So, how historically accurate is this game?

So, how historically accurate is this game?

It doesn't matter if it's historically accurate or not. Video games nowadays shouldn't use historical accuracy as an excuse to promote societal problems such as racism and sexism. Video games and their developers HAVE a moral responsibility to be more inclusive and diverse in their casts, even if it comes at the cost of some historical accuracy. It is 2016 after all.


Not very, which is disappointing if someone wants to play a historically accurate game.

Sounds reasonable

The answer is none. None historically accurate.


>Have a huge boner for non white soldiers
>Exclude france wich is one of the cccountries that actually used a fair bit of colonial troops on the western front
What did they mean by this?

France is dlc.

Get them titties ready, it's milking time.

>SMG weapon class

This game and most games for that matter are just vessels for today's ideology. Nothing more.

Read "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", you'll understand.

They had to exclude France to make room for Bedouins
As a result, blacks were included in the German army instead

Sometimes, you have to concede some historical accuracy for the sake of diversity

I honestly don't see why Sup Forums is so triggered by being able to choose your race in an alternate-history WWI game with giant blimps, mostly automatic weapons, and gun/vehicle customization. It's obvious they're not going for full on 100% accuracy.

"historical accuracy" is an outdated concept

this is 2016 and it's more important to portray history in a manner that is consistent with modern progressive values

aside from the automatic weapons all over the place, it's pretty accurate.

its not accurate at all they didn't even add france which played a bigger role than the UK in WWI

play verdun instead

Kill yourself.

actually if you can choose your race then i dont care at all

Like the ghostbusters it's less about portraying values and more of a corporate move to stir up controversy for free advertisement and deflecting critisism against the game to sucker more people into buying the product.

>in an alternate-history WWI game

The issue is that, unlike what you say, the game claims to be historically accurate

It isn't because it's not a history book or a museum.

>We were concerned about target audience not knowing about WWI
>If they did, they would see through the propaganda of we wuz

>aside from the automatic weapons all over the place, the tanks speed, the zeppelins, the look of the battlefields, the countries depicted and the ratio of minorities, it's pretty accurate.


The great war channel on YouTube did a good analysis of what was historically correct.

Even the WWII games back in the 00's were more realistic than this piece of shit.

nice b8 m8

>Battlefield is a series known for historical accuracy

1942 and 1943 were way more accurate than this shit