Post unpopular gaming opinions.
Metroid fans are whiny and entitled.
The games simply don't sell well compared to how big the name is and it is honestly a small miracle that we got there Metriod Prime games.
Post unpopular gaming opinions.
Metroid fans are whiny and entitled.
The games simply don't sell well compared to how big the name is and it is honestly a small miracle that we got there Metriod Prime games.
Metroid fanboys being a headache isn't an unpopular opinion.
They've quickly become one of the worst fanbases out there.
>Post incorrect gaming opinions.
Please explain how.
>Mario fans eat whatever is shit out
>Zelda fans eat whatever is shit out
>Pokemon fans eat whatever is shit out
>Metroid fans don't eat whatever is shit out
>suddenly entitled
There's a lot of truth to this.
Metroid is fundamentally a middleware series. It does badly when cinematic crap, storylines, and gimmicks are put in, and well when it just sticks to core gameplay and a streamlined development process.
I think Retro turned out Prime in under three years development. Couldn't have been more than a 50 man team. And that shit was POLISHED. 2 voice actors, in game graphics "cut scenes", and the rest was a pure pleasure 10/10 3D action/exploration.
Look at Shadow complex. $5 million and you could make a great metroid game, and it would make money. It would make money for years.
I swear people only care about Metroid because Samus is a woman.
>yfw you realize that the Butthurt Metroid fans are SJWs.
>>yfw you realize that the Butthurt Metroid fans are SJWs.
but that's wrong
Other M was an above average game. While not a perfect 10 or anything, it is the natural consequence of trying to push the old Metroid formula into modern times.
>I swear people only care about Metroid because Samus is a woman
Nah. It birthed an entire genre that is super hot right now.
Honestly the fact that Castelvania gets to piggyback onto the term "Metriodvania" is silly. Metroid did it first. Super Metroid improved upon it, and then a decade after Castlevania one was released, Igrashi did it again with Symphony of the Night.
SotN is a great game, but it is a great Metroid style game ;-D
>Petition to cancel a game they didn't want
>constant shitposting between Super/Prime fans
>the one fag who always falseflags and praises Other M as the best Metroid game
>not allowed to have fun in Metroid threads on Sup Forums
>no recent good games to fuel constructive or high-spirited discussion between anons
The "entitlement" meme is stupid as shit, but Metroid stopped being a fun thing to talk about ages ago. There are two or three Metroid threads I actually remember not hating - one that involved a lore discussion as to where the Prime came from (Metroid mutant or Phaaze native) and the AM2R release, which was the most fun I've had on this board in years. There was hype leading up to the launch, Sup Forums played through it together and shared hints, secrets, all the amazing little touches in the game, anons worked together to complete the 100% map, you get the idea. The game delivered in spades, and I'd hoped some of that same spirit would bleed into the other Metroid threads, but it's three weeks later and we're all back to shitposting about Metroid again.
Sadly this is the truth. I just want to have fun talks about Metroid, but Sup Forums likes to shitpost and troll too much.
Metroid threads for the last six fucking years have been nothing but a circlejerk about how badly they've been treated and how much better they deserve, drawing more and more lines to divide what counts as a Metroid game and what doesn't as they push away every installment in the series that's not Super Metroid as shit, endless arguments over East vs. West while calling everyone who disagrees with their opinion ACfag, and shitposting in porn threads because they somehow believe that Zero Suit hentai deserves the blame for the series' supposed decline in quality.
Not to mention how vile they get towards the Donkey Kong fanbase and in the Smash community thanks to Retro moving onto other projects and the controversy about Ridley.
As soon as you make a petition to cancel a videogame because you don't want to buy it you've jumped the shark. I agree that Federation Force looks mediocre and that Nintendo's handling of the anniversary and AM2R is tone deaf, but the outcry coming out of them over a DSi Ware spinoff game is obnoxious. Especially when it promises a new core game at the end of the credits.
Fans would stop bitching if Nintendo would just make Metroid 5.
Sup Forums doesn't even like Metroid 4.
Let me elaborate my point.
>Metroid fans are Butthurt by Other M's portrayal of Samus. Specifically, her relationship with Adam.
> Gameplay is NEVER brought up in these discussions.
> All of the crying about a lack of a new Metroid game in five years was exclusively because of her. Feds was slammed for not having her as the protagonist, despite how much sense it makes.
> the big push from fans to pretend that FF's ending makes Samus a 'a damsel.'
The poorly mannered, uncouth Metroid fans you see on Sup Forums are nothing but SJWs.
I don't care what Sup Forums thinks. I want a sequel to Fusion I want the series to move on and push forward, I'm tired of being stuck in the past.
everything i don't like is le SJW boogeyman XD
maybe you should come back once you finish high school
>muh politics
>vs the destruction of a badass character
This is absolutely spot on; the best Metroid threads in years happened right after AM2R release. Uninterrupted discussion, sharing hints, actually playing video games. Then the novelty died, Fed Force released and we're back to normal. It's a testament to how shitty Metroid threads are these days that all it takes to go full blown shitposting is posting obvious Other M bait fuel.
opinion discarded. Get off of Sup Forums and go back to you "journalistic" shitshow blogs like kotaku or rock paper shotgun
>Gameplay is NEVER brought up in these discussions.
This is complete bullshit.
>Above average
No. Every other Metroid game was a million seller Week of Release. You want to talk a bout a dead series? FE games were all Sub 1 Million the Month of Release aside from about 3 of them. Fuck off you daft cunt.
>The games simply don't sell well compared to how big the name is
There is simply no possible way to know this because Nintendo does not release how much it costs to develop their games. Prime 1 sold almost 3 million copies. The other primes ~1m. Did those sales result in sizable profits? Who fucking knows. I would say so because otherwise Nintendo wouldn't have okayed Prime 2, 3 and the Trilogy.
How else would you describe a fanbase that got three excellent games in quick succession across two consoles and then constantly bitches about not getting a fourth?
How else do you describe fans to harass some social media intern running Nintendo's twitter about how they're owed something better than Federation Force for "Samus's 30th birthday"?
>Zelda fans eat whatever is shit out
Please, tell me how happy they were with Wind Waker
>FE games were all Sub 1 Million the Month of Release aside from about 3 of them. Fuck off you daft cunt.
Fire Emblem is also a budget game relegated to portable consoles. It doesn't need to sell a million copies on Day 1. It just needs to make some money back and promote synergy with Smash Bros to fuel DLC sales.
Metroid probably has about the same level of appeal but fans want a AAA release .
Other M would have been a better game if Samus had been removed entirely and it focused on Adam and Anthony investigating conspiracies
>FE games were all Sub 1 Million the Month of Release aside from about 3 of them
>FE either has to continue releasing shitty Awakening/Fates-tier games or die completely
don't remind me
The games sell decently enough, it's more an issue of Nintendo not pushing it very hard because it's bigger in America than in Japan. The biggest Metroid game in japan was Fusion, and Sakamoto's attempt to follow up on that was the biggest disaster the series ever saw.
I will agree that Metroid fans are probably some of the most obnoxious on Sup Forums. They're basically professional victims at this point who have convinced themselves that Nintendo is attacking them and the series on purpose.
I mean there is plenty to complain about, but they take it to this level where a Nintendo employee can't even cough without it being taken as a personal slight.
I like Wind Waker. Skyward Sword wasn't that great. Twilight Princess was forgettable.
I dunno man, given the reception to AM2R I'd say most fans would be fine with a 2D 3DS title.
>don't remind me
Why do people hate Awakening and Fates? Is it the waifu desu desu character interaction stuff? Cause you can skip that completely. I do. Fun games.
>fans want a AAA release
What? The only thing people want is a fucking 2D game AT LEAST as good as Fusion. Those do not cost AAA dollars to develop nor to market.
No one wants the 2.5D shit from Other M and no one wants the Co-Op FPS shit from FF. They want either 3D like Prime or 2D like Super.
We wouldn't have cared if Other M was just subpar compared to the Prime series you dick head. You also need to realise we were the only ones with an N64 release. Everyone else of the Big 3 (Mario, Zelda, Metroid) got multiple N64 titles, and multiple GCN titles. We got 2 GCN Titles and a Wii title, with all 3 being bundled on Wii. We also got one semi-decent DS title. Other M however, WASN'T semi decent. It was Ass. It was the Hotel Mario/CDi Zelda of Metroid. Except without the entertainment value.
Only whiny babies didn't like the art style. Shit's easily in the top 3 Zeldas.
>Twilight Princess was forgettable.
You about to get these hands son!
I still feel the need to remind everyone that Metroid fans bitched about Nintendo not mentioning Metroid's anniversary for five years straight, and then when Nintendo finally did mention it, they all collectively said "WELL WHATEVER IT DOESN'T MATTER" and went straight back to bitching.
Zelda fans ate up TP, that was the shit one.
That mainly along with the writing getting weebier and weebier. On the gameplay front, it's starting to feel less tactical, more obsessing over inflated stats and leveling up classes for skills. Don't mix Disgaea in my Fire Emblem, please.
Dawg I'm 27.
Yeah this is how I'm choosing to spend by Saturday afternoon! What?
>Dawg I'm 27.
Clearly your mind didn't develop past 15.
>the Big 3 (Mario, Zelda, Metroid)
I think your idea of Metroid might be just a tad inflated. Merely a hunch but maybe you should think about this for a moment.
What about the difficulty? I haven't played a FE in ages and was thinking about the new waifu emblems.
>the writing getting weebier and weebier. On the gameplay front, it's starting to feel less tactical, more obsessing over inflated stats and leveling
I guess I never played any of the games before Awakening so I have nothing to compare it too. Fun tactics and looks really great on 3DS, but I guess since I'm not a super fan I don't see the flaws as clearly.
Conquest was pretty fun and it's fairly tough too. The difficulty actually persists too, unlike a lot of games in the series. I don't like a lot of directions the series is taking, but Conquest was decent. Just skip cutscenes because the writing is embarrassingly bad.
Conquest on Hard mode is one of the hardest games in the series. It was a step in the right direction, with better maps and win conditions, but it was still pretty shitty.
The other two Fates games are literally just Awakening 2.
AC unity was top tier
>Clearly your mind didn't develop past 15.
Lol cause I like Twilight Princess? Which game is the "thinking man's Zelda"?
>Lol cause I like Twilight Princess?
No. Because of the way you type and talk.
Kinda sad. Metroid threads became the main proving grounds for trolls after Other M came out and there has been no improvement since. Just when it looked like there was a sign of recovery, FedForce was announced and the threads went to shit again. What a tragedy.
lawl guess I better call my office and tell them to stop paying my 15 year old brain six figures then XD
You didn't answer his question. Just say "Link to the Past" like everyone else does and move on.
It was one of the first big sellers on the NES.
Samus was one of Nintendo's biggest mascots for the longest time. If you asked anyone in the late 80's and early 90's what Nintendo meant to them, it would be Mario, Zelda, or Metroid. Occasionally Kirby.
You stepped over the line of subtlety, your whole attempt is fucked now.
>lawl guess I better call my office and tell them to stop paying my 15 year old brain six figures then XD
Everyone on Sup Forums is a 6'7" 230 Olympic tier powerlifter who makes a six figure salary and never went to university because it's a scam.
Got anything else?
Zeldafags bought SS instead of Skyrim that day
But the gameplay sucks, and people talk about this. Nigger are you fucking retarded?
Is that a meme image? because it feels like one when I look at the Environment, and upgrade complainants
I'm 6'1 180. Not very strong. I basically exercise just enough to not be fat. I did go to Uni but it is kind of a scam (even though it worked out for me).
What else do you want to know?
I don't think the gameplay sucks.
It was the gameplay was the one thing I remember having fun with when I first played it compared to Prime, but I guess that's because I tend to dislike FPS's
Haha, Skyward Sword is easily the weakest main entry in Zedla.
It's still more compelling to me than Skyrim though.
Iga typically cites Zelda as the primary inspiration for SotN, IIRC.
And that aside, there's also the old Falcom games that lay a lot of the groundwork for what SotN and it's clones would later build upon. Look at the Dragon Slayer/Xanadu series and especially something like Ys III and Popful Mail.
There were a lot of games during that period that built up towards the same kind of theme, Metroid was just one of many.
>Zeldafags bought a Zelda game instead of a game that had nothing to do with Zelda
>pirates like fucking the waste tube
>If you asked anyone in the late 80's and early 90's what Nintendo meant to them, it would be Mario, Zelda, or Metroid.
For starters, it's not the 80s/90s anymore, and secondly, that's still purely anecdotal.
Fact of the matter is that Metroid has sales more on par with series like Wario games or Starfox, it doesn't even come close to Nintendo's top 5 in terms of sales or popularity. People got a skewed perception of how big the series was because of Retro. The franchise and its fans got tremendously lucky when they came on board because it's the only reason Metroid wound up 4 games in a single generation in the first place.
Other wise it would have gotten games at the same rate series like Starfox does, and now that Retro is off of Metroid, it's gone back to that frequency and you people can't cope.
Elder Scrolls Online is actually a very good game. People just dislike it because of the issues they had at launch.
>People just dislike it because of the issues they had at launch.
I feel like this is a pretty valid reason to dislike something. How long are we supposed to wait to pass judgement on a commercially released product?
I kill friendlies, spycrabs, hoovys, etc in TF2. Friendlies, spycrabs, hoovys, etc are usually autistic children or manchildren that will laugh at anything with bright lights and a fast pace, that are ruining the TF2 community.
Also, every single TF2 youtuber is cancerous
>Also, every single TF2 youtuber is cancerous
Not an unpopular opinion as much as it is a widely accepted fact.
I actually like Other M more than Prime.
I've tried playing all 3 Prime games and got bored about 10 minutes in.
I played Other M for 10 minutes and fell in love with the series. It even got me to play the older games like Fusion, Super and the Original.
>Post unpopular gaming opinions.
Most people who think Metroid fans are annoying are Nintendo fanboys who can't bear to see people shit on any Nintendo game (Other M). Furthermore, the only Metroid related game they've ever played is Smash and they only know Samus as that blonde bitch in a gimp suit.
>it's gone back to that frequency and you people can't cope.
We could cope if the games weren't utter shit with zero redeeming qualities.
Yeah, try to brute force through Conquest and see how well that works out.
>The games simply don't sell well compared to how big the name is
By what metric? Almost every Metroid title has sold over a million units, some close to three.
Is it Mario or Zelda territory? No, but the myth that it sells badly needs to stop being perpetuated.
Oh yeah, especially NISLT.
Most MMO's have issues at launch, most games for that matter. The difference is ESO is actually good now but people still hate it.
For me I can care less about the Prime games I've been waiting for a sequel for the 2D games for 12 years.
I would actually prefer Samus to be a huge slut as long as she still had badass moments
There has never been a good Zelda game
Anybody who unironically complains about "SJWs" and how they're a threat to video games is a fucking retard
Bravely Default wasn't a bad game by any means, and the last third of the game was blown way out of proportion
ATB isn't a very good battle system is what I would have said before I played Chrono Trigger, I think it may have changed my mind
The people who complain about Starfox Zero being too short aren't actually fans of the series, SF games have always been short to encourage replayabilty
Non-straight white male protagonists are good for video games as a whole, anybody who actually complains about it is probably homophobic/racist/hates women anyways
It was absolute fucking garbage, and defending it just exposes that you have low standards.
No, Samus needs to be a dom who teaches her bounties some manners before bringing them in.
I'm sorry I had fun playing a game that had gameplay mechanics I preferred to another in the series
>I would actually prefer Samus to be a huge slut as long as she still had badass moments
I don't mind this, but I don't think it belongs in the middle of gameplay. I'm happy with it being implied outside of mission time.
>I would actually prefer Samus to be a huge slut as long as she still had badass moments
>Non-straight white male protagonists are good for video games as a whole, anybody who actually complains about it is probably homophobic/racist/hates women anyways
I hope you die painfully and slowly.
Wii U has had far and away the strongest lineup this console generation:
I present as proof, a list of top selling PS4 games
1. Black Ops 3 (annualzied CoD game)
2. GTAV (available last gen)
3. FIFA 16 (annualized sports game)
4. Advanced Warfare (annualzied CoD game)
5. Battlefront (give us $100 for a full game of content that we'll deliver 2 years later!)
6. Fallout 4
7. Fifa 15 (see above)
8. Destiny (available last gen)
9. The Last of Us (available last gen)
10. Nathan Drake Collection (available last gen)
11. Watch Dogs (available last gen)
12. Far Cry 4 (available last gen)
13. Unity (annualzied assassins creed game)
14. Minecraft ( available everyhwere)
15. NBA 2K16 (annualized sports franchise)
16. Arkham Knight (is it fixed yet?)
17. Uncharted 4
18. Cod Ghosts (Annualized Cod game)
19. The Witcher 3
Just know that you have awful taste, because the gameplay mechanics are also awful.
I say differently
>The people who complain about Starfox Zero being too short aren't actually fans of the series, SF games have always been short to encourage replayabilty
>Non-straight white male protagonists are good for video games as a whole, anybody who actually complains about it is probably homophobic/racist/hates women anyways
Bingo on both fronts.
yeah man anyone with different opinions needs to die
>yeah man anyone with different opinions needs to die
No, just people with your opinions.
>Forced diversity is good
>le i love sluts meme
People should be killed for these.
>Anybody who unironically complains about "SJWs" and how they're a threat to video games is a fucking retard
I agree wholeheartedly. I just want everyone involved with gamergate and Sup Forums in general to go away, it's probably the worst thing to ever happen to Sup Forums.
It just goes to show that you need a good game in order to have good discussions. Everything else has been discussed to hell and back.
Lol who said anything about "forced diversity"?
You sound like a professional victim.
>Lol who said anything about "forced diversity"?
You did. You don't remember? It has only been a few minutes!
>Non-straight white male protagonists are good for video games as a whole, anybody who actually complains about it is probably homophobic/racist/hates women anyways
I never said forced diversity was good, just that games don't need to ONLY have straight white male protagonists.