Sup Forums suddenly hates Cammy

>Sup Forums suddenly hates Cammy

What happened?

I want to give Cammy a cummy in her cunny!

post more to change my mind, maybe.

crapcom made her as ugly and grotesque as chun li that's why. she's not a graceful asdassin anymore.

Because Juri is better

>no massive futa bulge
there it is

what mod is that?

Barefoot Cammy diver variation.

How the fuck do I take screenshots like that ?


press f12 and hope for best :^)

>and hope for best
this is what I do wrong

just get dxtory and set a quick capture to take 6 or so shots over the course of a second and then see which ones were good.

I'll try that, thks user.

i love her what are you talking about

Cause she has competition now for best ass

Leona is better

i know what you mean

Trans here. Does Sup Forums think I can pull off Juri cosplay?

Only the best

Nope :^)
Neck yourself

I don't know, post a picture of your feet so I can tell you.


Sonya killed her


get out

that pic looks like shit

>that pic looks like shit
>posts Mileena



it does boob monster shit

I cleaned it up a bit since then


Kk. How tall are you?

I think your life would be better if you ended it

it's not worth the effort

you have to be pretty fit to cosplay a SF girl. if you are then you probably can cosplay her fine.

just clean your fucking room please

>no jiggle


I need Juri to bully me.

What makes you think I hate Cammy?
Well Juri is also good but she'll never replace Cammy in my heart. Being the first character I've ever used in Street Fighter. Back when I had no idea what the fuck button combos are.

Who would hate best girl?

Her character select screen stance is terrible

damn bruv

Cammy is perfection and Capcom needs to stop fucking with her anatomy. This applies to both nipples and the swimsuit.

NO clue.