What is the real reason??

Is GG EZ the real problem here?
Or does the current generation of gamers have extremely thin skin?
I don't even play the game, but the controversy is spilling over into games I do play.
For those who play overwatch: was it spammed like desu was years ago, or is kinda infrequent?
Is GG EZ really worth all the drama?

Polite sage but "gg ez"/"rekt" culture is awful. Has nothing to do with thin-skin or "our generation".

Good sportsmanship doesn't go out of style.

is it?

If you're too sensitive that you get triggered by gg ez then you are the problem.
It wouldn't be nearly as much of a problemn if people weren't so fucking offened by a harmless fucking comment.

Thin skin. Let me tell you I put up with the worst trashtalk of all time in games and I'm better for it. What someone says over the internet to me doesn't bother me.

Butthurt millennial.

look at this vagina of a nu-male, if something someone says to you online is ruining your day you're gonna have a lot of trouble going forward in life

there shouldn't be any drama over a wordfilter desu senpai baka

>Has nothing to do with thin-skin or "our generation".

It really, really does.

When I was a wee lad I don't think I joined a server, community-owned or otherwise, that handed out kicks or bans for reasons like sexism or racism. Now that shit is hard-baked into the ToS of every other online game and you can get the privilege of playing with people online revoked if you so much as make fun of people for losing a game that doesn't really even matter.

>Oh no some guy is having a laugh because he won / didn't win and is saying it anyway to be a dick.

>let's encourage it by sperging out about 4 letters, and write walls of texts about why it's toxic and muh feelings

They say this man-period numale bullshit is a meme, but when you read some of the shit posted on the internet...

>Using gamer

The ones that did had it clearly stated in the MoTD beforehand. Some that auto banned for saying things like nigger. But let's be honest, no one says nigger casually except on Sup Forums.

What if blizzard just did it for fun?

GGEZ is the epitome of, "I know you didn't try your best,"

It's the primacy of step up or shut up. The last ultimatum.

Blizzard isn't changing it because people have thin skin
Blizzard is putting the filter on because it's funny

I don't get how the filter did anything.
Everyone knows you're saying gg ez, especially if you type it fast.

There was no reason for calling it a polite sage. It's not like you off topic posted or anything. Stop being a cunt.

Unlikely, seeing as nobody at Blizzard has a sense of humor. They probably just think that passive aggressively addressing "toxic" behavior is funny when it's not

The filter may not seem like much now, but it's only in the beta version, right? Where they test new things? Before we know it, an AI may be screening your communications for feelings-hurting messages.

Is it now impossible to say "gg" with the genuine sentiment of good sportsmanship and have it actually be interpreted that way?

What about "wp"?

Only if it has "wp" or "friends" in there in some variation.

>Somebody complete dominates the match
>Doesn't say a word in post-match lobby

>Somebody complete dominates the match

I like both, they both urge me to do better

I don't even communicate with my teammates lol


>Or does the current generation of gamers have extremely thin skin?
Yes they do
But can't we just be nice to each other? Let's just have friendly fun for once

It's the latter. GG EZ is petty but you have to be even pettier to actually take offense to something so stupid

It's both. I say "gg ez" specifically to piss people off, so that makes me a cancerous asshole. They get upset from someone saying something half hearted and thought out like "gg ez", so they out themselves as just as retarded.

No one is the better man, in this exchange. The only winning move is not to play.

Sjw hand holding at it's maximum. It's the same shit as people who care about being offended by something.

Saying gg or ez is just bantz
I don't get why people would take it so seriously

"gg ez" is as friendly as banter can be.

ezpz lmnsqze

The real problem is ASSFAGGOTz have taken over gaming culture in general because sexually frustrated teens will buy anything that makes them feel empowered.

Until they are no longer the majority, the problem will never go away.

PTR patch is fine. People are unironically typing gg ez because the replacement messages are great.

If you're the type of cancerous insecure little shit that tries to avoid the gg ez filter by typing g g e z or some variation, you just make yourself look bad.

I see someone say it once every three or four matches but it doesn't really bother me regardless of which team they were on because I'm not a little bitch that gets my feelings hurt when someone is mean in a video game

The best matches are the ones where people get more creative with shit talk though and it goes back and forth

Some tin-skinned lil wankers just cant handle the banter mate.

I could just start saying, "Good game me lol, but Holy fuck you stupid pathetic cunts have such a low level of skill that every fucking action you ever take in this game and in real life will fail spectacularly. EASY 4 ME FAG."

GG used to be good sportsmanship
GG EZ is said to piss people off

Now we all know people playing online "e-sports bait" games get pissy very easily, so I understand what Blizzard did from a purely business viewpoint, since they want to retain players.

What I can't understand is the playerbase being dumb enough to get mad over some basement-dweller taunting them over the internet with 0 consequences. Just M-U-T-E the fucker.

Why can't we have good sportsmanship like every other competitive thing on the planet?

That lame copy paste banter is reserved for friendly environments with people you already know. People do have thin skin nowadays, but there's also no reason to act like an obnoxious 14 year old post game.

ggez isn't the problem, the people who use it are going to be trash regardless of if they get filtered or banned or w/e. There are assholes on the internet just man up and deal with it, creating a safe space isn't going to do anyone any good.

I don't trash talk anymore because it's just cringy desu
I used to always type in some variant of you fucking suck after I won all my games but when I saw other people on my team doing it instead i realized how much of a loser you look

I don't know about Overwatch but I've noticed that Rocket League has some really disrespectful players. I'm fine with teasing; saying shit like "Nice Shot!" if I scored on my own goal. But some people will go as far as to tell me to quit, to uninstall the game, and just generally be a fucking bully.

Now I'm not gonna bitch and whine on the internet about it. They have the right to say whatever they want just like I have the right to leave the match and find someone else to play with. Not a big deal. But I certainly don't agree with the attitude of insulting or belittling other players. There's no purpose behind and it's fucking stupid. At best, you're just turning people off to a good game.

Now, with all that being said, no, it's not worth the drama. By calling more attention to it, you're just adding fuel to the fire. On top of that, the act isn't even that big of a deal. You finish the match and move on. Someone's really being a dick? Block their communications or block them entirely. It's very simple. I don't like the attitude but I'm going to let it pass and move on. Aside from this little blog post on Sup Forums, I'm not even going to mention it.

My roomie at college can get so mad at someone saying gg ez after we lose a game of dota 2 that he starts writing like an angry novel in response and punches the wall a few times really hard so his knuckles bleed, it's hilarious.

Meanwhile I just put the guy who said it on ignore and go on with my life, like, why would you let some online stranger upset you at all holy fuck it's not like he can actually do anything to you it's a game

>Unlikely, seeing as nobody at Blizzard has a sense of humor.
>all that other butthurt bullshit you just said
The irony of this post is palpable.

Are you a bitch user?


Millennials are the type who do that though. These are people who never got to play on a community or school sports team.

If you were alive during that age, and you still talked mad shit to your team/opponents, then you were "that kid". It was not nearly as widespread.

All of Sup Forums is millenial you dork, kids and teens nowadays are part of the generation Z

>Polite sage

That actually further proves my point.

How do I stop getting triggered by "gg ez" Sup Forums?

It triggers me into wanting to go on a lenghty explanation of how winning a game due to having 2 torbs, 2 healers, a bastion and a reinhardt isn't ez but rather really cheap.

But I never do, I just look at my monitor in a furious manner for 5 seconds and then move on.

That being said, people that pick turret-based classes should be hanged.
Hanged in the public square for all to see.

This guy gets it. From a financial standpoint, protecting the feelings of their players makes Blizzard money.

I'll admit I get pretty salty when people use ggez particularly if I've been actually trying to win, but 99% of the time I block them and move on.

>I actually would love an option to remove the chat all together except for the command based text, I'm so fucking sick of people telling each other which characters and classes to play, bitching about who's OP and meta and other fucking nonsense. It seems like there is rarely a time that text or voice chat from strangers isn't super shitty. If I'm soloque I just pretend it doesn't exist and move on, it would just be nice to have the game do the ignoring for me.

maybe it's the media perpetuating that there is a toxic culture to begin with and thus more people interpret common phrases like GG as full of hate and smug superiority when in reality that is not the case, I frequently say GG in those nail biter games with a lot of back and forth and i'm sure other people say it honestly as well

Thin skin? I can already tell you faggots are fucking shit skins from third world shitholes. Most likely The Philippines or Thailand because no westerner ever uses that term to imply sensitivity.

Holy shit would you niggers fuck off back to Sup Forums?

Good sportsmanship is for LAN. Talking shit is half the fun of online play.

People say nigger casually in Eastern Europe.

are you serious?

I neither type it, nor respond to it. I dont find it insulting or funny. In fact saying GG in a stomp I think would be more effective as its less blatant.

9/10 it is used by bad players in my experience, good players let their gameplay humiliate their opponents.

>Or does the current generation of gamers have extremely thin skin?
You're on the money.

This. Let people insult each other or share opinions. Only ban people who are super-assholes that actively drag the game down for everybody or are doing something illegal (things like CP, if they're pirating whatever). My mom raised my younger siblings to never ever insult each other, even jokingly, or to kid around. Now they get super butt-hurt about being called a "jerk", even playfully. It's hilarious and pathetic.

kids in games dont have any manners.
play a sport and then say gg ez to your opponent at the end see what happens.

get over it, it's just a wordfilter. if anything this encourages more effort in teasing people, so it's good

>current generation
I think you mean next generation
Overwatch is a game designed for children

>Or does the current generation of gamers have extremely thin skin?

This shouldn't even be a question. In the early 2000s and 1990s how crass were most flash games and flash videos? Having Mario say nigger and turn a school of orphans into a red smear was the standard of the time.

Now if you tried anything from the level of back then imagine how many soccer mom-tier fat tumblr faggots would complain. People are now criticizing others on Sup Forums for saying "nigger". Literally the website that had a filter to "DEAD NIGGER STORAGE". Literally the website that not a few years ago helped popularize the term "double nigger".

It's very easy to tell who is and isn't a legitimate human being instead of a tool on here, the problem is there's so many of these prissy thin-skinned vermin that there's no worth in sticking around. They've deluded our water with their low-testosterone piss.