Dr. Freeman, I'm Black Mesa

Dr. Freeman, I'm Black Mesa

Other urls found in this thread:


Professor Kokonoe, I'm NOL.

lol le big guy 4 u meme
taking le mask off and die
hotheads btfo

The Silent man.


You are a big guy.

Wubbadubbadubba izzat true?
Woah, you go big guy!


Tell me about Gordon, why does he wear the HEV Suit?

A lot of loyalty for a hired scientist

[blood loss detected]

[Warning! Inapprehensible interrogation technique]

fuck off back to your shit board

>Not posting the superior



You don't get to bring friends

when the fuck is this game getting a sequel.

Dr. Boudreau, I'm GDI.

Caliph Pavel, I'm Il-khanate

Quite possibly the only meme that was never funny.


Dr. Zhivago, I'm CHEKA

You are forgetting parallel universes

>Quite possible the only meme that was ever funny

Can someone please post the Big the Cat one?

/cgl/, I'm Boner Robin


is that leisure suit larry?