Escape from Tarkov Thread

>Escape from Tarkov Thread

Why isn't this game being discussed? It's in Alpha now. Has anyone played it? What do you think?

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Because nobody gives a shit about this game.

how do you even play this shit

By booting it up and pressing play? What do you mean user?

>$44.95 USD

Admittedly, I just got into the Alpha today. Had -no- clue they were having their alpha until I saw a Youtube video talking about it.

where do i get it

refresh me on which stalker clone this is?

is the one being made in unity and focusing on multiplayer before singleplayer?


obvious scam

if it had western marketing and media it would sell in droves

can you disable FarCry2/3/4-like animations of everything? I'm fucking sick of that shit.

I remember the Day-z scam so I'm done with early access "games".

Somewhere on this site Famalam. I got a pre-order package way earlier this year so I don't know if it's even still up for sale at this moment or how it works, but take a look around.

would had been interesting if it wasn't just another dayz clone.

...aaaaaand dropped.

If it's such a scam why is it currently playable and why does it have fantastic quality textures, sound design, lighting, gameplay and pretty much everything else about it? WOW

Why would we discuss an obvious Russian scam? Fucking kill yourself shill.

You mean how your hand reaches for the doors, pats down bodies, reaches into loot crates etc? Don't think so. The game itself seems very tedious.

I booted it up and jumped right into it without looking at the keybindings...and that was a mistake. Took me 5 minutes to figure out I had to take the bullets out of the box to put them into the magazine before the magazine goes into the gun.

>TFW I have no screenshots because it plasters my username and the date on the screen due to alpha NDA.

I could try to take screenshots and just black out my personal info on the screen, but is it worth it?

post a fucking gameplay video that isn't the same webms and pics we have seen for months for fucks sake

Can you do everything in it?

>Why isn't this game being discussed?

Because it's Stalker without everything that made Stalker good.

That depends on how much money I make from getting you guys to buy it. If you want a good game plase purchase it right now.

fuck off slav shills with your pay to win stalker multiplayer clone
>preorder the most expensive edition
>get more stack space
>get better weapons
>get better shit
>get better relations with npcs
go make another singleplayer stalker clone you fuckers

>>TFW I have no screenshots because it plasters my username and the date on the screen due to alpha NDA.

Pretty sure fraps ad other screen recording programs can take screenshots that the gamecant tell a scenario as mace ( you can set your own screenshots key)

Citation needed.

Because it's not STALKER.

As soon as I heard it was some open world multiplayer survival game with no single player, I stopped caring and forgotten all about it.

It's shit just like everyone predicted. You need to pay 200 dollars to play alpha and they still force you to agree with NDA. It's a FPS with 16 on a 4km^2 map players and it still lags horribly.

>Has anyone played it?
No and thats why we have a thread every week that goes nowhere. Let me save some time
>guns look good
>lmao why does that ak have no halal covering
>looks like a good stalker follow up
>no it looks like a bad stalker follow up
>survarium sucks
>day z
>nobody has actually played it
I just wish it were a single player game instead of a day z game with bots.

Is this the star citizen of survival games?

>no single player
Into the trash

I play a lot of ArmA and 7.62 HC, so I don't mind inventory micro. But yeah, these animation are fun for first 15 minutes, but after few hours they drive nuts. I was very thankful to ArmA devs for not going full retard with them in ArmA 3, and all you have to do is to kneel next to body/crate and open inventory screen

Not giving my money to subhuman slavic filth.

That would be giving this unambitious pile of garbage far too much credit. Star Citizen's level of scamming truly touched the stars and there's something to be said for that. This is just a War Z tier Russian scam and the shills only come here to try and trick S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fans.

I really hate that it has nothing special going on

its just 2 bearded grumpy factions shooting eachother and thats it
maybe eating and drinking inbetween, thats it.

Is it also done by an indie developer?

Multiplayer games handled by indie are always filled with cheaters everywhere because they don't know how to stop them.