ton of traffic.

what, you can embed 4chins threads on twitter now

>Peter Thiel
>avowed libertarian
>uses the machinations of the state to shut down a private enterprise to settle a personal grudge from a decade ago

Glad to see Gawker go but I'm guessing the irony is going to fly over most people's heads.

It's just a screencap of the catalog

look at the replies, kek

Liberterians are always huge hypocrites just like communists are, so I dunno why anyone would be surprised

In a lolberg paradise he'd just use his private army to smash up Gawker HQ, so this is arguably an improvement.

If there were justice in the world Gawker would never have been allowed to exist in the first place, but whatever.



This is a video games board

only gawker.com is shut down so nothing is really lost

unless everything under gawker media was taken down then you all can have your meme thread where you post 6000 reaction images

>Katauku isn't going anywhere
>Univision is pretty much the same kind of people who ran Gawker, endless click bait and anti-intellectualism.

So nothings really changed.

Sup Forums is too stupid to realize this.

The media is disgusting. Terrible, terrible people

Univision is debatably worse, considering they're comparable to Vivendi.

More like it's fun to watch (((Denton's))) luegenpresse abomination get cut up.

Smash 'em Hulkster etc etc.
How many times have we had this thread now?

Gawker was always cancer. I feel ashamed knowing that I have liberal friends that used to browse that retarded non-news website.

Just yesterday I saw an article that was race and victim shaming a woman for having her phone stolen. They told her to shut up and be a victim. What the fuck.

In the same thread, some insightful and enlightened individual was recounting the time Gawker took the time out of their day to interview a horsefucker to tell the world that mare pussy tastes and smells like hay.

Liberal media, everyone. Literally as retarded as thinking the world is flat.

>black cities in the states get riot-y
>small government anti-authoritarian nucons cheer on the cops
it happens everywhere
nobody can stay on message

Ahahaha but really, they have a point. What the fuck, Sup Forums?


The term du jour is cuckservative, and they're typically right alongside leftists, though less enthusiastic about their cheering.

How much you wanna bet they're put on temporary unemployment until some deals go through and most of em return to their regular bullshit within the month?



Reminder a former Gawker editor blames GG as part of what killed Gawker.


Not enough

Well, that was the goal of the movement, so that's pretty neat.


>Kotaku stated multiple times that they arent really affected by this
>People still post like its the end of kotaku

I mean Im happy that gawker is getting its just desserts but this shit has nothing to do with kotaku.

I said they because I don't know what they identify as. It's a respectful pronoun and I've used it since before this whole transphobia/acceptance shit came to be.

Where is James? They're outside. They can be used to refer to one individual.

I guess in the end he really did fight for the rights of every man.

>these """people""" browse Sup Forums as we speak

No, you misunderstood, I was implying you are him.
But thanks for admitting what a fag you are.

>These people lurk among us


>only gawker is going down
>kotaku is still up

why is this on Sup Forums?

Still, the future is uncertain for all the Gawker empire. Assets might be resold, there will defiantly be re-branding.

The Gawker we know will probably be dead by the end of 2017

I bet the fabled hacker Sup Forums was also somehow involved.

>people are still clinging on to the "death of free press" meme

But he said "nigger", which means he shouldn't be allowed to have rights and that they could disobey a judge.

kotaku is video games

This has nothing to do with Kotaku though idiot

There's nothing contradictory about that. You use the system that's in place already, there's no need to make something new. Do you refuse the food the give in prison? If you were going to invade Germany would make new roads or use the German ones?

"Fad" trans or "mutilate your dick for money" trans?

>mutilate your dick for money
It costs money to pay for the surgery, right? So it's the other way around

Quite literally the journo's typing out the 'Gawker has recently been killed' articles are in fear for their jobs as clickbait crafters. Hence the 'Free speech' spin, because it's dicks on the line

I think that's what he meant.

>people still care about the press and whether or not it's free
The media is the propaganda wing of the elite and has been for a long time. Burn it down.

>How the fuck is outing a closeted millionaire an acceptable news story?

Closeted? Everyone who personally knew Peter Thiel knew that he was gay, and he was fairly open about. The only reason he needed to be "closeted" was so he could make some shitty deals with Saudia Arabia, the key figures of which probably also knew and only pulled out for optics. "Outing" him took next to no effort on anyone's part, you just needed to talk to somebody who knew him to find out. All this did was temporarily inconvenience a business deal.
Peter Thiel's quest for revenge has nothing to do with journalistic decency and everything to do with a temporary impediment to temporary deal for a business he doesn't run particularly well in the first place.
Peter Thiel is a gay man making cash off of a country that kills fellow gay people, I don't see why I should have sympathy for someone like that, especially when he's already a vampire who wants to be king of his own island, (likely one with a skull volcano.)

Meanwhile, real journalists have said Gawker went too far and are full of it.

He was actually in Saudi when they outed him. He had to make a speedy exit.

Hence they nearly got him fucking shanked.

>The media is the propaganda wing of the elite and has been for a long time. Burn it down.

It's a valuable message to Mass Media that the First Ammendment can only protect them so far.
Listen to me, Americans. Libel laws are precious against the suggestive power of Corporate News.

As a Canadian, it's beautiful. You can sue the news for lying or misleading or pushing a story based on a false narrative. Our news literally resorts to sourcing American News stories to cover their own asses when they fuck up.

Can't wait for Vice to fuck up.

>These are the kinds of people you're talking to when you type on here nowadays

I'm pretty sure they throw gay guys off buildings.


>Peter Thiel's quest for revenge has nothing to do with journalistic decency

His funding of the lawsuit against gawker is not against the ideas of libertarians, who champion the right to privacy as a central tenet of personal liberty. Thiel had the right to his privacy taken away from him by Gawker, so he rightfully used his money to take down the site that violated his rights and the right of the Hulkster to his own privacy. There's no contradiction there.

Gawker is not videogames.

Gator please go back to your containment subreddit.

>>uses the machinations of the state to shut down a private enterprise to settle a personal grudge from a decade ago

That's what every single millionaire """libertarian"""" does. For more of the same thing look at the Koch Brothers and Uber.

I think I know where those retards that defend things like that there will be multi in no man sky or other things came from sad times we live in

>Right to privacy is only exists for anarchists
come on.

One of the main reasons why discussion on here is irrelevant.
Let's leave the discussion to the faggots, we'll do the voting.

>we'll do the voting.

I don't see how voting will change anything given how most voters always go for more sports games and Cowadooty rehashes. And f2p mobas.

This extended tempter tantrum is really about you realizing how irrelevant you are. No one playing CoD or LoL actually worries about trans people ruining their games.

Great revenge and justice story.