Will it ever come out?

Will it ever come out?

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You'll come out sooner than it.

Short answer: No

Long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Back when Half Life came out scripted games were new.

Back when Half Life 2 came out realistic physics was new.

Valve would have to make it open world because nobody wants a linear FPS in 2016 and they can't innovate anywhere else.

My prediction is, yes it will, it will be amazingly good or amazingly shit, not because of the high expactations but because Gaben will pass his seat to one of his trustworthy employees or his son/daugther, gaben will pass away shortly later and his successor will fail miserably trying to continue epic HL storyline or succeed and make game of the decade if not more, also there's an option where gaben will make his legacy by releasing HL3 just before he passes away, i'm honestly not seeing HL3 being released while Gaben is with us. Not meant any harm just my theory

Yes when they finish remastering the first two so console players understand the whole story. Insider knowledge, I could get fired for posting this, but tender I said it.


Make proper AI.

no because they make easy bank with steam and tf2

That was pretty brave dude, be careful. Wouldnt want you to lose your job.

first post best post

How many people have died waiting for Episode 3?

you base your entire theory of Gaben being good. Reality is that Gaben is a lardass kikeschwein hack and the sole reason why there has been nothing HL related in the past 9 years.
Viktor Antonov left because Gaben likes to print money by ripping off underaged Steamtoddlers with hats instead of making sophisticated, large scale high budget games that break the frontier and pioneer technology like old Valve used to do. Gaben changed to Nu-Gabe and Valve has become Neo-Valve.

if they ever do new engine and will need some shitty """game""" to show it

>would have to make it open world because nobody wants a linear FPS in 2016
Speak for yourself, you dick sucking faglord

I am happy that I´ve never played the series. I saw a little bit of the ending of HL2 EP 2 the woman where she cries and says help me. I would probably go nuts, because I would want to know how the story will end.

So that is the reason why I want them to do portal 3 and don´t care that much about half life 3

I doubt its even in active development. And honestly I think the franchise is irrelevant currently. The mass market knows valve for Left 4 Dead and Portal, no one cares about Half-Life anymore. But I could be retarded also.

Thanks yahtzee

You are. Half-Life is fucking huge and the most influencial video game up there with Doom, Tetris, and Mario 64. Half-Life 3 is the most demanded game in all of existence.

You tell me:


it will if you make the right choice this november

Why does half life 3 have to do something new? I'd be fine if it was just hl2 with better graphics. It doesn't have to change anything. If I could change anything I'd make the weapons a bit more powerful ( or maybe switch guns like the mp7 with a weapon like an m16) but it's not a necessity.

because whole series is a goddamn benchmark.

Lets see

>spend years developing a game, potential to make millions


>spend a week copy pasting community created skins into crates and guarantee millions of dollars

HL3 will never happen.

Valve could easily innovate by making the first AAA quality VR game.