What separates this from the Gone Home's of the world?
What separates this from the Gone Home's of the world?
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It's not shit.
Ability to touch your enemies without it being a gigantic shit hitbox
There always has to be a special snowflake.
The secret horsecock rape ending. You see why he's called aggro ;)
The Last Guardian is gonna be good
Gone Home is shit, this is gold.
Had this been release in 2016 (with updated graphics) it wouldve been called crash
what kind of crash? the bandicoot kind?
>Had this been release in 2016 (with updated graphics) and not made by the Japanese it would've been called trash
Cool, and what do you have to base your opinion on?
except there's no game like SoTC and would still be considered great. Especially for 2005 like shit
It lasts longer than 5 minutes, has actual gameplay, isn't about homo shit and muh feelings, and you won't feel ashamed to admit that you've enjoyed it.
>and muh feelings
...it is a little.
>and muh feelings
But the entire game is based around a kid screwing everyone over based on his emotions.
At least everyone is silent, and you don't have to pay attention to that shit. I don't even remember that, honestly. To me it's just this cool game about roaming the world and stabbing giant motherfuckers, and I'm fine with that.
I don't think so. If it was released today with updated graphics, and if it wasn't marketed out the ass to the normie crowd, and was unchanged otherwise, I think it would be a Sup Forums darling. If Shovel Knight can get a positive reception on Sup Forums, so could SotC.
Tfw the ps3 version is kind of slow control-wise
The story is in the background, basically boy wants to revive girl, kill giants, the black shit going into him is making him look more and more shitty, gets possessed, probably killed maybe, there's baby with horns, girl revived, takes baby. There's a lot of areas you can interpret or read into yourself. Maybe 'muh feelings' isn't the right word, but it is somewhat abstract and wistful in many regards, and intentionally so.
>Tfw the ps3 version is kind of slow control-wise
Is it? I've never noticed, but I only played the PS2 original once in 2006 or so.
real talk tho gone home is great fun
While I still adore this game, do you think it's a big reason why devs are making games more cinematic and artsy?
I doubt a single game could have as much influence, especially since this is more of a niche title and not something like GTA or CoD.
favorite track from a really good ost
It's part of the reason we got games like Starlight Drifter so I don't see why that's a bad thing. It's a big influence on the indie scene, sure, but not on mainline games. It's had more influence on setting and tone, I think, in that regard.
Both ICO and SotC were often given as examples of 'art' back in the day. PAL SotC in particular had a movie feature that brought to mind movie featurettes.
While I don't think the current game devs use them as examples, the games they do could've been influenced. If anything, I'd blame more interactive QTE movies like Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy and to lesser extent Shenmue.
Problem is, both ICO and SotC had good gameplay and no obnoxious cutscenes.
>Problem is, both ICO and SotC had good gameplay and no obnoxious cutscenes.
That's not a problem at all.
In sense that if these games were inspiration for cinematic bullshit nowadays, the elements that made them good were ignored.