Everyone complains about Nintendo not caring about the Metroid series...

Everyone complains about Nintendo not caring about the Metroid series, but if you analyze it from a business standpoint you realize that the Metroid games are some of the worst selling of all Nintendo's intellectual properties (note how Splatoon, a completely new IP, outsold 2:1 the best selling Metroid game).
Nintendo is first and foremost a private company, and a company's reason of existence is making a profit. Why would you spend money, time or resources on something that doesn't guarantee sales?

Because fuck you give me my videogame

On the other hand, "Metroidvania" is one of the most popular genres in videogames. From Oni to Guacamelee, from Valdis Story to Chelsea must die!, from Axiom Verge to Bloodstained, you always are getting new releases. Hell, you even got a Metroid 2 remake a few days ago.

tl;dr Metroid fans have no reason to complain.

because nintendo has been making and publishing commercial failures forever in between their huge successes and they show no signs of stopping, but for some reason metroid is treated as a second class franchise when it still sells better than their real stinkers (project STEAM). I'm sure fed force is gonna sell at least 500k, maybe even up to a million worldwide, which is significantly higher than their bad franchises, and metroid other M, a game that received some of the worst reviews of any nintendo game, sold 1.4 worldwide, which is probably fine considering it's budget.
this is true and I am very, very happy there are talented developers producing games in this genre. nothing compares to a metroid game, hopefully the talent that created the amazing metroid games is still around, which is probably true, because it shows that you don't need to have worked on super metroid to make a good metroid game (prime series, am2r).

>Metroid fans have no reason to complain.
The reason to complain is that there hasn't been a good metroid game since 2004.

No one else talks about it and even if they mention the games, they don't even know the name of the genre

No, they do have reason to complain. Their complaints are simply answered by addressing the lack of any financial justification for making more Metroid games.

>metroid is treated as a second class franchise
I'm 200% convinced that Nintendo's head honchos believe that if a franchise isn't popular in Japan it's worthless. Note how Nintendo only seems to focus on properties popular there.

is that bionic commando rearmed on the bottom left? I've always been interested in the game, it's on sale now too, how is it?
they seem to forget pretty much the entire success of the wii was due to NA and europe (over 80 million of the 100 million sales were from NA and europe, only 12 in japan). japanese devs are extremely arrogant and suffer from the same xenophobic nationalism that plagues other parts of japanese society.

It's Shadow Complex.

sorry, I meant is that shadow complex*. but also how is bionic commando rearmed.

>Triforce Heroes sold 1.14 million
Fucking how?

But are they obligated to provide one? I'd argue not, though I am also patiently awaiting a new "real" Metroid game. We will get one eventually, they're not going to shelve the franchise entirely and indefinitely.

I'd argue milking the franchise by releasing half assed games is worse than just not releasing anything ever again.
Just let it die peacefully, I don't want another silent hill.

of course they aren't obligated, it's their franchise and I am not funding them to make a new metroid game myself. but they are sitting on a valuable and storied franchise that has a ton of potential. it's like, is george R.R martin obligated to finish ASOIAF? no. but he has built up a storied and high quality series that has endless potential for storytelling. just replace storytelling with amazing gameplay and mood setting (hell, metroid lore and story can still be cool as well, and could definitely be expanded on)

To be fair it's hard to blame them given how western fanbases want movies, not games.
Just look at your average Metroid thread or posts like . All the ideas for a new Metroid game are never about level design, new gameplay mechanics or bosses design. It's always story shit.

>So many games above SM 64
>SSBB highest on the list
mah nigga

I'm an SFaggot and I still think SSBB deserves it.

One thing i noticed about Nintendo is how Mario is still their mascot when Zelda and Pokemon are closer to casuals and normies.

Mario will never not be their mascot.

you may not realize it but you just quoted me and then shit on my opinion in another post I made, I never suggested the only way to advance metroid was with story, I was saying that the setting and story had potential but it still takes a sideline to the gameplay mechanics and level design, which can be innovated the most by applying it to different genres like prime. it's funny you say western gamers want movies not games when the best selling games in japan these days are either glorified books with pictures or shitty, skinner box mobile games, with a few rare pure gaming franchises like monster hunter. and JRPGs were always full of story and dialogue and the gameplay was always kind of generic, again with a few outliers.

In what fucking universe are Zelda and Pokemon closer to normies?
The Mario games are straighforward, easy to grab and play platformers. Meanwhile the Zelda games are exploration and combat-heavy action games while Pokemon is a goddamn JRPG.

They fucked up going 3D

They should have kept to 2D and kept budgets low

That way if the game sells only 1 mill it's still very profitable

But is he going to last forever? almost any other iconic and/or important mascot and character are either dead and/or alive in a shitty state.

Mario is one of the only survivers and with the directions video games are going, he might fall too.

Casual shitter detected
>I'm an SFaggot
Bullfucking shit

2D games are no longer profitable if you want to keep using pixel art, the artists have dissapeared and the remaining ones require high pay grades.

They disappeared because pixel art (actual, good pixel art, not the shit you find in Steam Greenlit) is very demanding and time-consuming to do.
The thing is basically traditional animation.

Metroid never got its own Super Mario 64 or Ocarina of Time equivalent, Prime just isn't remotely comparable to the two.

It wouldn't be so fucking bad if we actually got games.
Honestly, the recent wave of indieshit might be the best thing that ever has happened, because it means somebody at the least tries to make more of them.

>are they obligated to provide one
One of thier best series of all time and not to mention one of their million dollar series doesn't deserve this.
I mean they are a GAME DEVELOPMENT company that lives off of people buying their games so id say yes they are obligated to make a GOOD metro is game. They have all the talent and money they need to do this.

Their other series are more profitable.

metroid is a top ten nintendo seller, just because it doesn't sell at pokemon or mario levels doesn't mean it doesn't sell. Pikmin sells less than metroid yet pikmin 4 is on its way.


>implying corruption is bad

off the brand name obviously

>liking brawl
