>Study revolutionary branch of science
>Get permabanned from Psijic Order
>Attempt to dismantle orthodoxy to allow scientific progress
>Get smeared by guild PR machine across Nirn
Daily reminder that Mannimarco did nothing wrong.
>Study revolutionary branch of science
>Get permabanned from Psijic Order
>Attempt to dismantle orthodoxy to allow scientific progress
>Get smeared by guild PR machine across Nirn
Daily reminder that Mannimarco did nothing wrong.
Other urls found in this thread:
Necromancy is banned by the archmage, therefore he broke the rules.
So yeah, he did something wrong.
Didn't he become a god from the Warp in the West? Now he will always be remembered as a generic high elf necromancer.
>supposed to be one of the toughest, most bad ass necromancers ever
>just a generic necromancer hiding out in a generic cave
If only he went all skeleton lich mode and waited a hundred years for Skyrim would he have been appreciated
>be a murderous dank majick edgelord
>murder people with dank majicks and be edgy
>leave cringy emo essays all over the place
>have legions of murderous edgelord minions
>black fucking robes with fucking skulls on them
He's an unliving embarrassment to the entire setting.
Don't worry. Just like literally every other disappointing thing Bethesda has made, mods fixed it.
>make difficult sacrifices for the greater good
>defeat violent opposition to show the power of new field of sicence to the masses
>leave thoughtful literature for posterity to reflect upon
>quickly gain popularity + large sub numbers
>Wears shunned insignia to normalise the arcane and steer connotation towards the positive
Mannimarco was a saint.
Bano Ren?
>play oblivion for over 100 hours on xbox 360 (lol)
>pretty much did everything there was to do
>had gamefly and that oblivion expansion with shivering isles and knights of the nine was available
>request it, install, send it back
>beat shiving isles
>forgot to save right before beating it
>will forever have 1220 achievement points instead of 1250
sorry if you expected anything worth reading
Oblivion actually ran pretty well on the 360
Dam this thread just makes me want to play again
I had a lot of fun on that game, I think being 15 when it came out helped. Honestly though, I'm not sure I could stand to play vanilla oblivion now in my mid 20s. I modded the fuck out of skyrim and i cant even stand that (maybe because I have vampyrism and everyone kills me on sight and im too lazy to go through getting it cured).
Man, the Mages and Fighters guilds quest are so bad I don't remember most of them.
DB and Thieves (to a lesser extent) really carried that game.
And then Skyrim shit on all of them
Mages and fighters guilds are generic and lame guilds anyway so what else to expect? Mages guild you're obviously going to go around looking for ancient magical shit and the fighters guild youre just going to go around fucking shit up.
I loved the first half, getting all the recommendations. Biggest problem with the mage's guild in Oblivion is that Traven is a retard.
Darth Vader/10
>for the greater good
What is the specific greater good in this context?
>show the power of new field of science to the masses
What is the power that he is showing, specifically, and how will it benefit the masses?
The hist part of the fighter's guild was kind of neat, but it had too much in the way of cutscene-esque stuff going on. If my dude wasn't being held in place watching stuff happen I probably could have slaughtered everyone and finished it a few quests early.
And there was one where you follow some faggot to a place and I wasn't in the mood to follow his retarded ass halfway across the map
I guess I only remember them because they pissed me off
I'm fairly certain you can just quick travel close to that destination and meet him there, user
>in my headcanon the villain did nothing wrong
You forgot the part where Mannimarco basically allowed Molag Bal to invade Tamriel just because he's so power hungry he thought he could overthrow a Daedra Lord.
>muh fight for necro's rights
Fucking sjw filled my Sup Forums, sure summer is here.
You should be able to, but either I hadn't gone there just yet or he got stuck somehow along the way
I don't remember what it was exactly, but there was some shenanigans going on for his pathfinding
thieves' guild was the best in morrowind too, of the three guilds.
There is a quest where some guy will walk to the place, and you can quick travel there (or near there) to meet him there. I never beat it because when he runs there, he runs through some aggressive monsters or bandits or something and they'll kill him.
Thieves Guild and Fighters Guild were basically two sides of the same story though in Morrowind.