Your opinion on Yume Nikki
Your opinion on Yume Nikki
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that bitch got some fucked up dreams lmao
The only good walking simulator in existence
Along with Silent Hill its the only game series that I only play at nighttime.
he tried out for a Dragon Quest game but got rejected. he sad now.
One of the best video games ever made
Another Slime rejected.
I love all the native american designs combined with the japanese horror. Proves that a game doesn't need stupid jumpscares to be an enticing creepy game.
Madotsuki was _____?
It's interesting
a rapist
THE best song in the game
I love yume nikki
it makes me feel something so strange, the word "eerie" doesn't really do it justice. when first encountering things like the aztec rave monkey, I just get this rush of otherwordlyness. I don't know how to describe it.
also I want to hug madotsuki!
you're not a true yume nikki fan unless you've beaten the entire game scooting around on the office chair
ah not tan neet are not tan neet centimeter.
It's the Undertale of Sup Forums 2007
Can anyone help? I have Yume Nikki fullscreened but the resolution is small and shitty and blurry. how do I change it to the resolution of my PC?
Well-designed and immersive, but massively overrated by a fanbase with a lot of cancer in it.
what's kikiyama up to currently? he reposnded ever to any emails?
F4 to change it windowed, F5 to change from 2X to 1X. that's all the vanilla game can do, does anyone know if theres some 3rd party program to magnfiy it?
The original walking simulator, one of my favorite games even if i hardly consider it real vidya, shame none of the successors managed to catch the dream-like vibe it had.
Was Yume Nikki the original Undertale?
Never played it. Looks kind of sad.
I'll happily admit that I don't get Yume Nikki. I've tried it, I really have, but without a walkthrough it just felt like I was fumbling in the dark. The environments are spooky, sure, but at some point it just stops being exciting and the sense of getting lost was never overcome by my sense of exploration
I like Yume 2kki more, it's way larger
I liked .flow too and yume 2kki would be good if it ever gets finished.
Isn't it still in development?
Or did it get finished some time ago and I just don't know?
It's been in development for like 7 years or some shit. They keep adding more and more stuff, I'm pretty sure to see everything you'd need to play the game for 40 hours or more
I thought it was boring
Not comparable. Yume Nikki was at least somewhat interesting.
On the other hand, undertale is just bait for unstable tumblr kids. It's essentially pandering to an easy demographic, but lacking any substance in doing so. It's like saying porn VNs have redeemable qualities.
lel who made this, uboachan died long before undertale was released
.flow has come the closest but i thought for the most part it felt a little too mean spirited with far too many world focusing on horror, if playing yume nikki was like having a dream, playing flow. was like walking through a nightmare, still liked as well tough.
2kki was quite fun in the exploration part, but it felt all artificial? "too planned"? The moment i went into a world 90% of the time i could already tell "oh, this is the x world" where i never could quite grasp it with most stuff on YN.
Both were fun, but not quite as interesting.
i wish i could get this to work. i need more yume nikki
looks pretty alive to me
this might help you
Play it for the atmosphere.
everyone just shitposts on hikki now, plus if you look at the timestamps on recent posts there's like 1 post a day
I found .flow a lot more enjoyable, but I'm sure I'll play YN again one of these days.
I'm unable to immerse myself and appreciate the atmosphere in pixel games so I'll never play it.
Replaying right now. this music and these areas. takes me back..
I think the ubochan part is related to yume nikki as tmblr is to undertale.
>shitty music
That's uncalled for.
you physically can't juice up discussion for a game that came out 12 years ago, everything you can discuss was discussed million times
What Yume Nikki fans think about that statement?
I played a little bit of 2kki and I think I felt similar, it didn't quite click with me I guess. I also not a big fan of how it calls itself '2' as if to ride off the popularity of the original. .flow is great because while being obviously like Yume Nikki it tries to be it's own thing, like Silent Hill meets Yume Nikki really. All I hear people praise 2kki for is for being big but really Yume Nikki was big enough, I don't see the point of jamming as much stuff as possible in.
I don't think of Yume Nikki as being or trying to be a pleasant experience and getting lost is part of that.
It sounds super elitist and/or hipster to say bad game design was/is intentional but for Yume Nikki I think is the point.
It's pretentious indie shit with no actual gameplay and awful pixel art that only Tumblrites and SJWs would enjoy.
That's what Sup Forums would say if it was released in 2016.
I challenge your statement
You're not wrong.
If someone who wasn't Japanese made it, then yeah, and it would be shit too.
i can never get into these if theres too much talking and story and shit. is there actual good exploration in this game or am i expected to listen to a bunch of people talking at me
I played it for the first time not too long ago and I thought it was super interesting. I liked using effects on different things and seeing what would happen and how the game would award you for trying something different.
OneShot has mostly exploration. There isn't much talking in it at all. Although some of the puzzles might throw you off. Sometimes you have to think outside of the game window in order to progress.
Woops, meant to reply to
The game isn't even high resolution, stop it with the huge pictures. Resize them before you upload them.
Sup Forums will call me a fag but after I got bored of wandering around I just looked up a spoiler-free guide so I could find more cool shit.
Being open ended is cool but too much of it ends up being frustrating and annoying, at least for me. I like this game a lot but honestly I don't think I would've enjoyed it if I'd done a purist playthrough without seeking help.
I think the game is stronger for its nonlinearity because telling you where to go in-game would've fucked up the experience. But finding a guide on my own, outside of the game, was a necessity for me to enjoy it after a point. If you go back and just use a guide for the game you might end up liking it a lot.
I think that, all trolling and shitposting aside, most people who are big fans of YN can see why some people wouldn't like it. But good on you for at least giving it a shot.
I just found it boring. I don't like wandering around trying to figure out things without any direction. The weird setting also put me off. I seriously doubt most people have weird ass dreams like this.
Fantastic game to play while baked
r kelly joke
No they wouldn't, its Japanese
a literal classic and extremely influential
to japanese numbers are like regular characters (that's why their nicknames are full of them in random order), and they don't give a fuck about numerology and other mystifcations around them (except for number 4. kek), so i dont't really think there is something deep-thought in it, just stylistic choice
My favorite game that I'll never finish.
I like to imagine that Madotsuki and Frisk would be friends and just wander strange planes of existence together with stoically unshakable attitudes and expressions for all of eternity, keeping each other sane.
why dont you douse your headfanonshipping in mustard and slide it back up your arse
Doesn't Mado turn into poo as one of her abilities.
yeah niggah. her hair turns into stinky doodoo crap
I still use the flute song as my ring tone
so you play all other horror games during the day.
this is what is wrong with horror genre Sup Forums.
For one, that was in response to the image where they were both there.
Secondly, I don't give a fuck what you think, salty Britbong.
Don't be so upset by trivial things.
Original granddaddy of pretentious 2deep4u walking simulators. Sup Forums only likes it because they enjoyed it years ago and it's still relatively obscure.
It kinda bugs me people consider this game scary
that would be LSD.
.flow reminded me of Serial Experiments: Lain. I really liked it, for different reasons than why I like YN
Also because I like 2deep4u walking sims. Walking sims are one of my favorite genres
It's not really obscure. I mean, yes to soccer moms and 9-5 dads and shit it is but to anyone with a passing interest in indie games, horror games or just good games in general they have heard of it.
>yume nikki
yes. problem?
i bet you say that smash bros isnt a fighting game
It is surreal horror, still horror.