Other urls found in this thread:
>you will never explore the paris or tokyo colonies
Implying they aren't working on Xenoblade Y
Is this thing on?
>Not opening the thread with "Meanwhile, in New Los Sup Forums..."
Wasted opportunity
I have a sinking feeling the next xeno game is going to take place on a white whale style ship
That's such a stupid name.
new los angeles night is probably one of the WOAT RPG songs
>mfw this game doesn't have an audio slider for music
I could go for that, 2bh. Maybe one of the vessels that was legit carrying human bodies.
you obviously haven't heard sonic chronicles, NLA night becomes good after the retarded nigger jungle babble
OG music > X music
a good chunk of the soundtrack would be vastly improved by removing the retarded vocals
you're right, it's a good thing a majority of the OST doesn't have vocals and is amazing
>Original gangster music
the field themes and stuff are good but nothing mindblowing.
Look over there, it's Gohma!
This. NLA themes (both night and day) are fucking awful because of the vocals. They would be decent without them, and would probably fit the atmosphere more.
Noctilum, Oblivia and Sylvanum themes are great though.
I meant the event music like shinpiteki and codenamez
>Fighting Tyrant for the first time
>Can't even hear the first part of the vocals because all the character babble
>Lull in the babble
This is probably the worst song I've heard in any video game
Don't you mean Xenoblade X squared
Fuck off, that song is a GOAT boss theme.
I got so fucking tired of hearing the NLA theme after hundreds of hours. My god you should never use vocal songs for things you're going to be hearing for that long. Also got tired of hearing my wii u disc drive sounding like it was going to fucking explode every time I fast traveled to NLA.
The singer is fucking shit.
>Also got tired of hearing my wii u disc drive sounding like it was going to fucking explode every time I fast traveled to NLA.
seriously what the fuck was up with that?
Agreed. Field and battle themes should not have lyrics, period.
Just get the DLC
I had all of them bro. The game is practically unplayable without them.
I dled all of them before Ieven first started. Still sounded like a jet was about to hit my house.