Looks noice

looks noice

for gameplay's sake they're gonna make the game look like an absolute disaster, despite having this kind of graphics would be more than possible these days.

fucking consoles

The new art style isn't that bad. Not like other Civ games haven't used a stylized look before, either.

it looks like a mobile game, so no.

For a brief second, I thought I was looking at a modern Settlers remake.

>it looks like a mobile game

No it doesn't. It looks like Revolution but without as much of the super-deformed characters.

I miss the mess of roads that was Civ4

I just hope the workers having limited uses won't mean having to spend like a dozen of the faggots just for one road between cities. It's one thing if they're expended for shit like the great wall, but a goddamn road? That'd be mind numbing.

What game?

I wouldn't be surprised if they did port the game to consoles but I still don't think it's likely. They just think this new art style fits the game better and strengthens some parts of the gameplay.

Plus consoles could run CivV anyway, graphically speaking, and probably a graphical update of it like people were expecting.


>those shadows
Why can't game developers get shadows looking right? That isn't how shadows work in real life.

This is what they should be doing with the art style instead of that mobile game bullshit

Roads can only be built by sending trade caravans between cities. This also means that you can build and use roads between players. You can even make use of roads in enemy territory for the additional movement..

wtf I want to go to Chambery now

From what I hear, they wanted something with colors to show off the more detailed cities and wonders better. CiV pretty much had tiny as shit models for everything, and some didn't even appear or were buried under the clutter of other stuff.

Though only time will tell if they gave too much attention to making the cities super detailed at the complete cost of the gameplay.

Real Life 2016

Huh, then I hope the unit movement won't be shit when there aren't roads. I don't feel like sending out units 20 turns before declaring war or before I think someone will declare on me. I get having disadvantages in things like forests and jungles, but Christ if some units moved like they were strolling through a park at times.

What's wrong with the shadows?

It's a photo, that's exactly how shadows work


They should go more the RTS route (though still being turn based) and have buildings need to be individually built on their own tiles rather than cities just being a single tile with everything in them. I think I heard actually that in 6 they are doing that to some extent but I don't know the details.

Unit movement is actually slower now. In Civ V you could use 1 movement point to enter any terrain. Now in Civ VI you can't enter a tile that takes 2 movement points if your unit only has 1 movement point left. Promoting your units also uses up their entire turn.

That being said you can also combine units into squadrons and then into armies which gives you one stronger unit, making it easier to manouver around lategame despite the 1 UPT rule.

You can literally make the "looks like a mobile game" argument for Civ V, that wasn't exactly a graphical powerhouse. Fuck, they even gave it touch controls so people could play it like a mobile game.

Jesus, people complain about everything being brown, bloom, and too realistic, and when something tries to be colorful, it must be for mobiles? Fucking hypocrites.


there's a bit too much autism on Sup Forums today for me

It does look that way since the cities actually expand out instead of being that shitty little cluster that's crammed into the hex.

Kind of weird, but I'm guessing there must be some change so the change isn't making things painfully slow. That is great to see proper stacking back, since that was always something being lamented for not being in V. I can imagine though they're probably reworking it so it won't be as OP as in some games where you could stack a select few units and be virtually invincible.


Nice meme, kiddo. Come back when you can actually make an argument.

Wait so trade routes equal roads? So I now have to setup trade with people I hate?

I think the game looks nice.

Reminds me of WC3

>that wasn't exactly a graphical powerhouse
Has little to do with the level of detail its the art direction.

Played like a fiddle

Honestly, it just looks like Civ V with a more pronounced color scheme.

Is this also coming out for android?

apparently nobody told firaxis that road building is a vital strategic part of warfare

And no overlapping shit textures.

Also no overlapping buildings.

Which has never been that realistic to begin with. Fuck, the original game half the character sprites looked like Rosie O'Donnell's ass. Besides, Revolution used a more cartoonish style and nobody was particularly bothered with it.

I like that new fog of war idea.

It's not unit stacking per se. You combine 2 units to form a squadron, giving you one unit that has like 30% or 50% higher strength than a a regular unit. This can then be done once more to form an army.

Also the early game is a lot slower due to the increased cost of movement. That being said barbarians are now actually a force to be reckoned with which makes the early game a lot more fun since you can't just ignore them like you would in the past.

Eh, you can argue the textures are pretty shit for something in this day and age, but it's clear they're trying to make the art style compensate for things like resources not having hyper-details.

It's coming out for n-gage, friend.

At least they are sharp, CIV5 can be overly bland sometimes.

But civ 5 artstyle really fits the game.

Civ IV is still the best

fuck all this dumbed down bullshit

>inb4 unit stack

It's more simplistic and "stylized" for lack of a better term. There are more and larger flat areas of color, fewer terrain objects like trees on any given tile, less detail on individual structures and objects, generally less realistic all-around, etc.

I don't think it looks horrible but I certainly liked V's look more. I think a lot of the apprehension and "it looks like a mobile game" stems from the fear that, with these "mobile-like" visuals, the gameplay might be similarly tailored for the audience that would find these aesthetics recognizable and appealing as opposed to being a deeper game.

Seems like it, just revamped to not be as exploitable as before. A 3 unit limit certainly promises no indestructible army that can steamroll everything into the atomic age. Though I'm guessing they'll probably come with a hefty upgrade and maintenance cost so you won't be making a dozen armies and being near-untouchable.

Civ is already a pretty casual 4x game so complaining about casualization in Civ is pretty funny.

Well I would prefer buildings to not overlap and be in each other and look so out of place like in Civ V and the roads that look absolute shit and because they look like a clusterfuck.
Honestly the aesthetic does look really good and I'm glad there is some variety other than


>since you can't just ignore them
jesus christ what the fuck is wrong with you

>I think a lot of the apprehension and "it looks like a mobile game" stems from the fear that, with these "mobile-like" visuals, the gameplay might be similarly tailored for the audience that would find these aesthetics recognizable and appealing as opposed to being a deeper game.

Which hardly seems the case with the changes made to movement and increased difficulty with barbarians. If this were really being made super easy, roads would just spawn the moment you build a new city, and your units would be teleporting to the nearest enemy.

It looks too much like a cartoon. I'd rather see a dense forest tile that looks like an actual forest as opposed to a half-dozen cartoon trees. It just feels less like a believable world.

I like how everything is connected well senpai.

Civ V cities looked like a massive clustefuck.

Are these squads into armies essentially upgrades of the same unit? Like, an army of tanks is the same shit as a squad of tanks, only stronger? I just feel like it'll delay production more so because you now have to build triple the number of units in order to fully upgrade them, as opposed to having each unit come out fully powered already.

On the other hand, if you wait too long to build a proper defense then you won't be able to properly deal with an enemy charging at you with armies. By the same token, you might get an advantage in attacking sooner if you send out squads instead of armies. So yeah, there is some extra strategy there but it feels a little unnecessary. Unless armies have other disadvantages, like maybe less movement points, I just see this upgrade system as an annoyance.

All I really care about is that the music is good. Do we know anything about it yet?

Barbarians in Civ V are pretty much a joke. A single unit is enough to keep them away early game. Filthy Frank has a video up on youtube where he plays Civ VI as China, and has trouble fighting off barbarians despite building 6-7 units solely to deal with them.

>It just feels less like a believable world.

Civ has always been an abstract and silly boardgame, go play Alpha Centauri or Endless Legend if you want a 4X that's immersive

What? It was pretty easy to ignore barbarians in some campaigns if you were spawned on a map where the other civs quickly boxed you in and thus made it easy to ignore having to worry about barbs beyond the few units that would wander by.

Hell, you pretty much never have to worry about them as Venice unless you drew the shit end of the stick and founded your city far from even the city states.

t. King player

You basically consume one of the units to make the other unit a stronger version of the same unit. The downside of doing this is that instead of getting a unit that is 100% stronger, it's only like 30% stronger or something.

You never mind, you answered me already here:
>giving you one unit that has like 30% or 50% higher strength than a a regular unit
This, I like a lot. You have to choose between two units with 100% strength each or one unit with 130% or 150%. Obviously, two units is better but I'm sure we've all had moments in Civ5 where a city was situated between mountains or some shit and it was just a nightmare to deal with. I like this idea a lot now.

If the graphics can be modded, then I don't give a fuck what they started out as.

Isn't that what Civ is about anyway, having shit tons of mods on top of other mods?

On immortal you have to constantly cleanse barbars. A single unit will die from extra barbars so a ranger unit would be needed. If not, say hello to sacked improvements


No argument there. Unless you had a powerful ranged unit and a heavy-hitting close range one, you were almost just taking pot shots at a tightly tucked city, or doing something stupid like making the enemy civ give you that city, burning it, and then redeclaring war to finish off the cunt who thought "Yea, this hex right next to the mountain and river running into the ocean is perfect for my latest settlement!"

seems like a good tactic for going defense quickly

>that thumbnail
For a quick sec, I thought it was Tropico.
When the fuck is Cuba going to be a Civ? I don't care that they're underpowered as fuck, there's such a unique opportunity here. Bonus for farmers and tourism. As a unique negative, rebels are twice as strong.

Maybe with Civ V, but the older games didn't need mods. Even then, the graphics aren't what make civ games what they are.

It also deals with the mindless late game where every single tile is filled with units.

>muh mobile meme

>When the fuck is Cuba going to be a Civ? I don't care that they're underpowered as fuck, there's such a unique opportunity here. Bonus for farmers and tourism. As a unique negative, rebels are twice as strong.
They've never, ever been a power. Mexico and Venezuela have a greater claim.

Personally, that I liked. It gave me the feeling that war has truly reached a global scale and armies are stretched far along the landscape. It gave a powerful and fearful image to armies, both yours and your enemies. Don't get me wrong though, it was a bitch to navigate.

They're a country, though. That makes them a civilization.

Just... just let me dream...

You are right though.

Fucking Burkina Faso isn't going to be in Civ, neither is Cuba.

Says you.

But mexico is already a civ


you only need to have had one irrelevant female leader once in your entire history to get into CIVI so who knows

I wonder if the populace of your nation will differ from civ to civ. It would be kind of nice so that razing cities for a more warlike culture won't have as much drawbacks. Not to say that the Aztecs wouldn't care and have no downside to burning the fuck out of everything, but at least not having to get happiness to high levels before you burn the cities of some asshole who's been nipping at your heels for the last few centuries.

What do you mean?

Someone was suggesting having some countries represented by both ancient and modern civilizations. For example, two versions of America featuring, say, George Washington and Bill Clinton. So there could be two versions of Mexico; one with Montezuma and one with someone more modern.

It's a neat idea but it's not really something you could do with most civilizations. On other hand, it's already been done to a certain extent with North America, since you have United States and two different native american civilizations.

I've always thought it'd kind of cool to see the civs get new leaders over time. Either going through a regime change (which could throw you off balance if you were aiming to ally with or destroy them as the new leader isn't like the one you dealt with), or maybe even using spies to assassinate them. Of course, this would have to apply to players in some way, too. Though my only guess is a brief suspension penalty where you can't make any decisions and your nation just automates for a short time during.

I really hope you can get ocean fairing ships earlier. I don't care if they're slow, but fuck if isn't annoying getting ships that say "take control of the seas" when it just means the fucking shallow side of the pool surrounding your continent.

So is the wall completely exclusive to China now? Or is it just not the magical insta-border like last time?

>photos that make real places look like tiny model towns

It's fucking weird, what is it that causes that?

>that secondary battery that can't rotate properly because the turret is longer than the deck is wide
>that sponson gun with literally zero range of movement
>those pre-Dreadnought colours on a post-Dreadnought battleship

Except for a few details of the trees and grass this could be actually possible.

It's all perspective. Earlier this year when I traveled to Philly, the descending flight made me envision every building as a model landscape- it was like I was playing SimCity and zoomed out

>cities won't recover health if all six surrounding tiles contain enemy units

Supposedly this was added to make sieges easier and ensure coastal cities have some strategic value.

you forgot
>monkeys sailing ships

just look at the flag

That's interesting. Though I'm guessing the "level" of each city (it's upgrades and whatnot) will probably mean you'll want to try and surround a city quickly or else risk your advancing units being wiped before they can get in range.

ProTip: Majority of Civ gamers want a more realistic art style


Got a poll to prove that? :/

lol thats a pic of real life

and better normal maps
I fucking hated the normals on the roads, market tiles, and a bunch of inconsistent shit like that

the one thing that always bothered me the absolute most was fucking rivers being light blue flat textures and then just shittily fading into the ocean's darker more detailed texture


>all these people defending dumbing down of graphics
>fucking chromatic abberation
anyone who is still buying into firaxis' fucking memetrash games needs to get the hell out and stay out

I didn't mind the ways some stuff didn't mesh, but yet it was pretty annoying how condensed everything looked, especially in cities where you only saw some wonders.

>dumbed down

Says you.

>get out and stay out

Keep crying, child.