ITT: Games that you love and hate at the same time
ITT: Games that you love and hate at the same time
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Objectively, its a brilliant game.
Yes it is.
But shitty motion controls come close to ruining it.
>tutorials every 10 seconds
what would compel me to play a game that interrupts gameplay frequently?
This could so easily be the best 3D zelda title and one of the best games of the last decade if it just fixed a few major things (not even the motion controls necessarily), it makes me mad.
I love it but it's so fucking dated.
Incredible game. Fuck the power bracelets though. Once I throw a rock out of the way it should stay gone forever.
The worst thing about this game was making the shield an ITEM.
For fuck's sake, it should just work automatically instead of having to pause the fucking game and equip it every two seconds.
>The same boss fight in the same location 3 times
Skyward Sword is not a good game. It's a good Zelda game, but that's only because Nintendo hasn't put out a good Zelda game in 16 years.
Don't tell me to 'Git Gud'.
Fucking bosses are solid.
The motion controls rarely bothered me, just take sword fights slowly and the annoying block mechanic on enemies will be in your favour. This is the best Zelda in terms of mobility, it really feels fun to explore. The dungeons are simple and liniur especially compared to twilight princess l. The real sin is having to pause ever minute for bullshit dialogue, without it the games a 7/10. Just wish someone could make an emulator hack to fix that.
Actually the opposite is true; it's a good game, just not a good Zelda game.
Why do people love this game so much?
>here do a dungeon that's like 4 hours long even when you're just trying to blow through it
>play this game for hours as a kid
>game breaks every few hours due to glitches
>all sorts of repetitive crap
The levels were nice at times and it had a lot of Spyro-like qualities. But man I don't know how I had the patience to beat it.
Because Nintendo managed to code one of the best adventure games of the 90's with just 8mb.
Dragonball Xenoverse
Sorry this truly is a matter of git gud
Why do you hate this?
I like BD, it doesn't have retarded names like Square games do nowadays, it's self aware and it's kinda fun, but I hate how it says "go do this thing oh shit looks like you went to this place for nothing go back to the town OH MY GOODNESS A BAD GUY IS HERE"
Also way too grindy
>I like BD, it doesn't have retarded names like Square games do nowadays
You wanna take a second and think about the name "Bravely Default", user?
I love the customization in the class system, the music, atmosphere, writing, character and monster design and even stuff like the encyclopedia entries and town building "game." Brilliant game when I get lost in it.
That said, the world feels super dead and static, cities are minuscule and there's no exploration, dungeons are repetitive and tedious as fuck, the quests are a joke, and I actually can't stand the battle system itself. Normal battles where you don't exploit a single tactic take so long that I just want to turn the battles off or play on easy just to speed them up. But then you can't play with the job system.
Basically it feels like a high budget phone game where they put a lot of thought into what the core game mechanics would be but then phoned in all the actual content around it
>Fi telling you each fucking time what to do
>If that wasn't enough, the game also tells you what you gotta do
>Creepy ass monster turns out to be a total joke, you have to fight him thrice
>That fucking flood forest to capture all the notes
The only part i recall the game not hand holding you except for most of the dungeons was for the sand sea portion, and even then the boss you have to fight out of the blue is the same as the third boss. Motions control were nicely done and i had fun with it at least
but then you'd run out of reasons to use the power bracelet.
he wasn't creepy he looked so dumb, espeically with the fucking arms
the sand sea was pretty hand holdy as well, didn't you have to dowse to every location?
FUCK dowsing either way, totally hurt the exploration side of the game
There are hacks that remove the rock text.
Yeah, it's wasn't as creepy, but i had hope it's would be the case eventually.
The motion controls were great. There are many other reasons why it's a bad game, like the extreme hand holding, the shitty pacing, uninteresting dungeon designs, a boring empty hub world, a disconnected overworld with no exploration, awful story (even for a Zelda game), and some repetitive boss fights.
They were a novel idea but they rarely worked correctly.
The game had to build-in a correction function, forcing the player to lay the controller face down for a few seconds because they knew the Wiimote would spaz out periodically.
Honestly, how many boss fights would you blame the controls for not interpreting your motions correctly? If the controls impede on your enjoyment then thats a big fuck up.
The game is hilarious, fun, and rich with content, but the difficulty curve is so steep it may as well have a fucking overhang after the second Chamber.
This piece of shit.
Still love it though.
Really wish this game got more treatment from the devs but with hearts of iron doing better, they might just forget about it. Still really enjoyable, but lacks a lot of substance.
Bravely second succeeds in fixing non of these issues, and actually manages to be worse. That being said, I completely agree with you on default.