Coworker work pours out my Arizona tea because I said I pirated no mans sky

>Coworker work pours out my Arizona tea because I said I pirated no mans sky
>Says you can steal from people and how you can meet peoplr
Why are ormies allowed to be so autistic but no one else is?

I have literally no idea what you jist said

>Everyone at work always tries to talk about Game of Thrones or Walking Dead
>They ask me
>I tell them I don't watch TV, I only watch anime now and then
>They ask me how I do it
>I tell them I usually pirate it
>They ask me to pirate Game of Thrones and shit for them
>I tell them sure, just bring in a hard drive or something

Nobody gives a shit because I take care of myself, don't carry myself like an autistic retard, and don't tell them shit like "pfffffft normies, you should be watching underage pantsu quest".

I even got one of my coworkers to watch Non Non Biyori because she wanted to do the whole "hey user what anime would I like" thing.

Wake up user and accept you are a loser, none of what you said is true.

I'm sorry you're unhappy with yourself and have to project that on others, user

I live a good life

>I live a good life
The made up stories you post on an anonymous board don't count user, please get help.

My friend loves No Man's Sky. Tell him it's okay but explain the lying about multilayer thing. He tells me two people met on the first day. Tell him they couldn't see each other or interact. Tells me I'm lying because I don't like the game. Tell him to look it up. Tells me he doesn't want to because he knows he's right.

Why are some people so stupid Sup Forums?

why are you making friends with stupid people


>people actually get mad
tip top kek

>just stand there and let him pour out your tea

i would have floored that faggot

>drinking arizona

Nigger or white trash?

I want to fuck Killer Queen

>people actually feel
Logic tells me that I would laugh if it were possible


>haven't watched TV in years except quick glances in living room at family house
>when I'm bored I sometimes like to play with dogs on couch
>usually on phone or tablet
>one day decide to turn on TV and watch that instead
>constant barrage of advertising and commercials
>going through hundreds of channels with clunky, high input lag, interface
>search feature is garbage
>turn off after 20 minutes of frustration
>grab tablet from my room and watch youtube shit for an hour, seeing at most 30 seconds of ads because I can skip them

My sister pays like $100 a month for cable TV. I got this $300 tablet for free as an additional line and it's $10 a month total. Pretty pathetic how jewed people are being.

>I love a good life
>browse the most narcissistic shithole on the web

Autist or autist?

Nigger I spent all of high school on GameFAQs and Gaia

Say what you want about this place, but at least we can call each other the faggots we are without mods getting pissy and banning us

Right and guess what YouTube Along with other sites you visit will have more and more intrusive adverts as time progresses

>Killer Queen is called Deadly Queen in the anime

No? He definitely said killer queen.

No way!!

looks like he just pirated your drink

now you know how game devs feel

Not with how fickle users can be and how diverse the way websites and programs can be made. Imgur became greedy and started putting a bunch of ads, now Reddit (Imgur's biggest referral) implemented an upload feature so people won't have to use it anymore, plus there's Not to mention tons of websites which allow you to upload small movie clips, making youtube less relevant.

Don't lie. You'd get knocked out

They verbally say whatever they want, but official sources like Crunchyroll change subtitles to avoid potential legal action.

>waaahh he poured out my one dollar can of piss