Games only you played
Games only you played
Stubbs the zombie?
Man that was a fun game.
I absolutley adore this game and destroy all humans. Good shit.
Youre a retard OP, most people on Sup Forums played Stubbs.
I even did the whole game on co-op with this kid i knew from school who was a muscle mountain, nigga joined the army and still played fucking stubbs.
Those barber singers with the jetpecks were OP.
I remember ordering it from the Scholastic book order and I'll never forget the day it was delivered.
hated both of these games. Shallow pieces of shit.
Oh man 10/10 soundtrack. Still have the CD but not the game sadly. PC release when?
>he doesn't understand parody and comedy
You poor thing, you must be so lost. Let me redirect you to your proper board.
I only got to play the demo. I could not for the life of me find a copy for Xbox back when it came out and now it's scalped by jews.
Soundtrack was great
anyone 2
>games genres are now parody and comedy
I don't play PS4.
I love Stubbs. Fuck I'm gonna pirate it right now and hope it runs.
Anyone remember Ghost Master?
>box art and the tutorial level suggest the game is bright and colorful
>the rest of the game has this nasty green sepia filter
Why? I get that they wanted the world to look like how a zombie would see it, but it made the game look ugly as fuck.
Damn I hope GoG adds this one day.
Oh, I remember this game I also remember it being a piece of shit.
Yeah, I remember playing Ghost Master a shit ton as a wee babe.
Nope I played it and I hated it when I was a kid. I just remember it being really frustrating.
if only it were compatible with recent OS i'd find my old joystick
I will post this in every thread until I find another living human who played this
so far no one has in 2 years
I don't even know if it got a full release or only ever got a demo, but it's hard as fuck to find info on because it shares a name with a shit TV show (which also got a game)
Everyone's played Stubbs.
the rarest of pepes
only ever met one other kid that had a genesis
got this for christmas one year from my grandmother. i didnt even watch the show. the game was shit.
But they pushed Blinxx hard.
It was pretty easy and fun, Kid user needed to git gud
Best OST
Aw man, I loved Stubbs. Played most of it with me cousin and beat it on my own. Destroy all Humans was another game in the same vein that I really enjoyed back then.
When I got a PS1 for Christmas I got this game with it. It has always stuck with me, guess its the nostalgia. But the voice acting was cheesy as shit lol.
I think you made that game up.
destroy all humans was fucking awesome
man I never even completed it, it was way too hard for me back then
Microsoft took it down and I can't download it again anymore.
It's bullshit cuz I deleted it a while ago and had an urge to play it again.
Fuck Microsoft.
On the 360? I've redownloaded it a few times, by going into your download history.
360, yes.
I looked at my history and where Stubbs is, it's empty.
No words or anything, just an empty box.
I tried seeing if it anywhere else but that empty box has to be Stubbs.
fuuuuck I love that game, I played it on PC though
Been about a year or so since I last redownloaded it. If mines gone im gonna be pissed.
I dunno, maybe recheck yours to confirm.
I have a long download history so maybe I'm mistaking it for something else.
I swear I looked through my history plenty of times and I couldn't find Stubbs.
apparently I still win, because no one else knows what the fuck this is
and I'm not fucking happy about it
find me literally anyone else who played this great ass game.
Holy shit, is this a portable Ragnarok game? I heard legends of this shit. I also heard rumors that even Maplestory was considering a single player offline version for mobiles.
Not really. basically its a side scroller BEU RPG game. this is kinda what got me into gaming, so ill never forget that game.
Haven't seen anyone talk about this game in here.
I rented this from my local Blockbuster. Game ran like shit because some cunt smeared raspberry jam on the disc face.