You fuckers better no spoil this shit

You fuckers better no spoil this shit.

That is the stupidest thing to ask, you EOP.

Just leave for 2 weeks till things calm down. Also know how to filter and just scroll and read slowly.

For 8 months.

Spoiler: The game will be a disappointment and the OST will be the only good thing to come from it.

Makoto is the traitor

So how long do I have to stay off Sup Forums to avoid spoilers until US version?

I don't even care anymore

>mfw Zero Escape 3 and TPP both let us down.

What are chances this will be disappointing?

five months
good luck

What said. Though the chances are lower, you'll still get spoiled since the game is months away.

Getting this shit imported early in 2 weeks.

I'll spoil everything because of that one fucker on Sup Forums who spoiled adachi for me years ago.

0% of being bad
100% of being goty

Aw fuck, just realized fuckers are gonna go to different boards and generals to spoil the game.

Welp, no Sup Forums for maybe 2 months?

How long did MGSV take for the hype to die down?


There has never been a game with the number 5 in it that turned out good.

Figured MGSV was gonna a disappointment because Kojima barely got to do anything he wanted to do.

And was barely as stealth game.

Around a month or so. People would get board discussing Persona 5 is general after a month.

Though I advise leaving again for a month before release. You're smart, you'll figure out why.

It wasn't made to pander for us unlike those two

I'll never understand why this board loves Persona so much

Persona 4 was fucking garbage

when Sup Forums hypes something, it either be the best thing ever or go fuck yourself.

P5 will fucking disappoint. The cast alone aren't as interesting to look at. The game is super fucking edgy, the menus will cause seizures, and if the story fails to deliver then there is nothing to like about the game.

Just from the trailers it seems like they've done a lot of work in fixing the problems with P3/4, namely the bland random dungeons. Unless the social links have been gutted somehow (it doesn't look like thay are) I don;t see how it could be disappointing.

Spoilers made sense for P4 since the mystery was a big part of it. Doesn't make much sense for P5.

I will, don't worry. It'll be on another board where think you're safe.

Just watch XV pull a Dragons Dogma and Persona 5 will be the next Phantom Pain.

Can't wait for the comments regarding XV:

>"mfw you will never see the bros again"
>"mfw when you never had a father like regis"
>"Holy shit, this game is so super fucking fun.
>"yfw (insert some epic forced muh feels scene)"

Just thinking about it makes me REEE. Fuck XV.

A big part of the plot will presumably be the identity of which party member(s) sold you out to the people who captured you.

Not really that big of a deal honestly. For some reason I just can't care about the plot in P5.

Or what?

>For some reason I just can't care about the plot in P5.

Yep, same thing, i really don't know why. Besides, I don't really see how the identity would ruin the experience, unlike P4 which is basically the entire game.

Or I'll suck your dick.

Spoilers can be fucking anywhere though, on irrelevant boards or even websites

Time to stop browsing Sup Forums

I'm gonna be spoiling this shit all over youtube and twitch, so yeah, just blame Atlus for this
