So a quick question for this game, what are some actual good early methods of farming skillseed?

So a quick question for this game, what are some actual good early methods of farming skillseed?

I'm level 19 and am bouncing around different methods, I have the hunter job, third panel nearly unlocked but I'm looking for a solid way to get atleast 8+ multipliers on skillseed.

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>mobile shit

Go play in traffic, kid.

thanks for the bump

Use only Lvl3 or higher skills card.
Farm the last encounter in Chapter 2 (Teleport Stone) over and over.

Do I have to be in Hardmode? WHat could some recommended support cards be?

I use only my max level Yuna.
The only better support card then Yuna is Cait Sith but you won't be able to get maxed one anytime soon so stick to Yuna and get Cait in the future.

I actually pulled a maxed cait from the 3 star card draw which was nice, so I'll go in with that. Thanks.

Cait at lvl3 is not as good at Yuna.
Cait only becomes better once you max it as in make it Lvl4.

OH I see I see, I'll have to raise it up then once I get a grow star

>Not enough gil to Augment my alium card
>Not enough Growstars to Augment my maxed out 3*s
I mean I'm gonna be busy climbing Captain Asshole's Earth Boss Tower but still.

I think it's just shit that there are methods that work and it's like "Oh you had to be going that way when you first started, or laydown shit tons of cash" I'm living off dailies and that just sucks.

I've only had 2 Growthstars so far, the free starting one and the 2nd one from completing daily login chart.
Used those to bump my 3* Ares to 4*

>inb4 why are you using stock Job
Because I only rolled a Ranger and White Mage from the free summon tickets and I don't like either of them.
Waiting for Chapter 3 to release since that will have more summon tickets and hopefully I'll get a Knight or Black Mage this time, preferably Knight.

Well I mean as new Job Cards unlock you could get lucky and get a maxed out one. If we get the FFXII collab and the gacha works the same, a 10-draw should net you a maxed out Gabranth job.
In terms of right now, I'd say use up your Bronze Openers, third panel is an insane grind

You got the month gift box? is the bonus skill seed a notable improvement?
I'm sitting at like 2100 magicite and refuse to buy the bullshit.

Bascially anything would be better at the moment though, I really just want to hit that right ability/level ratio to auto out 9 multipliers for skillseed. I used up all my bronze openers already and we're on the last two days of freebie bronze.

>You got the month gift box?
Lol no, I ain't paying a single dime for this game. Cleared everything available so far as well except Chaos Vortex and the newly released tower which I'm climbing right now.

Oh, I thought you saved up your magicite and used it up on the free month box. It's basically what I'm going for. Otherwise I would have drawn a second job box already.

I only got the Ranger too, which is a shame, in JP I got both the Dark Knight and Gabranth so I've been running stock Warrior to make use of Brotherhood.

Is gabranth really good? Do we have to wait for an XII event before it appears in the job pull?

Not him but I hope you didn't use your bronze shit on the free jobs.
I'm saving mine still because like I said, I got unlucky and only got White Mage and Ranger neither of which I like so I'm not leveling them up.

I want Knight or fucking Black Mage.

You get like 16 summon tickets total for doing both Chapters fully, the first half of Chaos Vortex and Pupu Invasion. I'm sitting on 3 right now waiting for magicitie to draw another job.

Yes and Yes. Gabranth has a nice weapon, comes in maxed out and his Limit Break is incredibly powerful. Gabranth didn't appear anywhere but the FFXII 10-pull, he's exclusive to the collab

>I'm sitting on 3 right now waiting for magicitie to draw another job.
But user, why not go for the month box, it gives you 6 summon cards ontop of all the bullshit you would get. Plus the month long skillseed multiplier.

Well shit it sounds like a gimme job everyone needs.

Because I'm not interested in playing gorillion classes and already have 3 of the best 6 ability cards for Warrior-based jobs?

>Not him but I hope you didn't use your bronze shit on the free jobs.
>mfw I think about how dumb I was being.

That's Rainbow jobs in a nutshell. Really good, only obtainable from pulls

No no you misunderstand, you don't have to pay for the month box at all, it's literally free with time and it just gives you shit. I mean given down the road it'll be less useful (No not really) but I think at this point in time you could have had it, unless you used your magicite on somthing else.

I did use like 1k magicite on some card upgrade mats and minor shit earlier, but right now I'm just saving it for Job pulls rather than the box since like I said, I ain't interested in maxing everything. Just the jobs I want which are Knight and Black Mage and which I haven't fucking dropped yet.
Ergo until I get those jobs, I won't even think about the fucking cheat box that ruins the entire story difficulty curve.

>caith shit
>pulled a 4 star one from gacha

I have never been madder than this.

Also 200K gil is a retarded amount of money to augment to 4star

Nigger I literally shit gil out of my every orifice from the cactuars from friend tickets and the cactuar zone.

How bout you play a game thats actually good you shitfucktard

Sure you are.
>50 tickets for 6 craptuars
>can only get 10 max per day
>pray you dont get useless craptuars

>tfw i'll never roll summer Zooey

Granblue Fantasy is alright, but don't act like it's this holy gem of gaming

What the fuck is that moeshit garbage?

Nigger you can hand pick which zones you go into in the cactuar zone. Stop fucking trying to fuse gorillion useless cards.
Google which ability cards you want for each class and focus only on getting those and sell everything else.
I'm shitting money.

Just look at for my Gil and I don't even need to upgrade anything now since I don't have any more Growthstars.

20 floors done of this chucklefuck's rape tower

Except it is. Its the objectively best mobile game out there.

>music by nobuo uematsu
>art by the guy who did old final fantasy art
>everything is voice acted
>by high profile voice actors
>constant events going on
>Pay for waifus instead of P2W
>95% of your power comes from weapons which you can only grind
>has actual gameplay similar to old final fantasies
>hard as nails bosses with actual mechanics

No kid, you got that backwards, its not that you dont need to upgrade anything, its that you literally CANT upgrade anything.

Also its adorable how you claim to be shitting gil when you have a PATHETIC mere 200k which is enough to augment ONE card to 4 star

>all those implications
>being such a moronic fucking shitter that you actually BUY growthstars with real money
>not knowing that you only need to upgrade 3 cards in total for one job type

Get cancer and die you little sack of shit, I legitimately regret even giving advice to a shitter like you.

Woah I cut yourself of your edges

>you only need to upgrade 3 cards

its cute how you actually believe that :^)
let me guess, that guide written by a retarded fujoshit told you so?

Also to add to this >music by nobuo uematsu
Lol no, a literal who nobody called Mitsuto Suzuki did Mobius soundtrack and the music is painfuly generic and forgettable.

>art by the guy who did old final fantasy art
Amano only did the cover artwork, like he does for EVERY SINGLE FINAL FANTASY, AND NOT JUST "OLD" ONES.

>everything is voice acted
But that's wrong, only cutscenes are. A lot of the dialogue is in textboxes without any voice acting.

>constant events going on
You mean rehashes of events Japan had over a year ago.

>Pay for waifus instead of P2W
Objectively wrong, there's ton of P2W in this.

>95% of your power comes from weapons which you can only grind
No, your power comes from your skills unlocked with skillseeds as well as your ability cards.

>has actual gameplay similar to old final fantasies
AHAHAHAHAHAHAH No. It's literally a heavily gutted and dumbed down version of Lightning Returns.

>hard as nails bosses with actual mechanics
Hard sure, to make you pay. Actual mechanics? Lol no.

Kill yourself.

user I think those were talking about Granblue.

Are you fucking retarded?
He's clearly talking about Granblue fantasy, you assblasted mong.

Well the real question is how would I get it in english?

by going into options and selecting english.

Holy shit you are retarded he was talking about Granblue

Not really, everything's browser based which makes it a pain to interact with. The gacha rates are only slightly better than F/GO.
The grind is an unreal hell.
Kai-Ri-Sei Million Arthur is a better game in my opinion, despite being on a smaller scale.

It says it's incompatible for my phone, when I even try to go look it up, rough.

you just need chrome

what for?
to play it on the phone?

How the fuck is that even possible? It literally runs in a web browser on your phone

What the fuck, I thought it was an app. It's a browser game?

Yes. The app is a glorified web browser specially designed for the game. The reason it says you're incompatable is due to Google Play's region lock.

>Pay for waifus instead of P2W
>95% of your power comes from weapons which you can only grind
Except you're technically pulling the weapon in gacha and unlocking the unit from there. There are good weapons you can get through grinding but remember the SSR gacha ones.

>Sup Forums
>discussing mobileshit


Since Pokemon GO has taken over, people feel as though they can talk about mobile gaming lightly.

pokemon go isn't even a game my nigger.

user it's been years since people started discussing mobile game on Sup Forums

Mobile games aren't all awful, you should try some, even if you don't have a phone plenty of Android emulators exist

So is 90% of the shit people discuss on Sup Forums

Visual Novels taking over on a flavor of the month is a good example.

Well, that's dumb, thanks user.

do the PuPu event
finish it, unlock the final boss stages
farm them to hell and back until you have 3 of each elemental card
fuse the extra copies on your originals until you max them out
set up your decks for each element
use each deck accordingly for whatever element you need the most at any moment

why? because the Pupu cards are the easiest and earliest 4 star cards you can get right now and they shower you with skillseeds.

goddamn I love this game. I'm chock full of premium shit without spending a single cent.

except this specific gacha for jobs / weapons is a monthly freebie and you can never get duplicates, so it's literally impossible to be P2W

IS it better to mix and match pupu cards or just have one solid set of pupu?

You should also save some extra cards for future en- cards (new ones have the same skill, but different passives, like +25% resist to card's opposite element, so you can use pupus to upgrade them).

You could technically pay for magicite and brute force it, though why anyone would pay that much is beyond me.

you can also do that, even build an all-rounder deck with the four elements and pick a healing friend card as support.
however, it's more effective to focus on a single element at a time so you can unlock your main job card faster. leave the stockpiling for when you're done getting strong enough.

Alright, thanks user.

Every mobile game is a pain to interact with. Better get used to it.

its a browser game, which also has an app.
You can also play it on normal chrome, and developer mode chrome

it's pointless since the jobs by themselves are useless, you'll require weeks of grindan for skillseeds to unlock all the skills
I'm leveling my warrior now and his final scimitar is 60k reds. you'll be farming so much in the meantime you'll already have got enough free magicite until you accumulate all that.

There are no good weapons from the gacha anymore. They're all gone, and moved to drops, Crimson Fingers drops from Agni for example.

>mobile "games"

Oh thanks for that, I'll look into making a set up for my phone to access it easy.

You could also spend money on bronze, silver and gold unlocks.

Which is also a dumb thing to pay for.

these unlockers are pointless, farming skillseeds is easy and are just a consequence of your daily play.
buying unlockers can't even be considered pay-to-win, but rather pay-to-skip-playing.

>playing quick cashgrabs that cash in dopamine releases

nah man, your brain is fucked.

I know it is crazy but not all of them require cash. I was playing Soccer Spirits a while ago and I had 4 legendary cards from just normal play. They give you enough gems for 11 pulls every week. I just started mobius now and got tired of SS. Mobius also seems to require no money considering you can buy every skill with skill tickets and you can never pull the same job twice.

>implying people don't want instant gratification like
>or even buying waifu Echo skins, which get lewder every season

They say you get echo tickets monthly so unless you really need everyone patience is fine with me.

What do I do with all these Adamanterrapin cards?

Each season gets around 4-6 costumes and you can only get 1 per month with the Gift Box.
They get delisted after the season ends. This has already happened on Global, I think.
It's the prim dress / kimono, the one that makes her look a bit like Yuna. If you look at the shop now you wont find it anymore, just the swimsuits now and the basic stuff like the chibified echo and cactuar

fuse them on the Onion Knight card and Hollofernyiges, the bearded earth dragon from the ability shop. That card will be strong as fuck later on.

Onion Knight isn't Stone is it? If it's for Skillseeds I've aleady capped Onion Knight with Earth PuPus.

stone is useless, fuse the card only to unlock skillseeds on other earth cards;
like all FF games, focus on developing the -ga and -ja abilities. best one available for now is the mindflayer's Aeroja

My Lesser Aeroja is rekting the shit out of those turtles.

Actually Prim Echo and Officer Echo are still there until the 31st

I wreck them just fine with what I have, so I don't really use the wind cards. I value my Element Drive much more, because one thing I learned against actually hard bosses in the JP version of the game is that the ED can save your life

Can we just take a moment and appreciate that right now on Sup Forums we are maintaining a thread about a mobile game?
This is a once in a blue moon event, I mean it helps that Mobius isn't shit but still.

it just happens that Mobius is a once-in-a-blue-moon game among the sea of shit that is the appstore/google play
and even then, it's only because it's fine and fair for now. who knows, maybe Square will decide to pull some shit later on.

I just use the UFO right now. I want a slutty echo.

If they do, blame SE NA because the Japanese version was pretty well taken care of. I just hope we start getting the raid bosses soon, those are where the real challenge is.

Beach Echo is best Echo.
Next swimsuit season there's going to be a white one which is even better.

Considering they removed the magicite expiration bullshit a day after the game's release because enough people complained about it, I guess we are safe for now.

It's better to get the box. The magicite it takes to do a job draw is equivalent to the cost of the box, and the box already gives you enough summon tickets and tons of other shit. Definitely worth saving for a box instead of going just for draws.

Amano was monster and character designer until belts and zippers replaced him.

Really, the box is all you will ever need. Stockpiling jobs is pointless since you are never going to max all of them unless spend a lot of money in unlockers, which is going to trivialize the whole game.

Upgrading Cait Siths ability level with augmented gold dust wizards or whatever the fuck their called makes it far superior to Yuna.

Augmenting the cards that drop cause every further drop of that card to be the higher rarity , so upgrading abilities becomes easy.

Plus we'll probably be getting Rainbow jobs soon enough and those come pre-maxed out

I actually like the story line about the blanks. The prophecy is fucking hilarious. The tournament was the best part. Waiting for a victory by default lol.

Agreed. The skillseed bonus makes it incredibly worth, literal 1:1 cost on just summon tickets vs the box , there is absolutely not a single reason NOT to save for the box.

You can make an account on chrome and use it on your phone.
You just use the same email.
And you dont need the app. You can just visit the url on your phone browser

They're still there, I use a tonberry.
A spirit ticket is only 500 mag, which is less than 5 days.