Not seeing any threads about the new Berserk video game coming out worldwide in Q4 2016. So here's a Berserk thread

Not seeing any threads about the new Berserk video game coming out worldwide in Q4 2016. So here's a Berserk thread.

Question: why is Berserk not more popular?

it's not kawaii ugu moe shit that Sup Forums people love

and also it's not mainstrain gore/sex/nudity like Game of Thrones

desu the manga turned into shit when loli witch entered team Gatso

I'm at the Conviction arc in the manga right now. What volume does it get shit, user?

It doesn't. The only thing that sucks is that it'll probably never get finished

up to conviction + conviction is the worst berserk gets, so if you like it now you'll only like it more later

mostly this. It has an erratic release and most of the time that turn into cancelation.

Not get surprised if suddenly it ends with a lot of mysteries unresolved and retard Casca

>male power fantasy
no thanks I'll stick to playing my little girl anime games

besides I'm 100% sure totori could kill guts easy, he's a shit fighter compared to the brains and brains of an alchemist

No, it went to shit when it went on hiatus while they were on the boat. Thank fuck it's updating again but damn a monthly manga gets hard to follow. Who knows when the mangaka while go on another idolm@ster spree and make another hiatus.

jeez your taste is just fucking awful

kill yourself my man

do you even know Gut's backstory?
I kinda think u dont know shit.

Because its popular, and people hate popular to be popular. Just a bunch of faggots

Sup Forums has berserk threads almost daily though

I'm not real interested in grimdark, rape, or guys with mechanical arms.

Believe me, nobody wants to fucking be Guts. It ain't power fantasy if you spend every waking moment being tortured for your past sins and having to fight to survive.

Because the anime made the large majority of the fan population commit suicide.

>Question: why is Berserk not more popular?
Because it never got on any mainstream western TV lineup.

also, you can try reading Gigantomakia

it's from the same author, it's about an android loli with healing piss powers that travels along with a bara grappler.

pretty vanilla

only to mock about the last anime and how overrated (the manga) is.

it's funny, they watch literal garbage tier shit but still they felt kino enough to mock the classics


People complain that he gets a party and isn't a loaner anymore but it makes sense as it happens. I like it just as much now as I ever did and I'm in the Water God arc.

I was excited for it but it looks like there's no dismemberment. So that's dangerously gay.

I'd say that in "le otaku culture" 60% watches anime, 30% reads manga and 10% reads LNs.

Look at JoJo and Monogatari, they weren't popular outside of Japan before getting anime adaptations

Also - I haven't read Berserk since the chapter in which Griffith got blitchslapped. Any progress since then?

I've never given a fuck about Berserk but I love me some Musou and this seems like an okay fit from what I saw in the trailers.
I'll get it.

Why comment on something you haven't even read or seen? I don't really understand.

watched all the anime and read like the first 5 volumes of the manga

pretty shitty desu
>haha everything just dies
>demons out of nowhere for no reason
>still can kill demons ezpz
>no cute girls
>only a gay fairy
no thanks senpai

you're fucking retarded. Sup Forums has berserk threads and even though you'll have the same couple people shitposting calling it overrated it's the same people doing that on Sup Forums. It's just Sup Forums contrarianism

You literally don't browse Sup Forums, don't talk like you do, fag.

Nice bait, but you won't catch me, buddy.

It really is though. Guts can kill anyone who stands in his way no problem. He frequently goes into raging fits which lets him ignore his injuries and kill everything and his backstory gives him casus belli to murder anyone associated with Griffith. Then he gets the berserker armour and goes full sentai with the only reason to not treat him like a super hero is because he might not be able to control himself while in the suit except he does every time so who gives a shit.

You're still doing it though.

>no cute girls

sorry that their arent big eyed loli girls that are 30 years old to bang everywhere in some school setting for no reason. Death and conflict make a good story. Not some blundering MC getting blue balled for 24 episodes.

>10% reads LNs.
Where are you getting that from? Nobody reads LN's not even Sup Forums reads the Goblin Slayer LN despite jacking off to the first three chapters.

spotted the f/a/g

at least you tried

Guts gets his shit pushed in all the time when he fights, he'll win eventually but it's never a pushover. He's the protagonist, there wouldn't be a drive to the story if he wasn't competent.

>watching slice of life anime garbage is acceptable
>watching my little pony isn't

I'll never understand it. It's literally the same shit.

>guts dies
what a great story! so realistic!

You're god damn I right I am.

Yeah? How about you give me some source on your claim, faggot.

Isn't that all Berserk is now, just cute witches including some fluid druid they introduced?

you could litterally say this about any popular mango. Ninja-guy, blech, uno-peaso, fairy lands, dragon ballllls. Dude ur argument is shieeeeeeeet.


no, they simply exist in the story now. So instead of focusing entirely on Gut's brooding all the time. other peeps are doing shit.

It needs an actually good anime adaptation. The 97 anime and the movies are pretty good, but they don't measure up to the manga's greatness

Yeah I'm going to go with you being a liar. Sup Forums never gives any sort of proofs or source, you fell for my trap.

What gave you the impression that this was your trap?


Disappointing, I need more cute witches in my life.

I'm not sure how japan works with blood/gore/rape in their anime to the extent of Berserk, it seems like the material would be hard to properly adopt without heavy censorship like the current release.

The CGI is balls though, guts looks like some thin faced farm boy due to the lack of detail the cg gives.

What made you feel the impression that your trap was not my trap?

Yep, that's exactly why it hasn't happened and probably never will. It's a damn shame.

oh jesus that face what the fuck
is this the famous innsmouth look?

Bleach is so fucking retarded. Jesus Christ.

Magic, not even once.

>Guts gets his shit pushed in

I wouldn't know, I never read it.

>Male power fantasy

Thanks for that suggestion. Done with first chapter, shit's great so far.

she dies in the end

The game will bomb since its releasing during SAO month and the anime killed any hype in Japan

>Guts gets his shit pushed in all the time when he fights
No he doesn't.
1: Apostle outside Gambino's place - killed that shit
2: snakeman - killed that shit
3: Slug - Wrecked him
4: Insects - killed them
5: Not Fairies - splattered
6: Moth Girl - Penetrated
7: Ghosts of all sorts - Busted
8: Farnese's knights - Surrendered to them so we'll call that a loss
9: Kushan assasins - Killed
10: Goaty goat - chopped
11: Mozgus's torturers - dealth with
12: Mozgus - Excommunicated
13: Zodd rematch - Draw
13: Mud Golems - GG
13: Shitload of trolls - No problem
14: Slan - Skull Knight saves Guts another loss
15: Grunbeld - Was legitimately losing before the fight was cancelled
16: Crocodiles - made into handbags
17: Serpico - Smashed his pillars
18: Ganishka's monster mash - done
19: Ganishka - Jumped the shark
20: The Ocean - Nearly drowns. A decisive victory for Poseidon.
21: Pirates - Not a threat what a waste of time
22: Noodle Pirates - Still a waste of time
23: Sea God's heart - Cardiac Arrest
24: General witchery - This isn't a fight it's an introduction to more waifus

Guts is a power fantasy.

SAO has any sort of hype around it?

>protagonist wins battles
Stop the fucking presses, m8.

Other power fantasy manga doesn't refute my argument that Berserk is also one at all you dumb fanboy.

thats a good joke

>SAO month
Wait, it's still fucking going? I thought the series was done after the aids arc.

Rereading the manga since the show was released, and I'm actually amazed at how much detail each illustration has compared to most of the other shit I've read.

Its very popular in Japan and world of ff is dead to Japan since SE is leaving them for the international market. Japan will still get DQ and FF.

Without puck around he would have been dead dozens of times by now, and he's lost an arm, an eye, and his senses are fading from using the berserker armor

Game is coming out roughly same day as Berserk

leave it to japan to have shit taste
sasuga otaku

In a lot of these fights he also is severely wounded so I don't see your point.

You don't even have an argument, you're just fucking wrong.

After what happens to Casca, I don't think you can call it a power fantasy. It's tragic AF.

I wonder if this cunt will betray them or do some other fuck up, at the very least I think she will try to join them just to see the outside world

>typical generic anime mary sue that could kill you a billion billion billion times before you can even blink
You're not actually autistic enough to enjoy this shit right?
Like, are you actually on the spectrum?

Check ubel blatt
Though it requires a specific taste

You're a fucking dumbass.

Just caught up on the manga, what sort of ride am I on with releases? I've heard they were on the boat for 9 years

Not that user but how is it going now? Is it getting translations or did it go into hiatus/get dropped? I last remember them going after the guy who had become king and went insane

Well SE shouldn't have said fuck you to Japan and got cursed like Capcom did only DQ will sell well.

>buy Bleach volume 1
>literally less than a year later it finishes
Is there any point to reading a shonen manga if it's already finished?

Welcome to hell. The best thing to do is completely forget it exists, then when you randomly think about it in a few months you can go onto a manga website and read a chapter or two

Its popular enough that they have fucking IBM trying to make the MMO in it a actual thing, they are doing before fucking .hack for fuck sake

Im@s was out in Japan got to wait for another 9 years

It gets updates rarely, once a month or two.
Mostly has to do with author rarely doing anything nowadays. Latest update was in june.

I want to read the manga. What's the most accurate translation?

Maybe like capcom they can get a bit better in a few years?

I'll give it a go again then, I hate how I always end up liking manga that has a lazy author

Dark Horse Manga

Well .hack is hardly better mate. The animes were literally snozefests with nothing happening, characters being boring and plot being nigh nonexistent. Can't say anything about games though, as I've never played them.

>Ubel Blatt came off hiatus.
Oh neat.
Fuck me though I don't remember SHIT.

Dark Horse.

Capcom is dead in the water SF 5 is a disaster they can only milk mobage and MH in Japan

Read up to the end of Soul Society arc, and walk away with a pretty great battle shounen.

Thanks bronons

Its because not only is it not action oriented, its also character oriented and each work, be it books, anime and games is made to completent the story but I guess to each his own

>Well .hack is hardly better mate
>.hack somehow less good than SAO
Nah, really nah


get attached enough to the characters once they're introduced and the writer cares enough about them enough so you can enjoy some of the porn