ITT: Enemies that you underestimated but they kicked your ass


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How did the slowest enemy in the game fuck you up?

Vile Maggots

Oh, I dunno, miscalculated move resulting in OHKO? We all pretty much did get owned by these guys in our first playthroughs

I pursued


>Barely getting used to the wrench or whatever it was
>Oh hey it's a little monkey haha
>It starts screeching and coming at me like a whirling dervish
>It fucks my shit while I'm desperately trying to time my sluggish swing at its tiny demonic frame

Fuck these guys. After I got guns I always shot them on sight.

>''The fuck is that???''
>''OH SHI-''


These fuckers on LW

yeah man us guys huh?

I've defeated 3 lords of cinder and many bosses and almost entire armies of hollows and skeletons, so one boss can't be that hard right?
>Doesn't project attacks.
>Never ending combos.
>OP grab.
>Hits like a truck.
>Constantly distracting you with her ass.
I'd fight O&S over her any day.

In march.

>us gamers rite xD
back to facebook with you

Fucking squadsight thin mints were the absolute worst thing about LW.

>>Constantly distracting you with her ass.

Nice argument. Funny guy.

when the fuck did I imply it was an argument?
I mocked you getting rekt by the slowest enemy in the game

You're real funny.

thanks senpai
remember to like and share with your friends if this also happened to you

Even unironically posting this is disgusting. Back into your hole, vermin.


Thank god for shivs. My favorite was "Johnny Five"


Pfffffftttt..... It's just a fucking bear, so what if it has a red color now?

fuck are you talking about
I quoted a dude, those weren't my words

1. They are not the slowest enemies in the game
2. Kill yourself

You didn't quote anyone in this thread though


>I got rekt by an overgrown mushroom

I didn't give you permission to reply to me. Listen, it was entertaining, first. Hell, it was actually funny.

But now I'm getting the feeling that you actually think that you're on my level. From the day I was born, I was destined for success, you little shit. I was brought into this world by a software engineer and and a prominent actuary, both of Norwegian descent. From the moment that the fucking curtains were raised, I was set to dominate the STEM fields. And because I had guardians that actually cared about me, I flourished. Pretty soon, I was placed into a special school of correspondence, specifically I.M Gelfand's school for gifted children in New England. I not only reached my parents' expectations, but I passed them with flying colors. I had raw talent. I was fucking better. I was surrounded by 6th graders, many from Hong Kong, whom were smarter than half the posters in this fucking thread. And now, where am I?

In MIT, getting my double BS in Electrical Engineering and Physics, with a Stanford-Binet tested IQ of 147 at age 17.

Get this through your head: you are nothing. I am worth more than your entire goddamn family. I'm smarter than you, better looking than you, taller than you, wealthier than you, and more employable than you. While you type out another post to get cheap laughs, I'll be simultaneously working with the brightest minds in the world and fornicating with my beautiful girlfriend. It gets on my nerves when people pretend to be better than me.

Know your place, you fucking vermin. Never, ever reply to my posts, again.

>We all pretty much did get owned by these guys in our first playthroughs
yea I did

Well now you did, he never said "us gamers rite xD " in the first place however.
Fucking saved

but he did say it, just in a slightly different manner
>fucking saved
how new

>it's the way he said it


No he didn't you retarded shitposter, you should learn to read

wow, this is a new level of stupid
first I thought you were from leddit, but it seems you're part of some dark souls facebook group too
keep the circlejerk going guys!

>how new
how new are you lol, there aren't any sign up dates so how long you've been here is ultimately irrelevant because everyone is anonymous

kill yourself


You seem pretty upset, I think you should play some video games


/r/Sup Forums is right around the corner friend, don't worry!
see you again when you're 18

>brings up facebook
>brings up leddit
>it's not what he said, it's the way he said it

Here's a meme for you

not an argument

>video games
video what?

back to Sup Forums with you
>not an argument
not an argument

Back to facebook with you

Is it what I said? Or the way I said it?

>yfw Sup Forums is better at discussing video games better than Sup Forums
>yfw Sup Forums is taking oc from /r9k/ now
>yfw Sup Forums got voted worst board


>Extremely weak enemy in several games.
>Suddenly gets a huge buff in the next game.

what are you talking about senpai
Sup Forums is pretty garbage, I agree

>use any status ailment

Oh em gee we (us gamers, apparently) are worst than the ponyfags?

Fuck those faggots and their constant crits

atleast the ponyfags actually talk about ponys, instead of flinging shit at each other

I just want to know if it's what I said, or the way I said it

/mlp/ was out second round


She's so fucking easy though. Get a bow (or any projectile weapon) and stay away from her. When she goes for the obvious grab dodge it (since its very easy to dodge) and wail on her while she sits there for 8 seconds doing nothing.

you just wrote as if everyone got rekt by slow mushie on their frist playthrough
aka projection

dude lord of cinder is way harder than her,
i killed her like 4 times with a single level 40 character on ng, ng+, ng++ and ng+++ and it never took me more than 3 tries.

They don't?

Fucking A; Sup Forums is worst than the containment boards

Redhelm did throw me for a loop, seeing as he's so fucking easy normally.

I want deviant volvidon.

I'm not him though

I'm just laughing because you sound like a nu-male with the whole "it's the way he said it thing"

What makes you think I was him? The way I said it?

Real question though: I thought your complain was about the whole 'us gamers' (which btw, he never said) thing and then you telling him that he belongs to Facebook.

You're telling me that it's just because you didn't get rekt by a mushroom and want ppl to know that?




Oh wow, it actually decided to fight back for once instead of running a way like a little pussy.

Pls no. I have a feeling they'd make weapons bounce on deviant volvidon even with purple sharpness

I'm just collecting (You)s and upsetting redditors
chill out famalam

>Get pic related extremely early on
>Friend wants to do it
>"B-but it's a variant...."
>Quest Failed: Returning to Camp

Variants, we hates em.


I think some people just pretend mushroom enemies were tough because that's the meme

Only retards did get owned, shrooms are mediocre at best


never pretended anything, I meant most of what was said
I just happened to piss off some redditors in the process

You're a redditor

>n-no u
keep posting little bitch

but you were the joke

That's what you are, sorry that making a factual observation upsets you. Only a redditor would care so much about reddit.

>the joke
what joke

this motherfucker.

probably because he underestimated it

Well don't fucking steal


The one that went over your head

thanks for all the tears user, I really appreciate it
kinda easy desu, but it was fun

hella f*cking EPIC
mind if I screencap this for /r/Sup Forums?

For fuck's sake it deals something like 20hp with its faggot attack


Sure thing leddit

I'll see you there!

I'm sorry leddit, you belong there, I don't go there. It will never be

>blindingly fast
>next game
>not so blindingly, now its icaras or bust

Did I get rused?

Upvoted my man, pretty epic if I say so myself.

You can't switch out or run away because of Wobbufett's ability so if you have something out that can't deal with it it's dead.

It's the Pokemon you least want to encounter during a nuzlocke because it almost always means you're losing a Pokemon unless it can poison/burn, Roar/Whirlwind or somehow PP stall for 50+ turns. Any direct attack results in you potentially taking double the damage you dealt.

What movie?

>this desperation
thank you for all the tears and (You)s

>when you realize it's not running away for it's own sake, but for yours.


thanks, I can teach you if you want

Fuck you Whitney