Here's some stuff that's not had as much exposure as other things.
highest quality team trailers:
Antonov moveset:
Verse moveset:
Here's some stuff that's not had as much exposure as other things.
highest quality team trailers:
Antonov moveset:
Verse moveset:
Other urls found in this thread:
The 16 team stages. Other stages: Antonov Super Arena, Destroyed Arena, Training Stage.
All characters returning from XIII + returning characters.
All KOF characters in the main series that are not a part of the initial 50-character roster for XIV.
This art looks like it's from KoF XIII.
I guess they really wanted to make the King of Dinosaurs more of a cat huh? :o
It's the Mexico Team ending.
And we are already in image dump. Prepare for the next 24 hour thread!
Maybe not.
Verse is kind of a shitty boss.
Apparnetly he's based on this guy:
For some reason, his winquote has him saying "Monsieur".
The win quote I saw was completely unintelligible (something like "DZZZABAAGAHUGHHHHH!!!").
only the head sort of does, otherwise look like a shitty toku monster
Interesting that SNK is still designing characters on a reference level.
Is Verse...hard? He doesn't seem very aggressive (although that guy could have been playing on a low difficulty).
Pretty much every fighting game still does
He's got the rocket punches he does, too.
Huh, that's odd.
He can do some Jojo shit where he walks forward and throws ethereal punches as he does.
Verse trailer when?