Can someone recommend a cheap USB ethernet adapter that will actually work with this piece of shit...

Can someone recommend a cheap USB ethernet adapter that will actually work with this piece of shit? I've tried two and it won't recognize either one.
I'm not paying $25 + shipping for the official Jewtendo one.

Other urls found in this thread:

>buying 3rd party garbage

not going to pay them more money for a feature that should be standard
you faggots told me any cheap adapter would work but you lied.

Why aren't you just using wifi? No, a wired connection will not cause Smash to lag any less.

Yeah it will retard.

Try this.

It's only 10 bucks.

No it isn't

$24.99 + shipping.

You are fucking welcome:

Before even clicking that link, I knew it was shipped from China.

>from china
>Estimated delivery between Tue. Aug. 30 and Wed. Sep. 14

With a 98.8% Positive feedback, that doesn't really matter.

>an inherently stable connection
>not less laggy


Do you guys actually know how ebay actually work?

I don't want to wait 3 fucking weeks to get it.
There has to be someone here who has some cheap ass adapter that actually works, I just need the name

It doesn't take 3 weeks for it to arrive, it never does.

Go to fucking craigslist or look for a video game store that isn't a big chain store like gamestop. Found a local vidya store that has all the accessories I'd ever need.

there's only one mom and pop vidya store in my town and they only sell retro consoles.

Sound like a cool couple.

yeah I got some good PS1 games from there they even had a sealed copy of Parasite Eve.

>"omg where can I get this cheap and it works?"
>someone links
>"lol from china, no thanks"
So you made this thread just to bitch like an 8 year old?

I'm not waiting 3 weeks to get it. Fuck off.

Sorry, can't understand your crying kid.

>tripfag thinks his opinion matters

>I'm not waiting three weeks!
Then you're not getting it fucking cheap. What you want does not exist. You're either paying more to get one sooner or paying less and waiting. Those are your options, so pick one.

Anons here have told me that any generic adapter works. I said in the op I didn't want the official jewtendo one. I wanted to know what generic adapters anons have had work for them since the ones I used for my laptop didn't work.

No, it won't, Smash will still be a laggy piece of shit. I've played online extensively both using the adapter and wifi, there is little noticeable difference. Smash 4 just has shitty online.

>for gaming

You are the cancer that ruining online.

I came to Sup Forums to complain -"the thread"

Seriously by the time you buy several of these these thing and return them it would have been better worth your time to buy the one from Nintendo for 30 dollars.

>whiny bitch
>doesn't understand wifi/ethernet doesn't mean shit on consoles
>doesn't understand all adapters come from China
>isn't smart enough to research and discover literally any USB 2.0 adapter will work

>owns a Nintendo console
>calls them Jewtendo
>can't spend $10 to buy one that is guaranteed to work
>just wants to whine on Sup Forums

>>calls them Jewtendo
Charging an extra $30 for something that should be standard is jewy.
>>can't spend $10 to buy one that is guaranteed to work
I want a cheap generic one not the jewtendo one.
I'm starting to think all of this "any adapter works bro!" Is a bunch of bullshit since people can't find others that actually work.

Then pay up

Literally just google "wii ethernet adapter" and you can see all your options.

No because I'm not buying the jewtendo one. Or did you fags lie to me about how any adapter will work?

>Charging for something that should be standard
Name someone who doesn't do this.

>want a cheap, generic one
So you'd rather keep wasting time/money after failing, from what you claim, is twice, rather than just sucking it up and buying a used, official one that does? That's why you're a retarded faggot.

Unless there is a shitload of interference in your wi-fi it wont make much difference because the Wii u doesnt have an ethernet port and it has to convert to (significantly slower) USB 2.0 before it reaches the console

I didn't waste any money because I already had one for my laptop and the other was one my sister doesn't use anymore.

>wii u doesn't have an ethernet port
why? lag was always a bitch on Wii too.

I think it's funny you're willing to by 3 different off brand ones than the official Nintendo one. At this point it'd be cheaper and guaranteed to work.

>replying to tripfags
>ones that show off their fanboy allegiance at that
never take these posters seriously. especially that faggot. he's always shitting up these threads.

Because nintendo

I already said I didn't buy any new ones I just want one cheap one that will actually work.

Which usb port are you using you tard? You DO know that only one of the 4 ports rexognises it, right?

I tried both on the back.

You're still wasting time, swallow that 'pride' you have and just buy the $10 official one or as others have suggested, google what others are using, it's really simple.

He maybe a tripfag, but he speaks the truth. He's also an idort and actually plays games.

unless both parties have a lan connection the match will still lag. It requires two stable connections, not just one. And a majority of Wii U owners (honestly a majority of most people) have shit-tier wifi.

>I'm not paying $25 + shipping for the official Jewtendo one

You should have picked another console then friend. Sorry to hear you fell for the WiiU meme

>implying the other companies aren't just as jewis
I sure do love paid online and "free" shit games.

Quit moving the goalpost. The fact is that it would make matches less laggy. It's not gonna magically make matches not lag at all.