Warcraft 4 annoncement soon


>Blizzard annonced that they would consider doing Warcraft 4 after [...] November 10th

>Now it seems there's [...] evidence mounting that they will indeed revisit the original Blizzard franchise as their next RTS project.

Other urls found in this thread:


No thank you.



I'm sorry SC2, but now WC4 is my most anticipated RTS of the decade.

No shit.
Its fucking obvious that legion is the end of wow.
So they have to milk that warcraft money somehow

WoW is ending with Legion (Legion matches the last expansion on the planned expansion list which leaked literally 9 years ago) so it wouldn't surprise me if they went back to proper Warcraft to milk the franchise anew.
And then after inevitable WC4 Quadrology (gotta split the game into 4 since 4 factions for maximum jew) they might do WoW2 and cycle will begin anew.

nu-Blizzard fanboys will eat whatever shit is thrown at them though so it will be successful anyways.

I can't believe how many times this has been proved to be debunked (Literally over the last 9 years) and yet people STILL act like that picture is real.

Nigger the leak is still there on the original forum where it happened, complete with dates and everything.


Now kill yourself in shame.

I just want some modders to remake the WC3 campaign in SC2's map editor

Aint they doing it?