Why is From such a lazy company

Why is From such a lazy company

It's ok when From does it.

because people buy their shit anyway

It's A-O-K when From does it, amigo.

They have to dumb-down their games since they have to run on the "next-gen" consoles and not just PC.

this is nothing compared to the shrine of winter rubble

Blame Bandai for giving them not enough time to include what they want

it's alright when from does it my friend

Your fault for buying this trash.

Literal meme games for the fucking millennial audience

What's lazy about this?

I dunno



Already been discussed to death.


just like souls fans

thank you


this just makes me more sad

For a developer well known for their attention in detail, From cuts corners like nobodys business.

>muh grafix
>who gives a shit about gameplay, i want to watch a movie


That's actually a glitch.

I believe it's called optimisation user.




Does it go to the iron keep?

lemme check the top of the church...

Nope, no Iron Keep here.

Speaking of glitches: the entire tower structure in Darkroot Garden doesn't render from where you find the wolf ring, resulting in the Moonlight Butterfly bridge hanging in mid-air and the sun also constantly glitches out there and disappears.