One Halo Super Soldier, after months of preparation and planning, attacks the entire US Military and the DoD

One Halo Super Soldier, after months of preparation and planning, attacks the entire US Military and the DoD.

Who wins?

Master Chief?

Master Chief. Who the hell did you think was going to win this fight?

US Military
Guided Missiles > whatever the fuck Chief is wearing

Are you fucking serious


What if the US army hires the Doomguy?

Is cortana still hot in the scenario or has she gone rampantly frumpy

Halo has an AI that could crash every computer in the US.

My dick vs US army
who winds?

Chief's armor is able to shield him against weapons from 500 years in the future. Our modern weapons would do nothing against him.

The pretty cool guy, eh kills aliens

You should read what Halo is based on.
Artillery is a thing.
What Chef is resistant to is Shrapnel, not direct hits.

>What type of plug does the AI chip have
>What type of plugs actually exist.

>Guided Missiles
The Chief has literally bitch slapped guided missiles aimed at him out of the air before.

It's halo senpai, I ain't gotta explain shit.

Name one time that EVER happened.

simple grenades still one shot you. try harder.
Any heavy weapon, antitank weapons, even fucking sniper can kill you.

US obviously

chief literally punched a missile out of the air

2500 era grenades and snipers.
It's like comparing a modern assault rifle to a blunderbuss.

Despite being set significantly in the future Halo tech isn't really that impressive. Master Chief is badass but his arsenal is not up to the task.

Your dick. Because no one can hit a target that small.

The small arms humans use in Halo are not fundamentally more advanced than ours. And considering Spartans have been killed by human separatists with human small arms before. Our still very respectable armor, artillery and air power will do a fine job of killing a single soldier. A fucking drone strike would work.

Now if you narrowed it, instead of being a major retard like you are, to something like Master Chief vs a Delta Team or Master Chief vs a Ranger Battalion with no support it would be easier.

Nigger the Chief survived reentry, he's wearing some pretty fucking top shelf shit.

You see, the issue here is game vs real world. In the real world his shield would go down to 0 like nothing when there's an entire US military attacking him and he'd be dead. I might get one person. MIGHT!

Now him vs a small team.... he'd probably win ez.

Chief walks away from literal plasma being shot on him. Do you really think a bit of shrapnel and a shock wave would even disturb him the slightest?

And the biggest reason why he would, without a doubt, defeat any army on Earth: Is because literally no one has a contingency plan for it. A single dude taking down entire regiments by himself while in the company of a super intelligent AI would create such a bureaucratic shitstorm that no significant counter defence, or counter in general, would happen in time.

>after months of preparation and planning
He activates the halo and everyone's dead

In the game, there are guns with bullet (see: SMG).

Stop with your game logic.

Yeah. But they are future bullets.
They are probably made by some super material that is folded 1000 times and can penetrate anything.

Stop with your real world logic.

>This guy thinks some faggot in a suit can take on millions of soldiers via real world logic

I beat you also think those weeb katana weilding anime faggots can do it too.

He'd need a vessel to geet to the halo though wouldn't he? Or is there a way to get to it from Earth?

The fuck is Chiefs win condition?

A. Make the entire US surrender: impossible

B. Literally kill every able bodies American citizen: impossible

He can't win

>B. Literally kill every able bodies American citizen
>able bodies American citizen

So victory by default?

Eurupe stop

Do you think a single current US Army ranger with a 240 rounds Mk46 and a side arm is capable of defeating 5000+ Roman soldiers?

Now do you think a single Halo Spartan is capable of defeating 1 million+ US personnel?

Depends on the Roman soldiers

In the books.

Master Chief
>has human/alien/advance alien weapons and vehicles
>can flip 60 ton tanks and rip open Banshees
>can fall from space and shields are strong enough to take ramming a Banshee
>can run at 69 mph and with his thrusters can go from 150 mph to 300 mph
>can destroy tanks with his bare hands
>slaughter aliens
>has an AI that can hack everything
>save the humanity and galaxy on multiple occasions
>can use any weapon and vehicle
>is the apex of human evolution

>MC figures out a way to interface (he got plenty of time afterall) with internet
>Skynet the shit out of it

*60 mph

>guy still wearing eye pro even though his visor is basically already that

Got to be army. I know this shit all too well.

>implying military hardware is not physically disconnected from the internet

The book Fall Of Reach.
A jet made a pass on him and launched an AT missile

Tell that to Skynet

>Implying Cortana can't find a way around that

US soldiers are notoriously poorly trained so the Chief

>what is wireless
>what is making a new "plug"