WoW in 2016

>WoW in 2016

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Looks like FFXIV with groups selling clears

so every mmo in 2016

Name literally one thing wrong with this.

i tried playing wow the first time last month and holy shit the menu is fucking retarded and the ui is disgusting.

Welcome to the free market, commie.

>He wants a status symbol mount

looks like another day in trade chat. what's wrong

It was worse in Wrath lol

people were selling MC runs and hunter/priests quest drops all the fucking time in vanilla so please don't pretend this is a new phenomenon

>Paying to join heroic groups
>When 700 ilvl gear is easy obtain now


>MFW there are people willing to spend REAL MONEY to get carried through mythic
>MFW I make 250 dollars a night carrying people through mythic

Why don't more people do this? It's easy money.

We're less than two weeks from the next expansion, what do you expect? It's about clearing house and cashing in while people still care.

Which server? Sentinels is so damn dead that nobody is openly selling carries. The only thing we are popular for is Kazzak runs on a PVE server.

if you aren't on one of the HIGH servers then your server is dead. transfer today.


The rampant amount of carry selling drastically reduces and on some servers, completely eliminates the pool of players who are returning or late to the part who are looking to group up for the said raid.

Meaning that anyone who resubs and actually wants to do the raid and not get carried, they are shit out of luck because the people they would normally group with have bought a carry.

So all of these guilds tripping over each other are essentially ruining the game for resubs.

But I guess it's fine because "Le free market" I'm sure you carry sellers will have fun showing off all of your gold capped characters to the other carry sellers with gold capped characters because no one else is going to be playing.

That is the essence of capitalism though, so perhaps its more of an issue with society itself. milk everything dry no matter the cost until there is nothing left.

most new people or returning people will just use raid finder to see the stuff. deal with it you fucking cry baby.

Talk out of your ass more. There are HC archi groups in the tool at every hour or every day.

The only people buying an HC carry at this point would never join a proper group to begin with.

People actually spend real money for it? I thought it was in game gold or some shit.

>Only 250

You're ripping yourself off, people are willing to buy almost 800 dollars for the mythic archi mount, our guild has multiple groups selling runs for real money, we had someone pay almost TWO THOUSAND dollars for a complete carry of all mythic content in WoD, it's insane how much people are willing to spend.

Both happens but "250 dollars a night" is completely ridiculous, if nothing else because sale value generally gets divided by everyone participating.
And nobody is paying like 3000 dollaridoos for a mythic carry so any single person gets 250.

I have an alt on Sentinels. Not a bad place if you enjoy quiet and casual stuff. Move to Shadow Council or Wyrmrest Accord if you want to stick to RP servers. Avoid Blackwater Raiders and any of the RPPVP realms.

There isn't one. People have been selling runs like this since vanilla with the Hunter/Priest quest items.

Same shit, different day.

Jesus Christ, how is this not bannable?

Why would it be? Everyone is just playing the game.

It's extremely bannable, just don't get caught, don't advertise that shit in WoW like a dumb fuck, find buyers on forums and talk about it over Skype, as long as you don't say a single word about it in WoW, they won't ban you.

It is if you can provide some sort of in game proof.

Doesn't this classify as RMT?


It's the end of the expansion and people have less than 2 weeks to get that shit 100% drop rate, so people are spamming more than they used to. Using it as an argument to why WoW is bad is pretty stupid.

actually just the carry sellers are playing the game. and they are actively preventing a large portion of other people from playing by creating an environment where your only options are getting ahead early and doing the raid as soon as it comes out, or buying a carry.

But good on you bud. Destroying the game for your own profit. Such a baller.

MMOChamp in 2016.

Plus people have increased the price of getting the moose mount, Blackhand mount, or the Mythic Archi mount.

A8S is so hard that people can't even sell that clear, meanwhile in WoW people are selling the hardest boss encounter as if its nothing.

It is RMT and it is bannable, people either aren't reported or aren't caught.

Sorry but you are the biggest fucking liar on Sup Forums. You're not fooling anyone you fucking faggot.

MMO champ is really awful but there isn't really anywhere else to read WoW stuff anymore other than like leddit. I don't even know where theorycrafters and min-maxers post their stuff since EJ died.

Are you implying this wasn't happening in vanilla?

>your only options are getting ahead early and doing the raid as soon as it comes out, or buying a carry.

Except that's not true, no matter how often you repeat it.

Well did he ?
We allready know he has a lover

1 year after it came out. And 500+ dollaridoos are hardly nothing, if everyone could do it the prices would be lower.

People sell that shit all the time, look at the rest of the thread, people are selling mythic runs for almost a thousand bucks, it's not unheard of, and if you have enough geared 100s you can just carry people all night and make really good money.

>People actually spend $600-700 on a fucking run

> 750$
> Split among 20-25 people
> 30-50buck each
It piss baby

You can boost people at League and sell boosted accounts, you can trade throwaway steam accounts with boosted doto.
Wowfags either sell accounts or carry people.
Everyone could stop it, but they decide to not do shit, you know, sales and shit.

How content starved are WoWfags that they do the same boss fight 288 times

People sell that shit all the time got gold, real money however is very rarely AND you need to split that shit with everyone.

What a joke. Blizzard needs to crack down on this because if anyone is new to WoW and sees this the moment they log in, its probably an immediate deal breaker. It just says that the game has zero integrity.

It's amazing money, if you have a guild that has multiple geared groups that can carry, I have 3 745+ characters I use to carry people, depending on the buyer I can make anywhere from 160 to 200 dollars a night.

Mythics are 20 people max. And back when my guild sold shit we didn't carry more than 3 people per run (partly due to difficulty and partly due to lack of interest), so you divide it by around 17.

>your only options are getting ahead early and doing the raid as soon as it comes out, or buying a carry.
I literally just took this screenshot. The entire LFG channel is filled with these. You couldn't be more wrong if you tried.

Those fucking prices, you could buy a couple WoW tokens and that'd be enough gold for a full Mythic clear on my server.

Easy gold

Have multiple groups and do multiple runs, plus most of mythic can be 15 manned now, so even more money to the carriers, it's really not hard.

MMO-C is pretty much Sup Forums nowadays.

The forums are fucking garbage, frontpage is the only thing of worth

icyveins, that or various top guilds' vids on youtube

There's nothing to min max these days. Pruning did that.

Except it is true. People who buy carries would have to group for the raid if they couldnt buy a carry. But since they can, they do not group. Therefore carry sellers eliminate people from the pool of players looking to group from raids.

I swear to God carry sellers are some of the most delusional kids I've ever talked to.

A4S came out 1 year ago too and its still too difficult for world/server first guilds to sell carries.

Shows how shit WoW raiding has become.

You're wrong because people sell a8s all the time.

>RMTing for an ugly moose
I'd understand RMTing if it was for a cloud serpent or nice-looking machine

I'm surprised the xiv fag even got a few (you)s. Too obvious.

Haha no. A4S gets sold all the time

where, I don't see any on the top servers or on selling forums


WoW players BTFO

Did you just point to A4S as a good raid encounter? The one that helped destroy raid communities (along with A3S) on most servers? The one that not even too statics liked?


Status symbol. Ugly as shit, it's still a status.

The thing is, people buy it all the time, we've had people too lazy or too dumb to buy in game tokens to sell for gold to buy the runs, so they just give us real money instead.

>Buy WoW tokens from Blizzard
>Sell them for gold
>Use gold to buy carries

How do people defend this blatant RMT practice

*top statics

And anyways, is right. A4S gets sold.

People have been selling it on Sargatanas for ages now. You just sell the run with loot so once or twice a week depending on if you have alts. Its typically very expensive and only available to hardcore crafters or gil buyers.

The trick to selling "hard" content like a4s back in the day and a8s was to play the buyers account and just easy mode it like a normal raid night.

Honestly who gives a shit about the moose?

Sure it's a status symbol, but it looks like shit

A status symbol loses its status as a stays symbol when it's given away for free like crazy and/or when a ton of people buy it.

It WAS a status symbol. It means nothing now.

Any good casual raiding guilds on Kazzak EU horde willing to pick up a returning tank?

>not switching to SWTOR

It's objectively better than nu-WOW at this point.

Pretty much this, they are just killing it for everyone else.

WoWfags that still play have autism, what's new?

>status symbol

the moose is no more than a single count towards your heavenly azure serpent. unless you got defilers end with your own guild no carry u have no status

This. Same thing happened in FFXIV early in release. There was this one FC selling titan HC kills like hot cakes and I remember trying to form a group for him for 4 days and no one joined because they were all just buying carries.

Don't buy carries.

>tfw you will never have the azure serpent

300 mounts is bullshit

Seems about right. Only things left do in WoW now are AFK and selling shit before they drop the game.

Don't mind me, just riding my azure serpent.

A4S gets sold all the time, even when it was relevant, I got enough to move into a medium house.

>medium house.
Didn't realize you were that poor.

My server has inflated as fuck prices.

Also my group sells runs at 1/10th of the usual going price

>Sell runs to shitter
>Make enough money to afford everything in-game
>Sell excess money to RMT chinks
>Get even more money


It's sad that people paid for Hard Mode clears when Extreme was even harder.

Who /WoWplaya/ here?

Well when I left wow in MoP no one was openly selling carries on my server but in ffxiv it effects the player base as in people refuse to group with people unless they already cleared it e.g. "no bonus" (if a person hasn't cleared a raid/trial in ffxiv there is a bonus currency message at the start). Because people are buying carries when you join a farm pug, half the group doesn't know the fight. The arabs in ffxiv are the worst for this (just like in ffxi).

Also it makes recruitment a nightmare as you have people buying clears applying to your static than coming in without a clue how to play.

During 2.0, HM titan felt really difficult. If you were dumb enough to pug or DR it, it might as well be extreme tier difficulty.

It wasn't just that, it was also the gateway for Relics which was an easy source for an ilvl 80 weapon at the time which was a huge boost

On FFXIV, we keep a blacklist of the shitters we sell carries to. So when they try to join our PuGs or static recruitments, we look them up on the Blacklist first and if they are on it we kick/refuse them.

If you have to pay someone else to play the game for you, gtfo.

>If you were dumb enough to pug

I PuGed him about 3 times. The problem was that it took hours to form a group because everyone was just buying a kill. There were crowds and crowds of people in the town and no one was looking for a group. The groups I did manage to form did alright, we were making solid progression but people just gave up after like 10 minutes.. I think I heard something along the lines of "This isn't worth it I'll just buy a kill" twice.

Wrong you faggots. I literally just did Heroic Archimonde and the rest of HFC a few days ago through the premade group finder tool, which is actually very easy to use and a good addition to the game.

Oh shit, you're right. There is one group recruiting for HFC in the group finder right now. Out of like 50 groups, most of which are advertising carries.

I hate the XIV playerbase man, everyone is very anti-social, bad and nobody seems to try or learn from their mistakes.

post your tool you lying faggot

Like said, Titan HM was really hard with the ilv people had and the net code at the time. Limit break had to used to in the heart to get pass that phase. Also people said excluding players for not having their relic in dungeons so they could speed run it.

Yeah tank in my static was in linkshell with all the top server groups so knew who the buyers were. Had a mnk apply and asked his experience. He said up to a7s but had 240 lore chest (before 3.3) than the excuses of only 1 clear came in. Checked linkshell, he bought a run and was known as a moron.

I snoozed through HM Titan. Even at minimum item level the mechanics are fairly simple.

It's extreme mode that gave me problems because everything is a DPS check which makes minimum item level tough.