Highschool stories thread I guess:

Highschool stories thread I guess:

>2010 at highschool
>have a squad of dudes playing Little Big Planet 2 every day, completed game to 100% yet addicted to play / build good levels
>We did our scheduled daily meet-up just to play some levels, my dudes just played some of mine unfinished ones
>hahaha, that's so unfinished! music to your level sounds like girl farts.... etc.
>We made negotiations between us 3 that we would make HUGE AAA quality level and would play them and rate them, just one week of pure work.
>everybody agrees, also everybody put 100 bucks on table as his bet, so 400bucks for winner
>We sweared on our mother and father names that we would not play our scheduled fun sessions until our masterpieces are finished


>2010 at highschool

>2010 at highschool

>first day was extremly hard, I just watched some youtube videos in classroom so I would get some creative skill
>after approximately 13 hours of heavy learning I was able to create moderate designed levels, but still lacked lot of visual polish .
>I was able to create 1:1 Mario level clone, this was even better than Miyamoto ever did and would be jealous as f.u.c.k.
>I was improving by seconds
>Day two I was just finding ideas on my next AAA level, with big budget campain and levels and monsters and music so original and at michel jackson quality
>spend 13 hours that day just drawing ideas and monsters.
>I was able to create pacman, just without the ghosts and objective and without pacman
>I got lot of bad grades during that 2 days because I just didn't listened and watched tutorials under my pants
>what if I would make level about bombarding our school with "little boy" nukes I just downloaded for my game?
>this is really good idea, probably win that 400 bucks over real quick


>2010 at highschool

Why are u all looking at me? Highschool is in my country from age of 15 and im 21 now.

>2010 at highschool

He could have been in his final two years, retards.

LBP 2 was 5 years ago.

Aren't you supposed to be 14 when you're a freshman? If it was in 2010 then that means 14, 15, 16, 17. He would be 17 in 2014 so that means he's either 18 or 19 now, right?

>in highschool

>LBP2 in 2010
>when LBP2 came out in 2011

>He wasn't in highschool when I was in highschool so he shouldn't be here
If he's 18 or above its fine, what are you some 90s kid or something?

>still in highschool

Don't worry OP continue the story and Ignore the shitposters. I want to hear how it will end.

>2010 at highschool

i guess your assuming he is from USA

here in Canada high school is grade 10,11,12

he could be from another country all together

either way OP is obv over 18 now since 6 years have passed

>here in Canada high school is grade 10,11,12

not all of them follow this

Are you all fucking retarded? He is at minimum 19 and could be up to 24.

>in high school


Brother, relax. They just want (You)s. Ignore them and they'll fuck off.

>gets btfo

>After 2 of smashing together stoled content from other players I was able to recreate Japanese attack to our school.
>There were real bombarders dropping bomb on our school
>Your goal was just to get to basement and find all the photos of me (not required but I just wanted to show I got PS Eye camera for 80 bucs)
>Literally 1:1 2D clone of our school, with even working toilets and autenthic gang tags on doors,
>I even recorded some japanese google translator lines just to make it more autentificial
>At day 5 of 7 I invited this "literature" dude to rate my level, which I put extreme care for every detail
>I payed him 25 bucks just to say:
>user I dont play super mario clones, sorry its shit.
>Give me my money back bitch
>He literally just told everyone how edgy was my "Japanese bombarding of school 1:1 recreation" (original name) and it was really spreading fast, even to teachers and such.
>I was called to director's office


Sorry, I got it blured, 2011 but I remember I got it few days after chrismas 2010 so thats why

which provinces?
ive lived everywhere but Ontario and Saskatchewan.

hell i once moved from nova scotia all the way to BC

currently livin in MB now

>2012 in HS
>People make fun of me for playing with my DS during breaks.
>Teachers criticized me for playing in class

kek, americlap words are so funny

>y'all hella dude, is that the homecoming fratboy in that sorority with the sophomore jocks?

i live in ontario and our high schools are grade 9-12. although im pretty sure not all of them followed this rule.

The average age on Sup Forums now is early twenties so I don't see why you guys are getting upset.

ITT people upset that time is linear.

>>Teachers criticized me for playing in class
What the hell did you expect?

should have expected that, they try to be as American as possible there

its like Canada's new york

Sorry people live in different countries and don't use the same words.

>y'all hella dude, is that the homecoming fratboy in that sorority with the sophomore jocks?
I have heard no one use these words together in one sentence.

Her to just take my DS and tell me she'd confiscate it from me until the end of the week instead of wasting 10 minutes of the class lecturing me as to why playing games is bad for me and how anti social it made me look.

at highschool

If you were this diehard of an LBP fan you would know LBP2 came out in 2011

>2010 at highschool

>24 [Reply]▶
> Highschool stories thread I guess:

this is retarded

and you're underage

>2010 at highschool
Funny I dropped out of highschool at 2011 and have been having the time of my life ever since.

>at high school

Did you have a stroke while formatting that post?

Sorry does freshmen trigger you? Is underclassmen PC enough?

>2010 at high schooI

>d-d-don't disrespect my culture

>So user, what kind of degeneracy and disrespect is this to your school?
>our director is literally 80 years old, pretty retarded
>you just recreated this masochistic vision of holocaust to our school?!?!?!?!?!?
>After approx. 2 hours of tyranny I was send to my dorm with 2 teachers and I was forced to delete all levels and evidence before media and anti-holocaust magazines will find this story and put our school to shame
>literally 2 dumbest teachers, so I just deleted some pacman shitty clones I made for practice and they just went off
>Literally got next 20 hours before we meet up with lads and play our levels
>Got so extreme fame around school I bet my dudes are just shaking they lost 400 fucking shekels
>One of my dudes is waiting outside of house
>he looks very angry
>because of your holocaust level... they blacklisted and blocked internet to our PS3s


>2010 at high school

>2010 at high school

>2010 at high school

That's not me telling you to not "disrespect my culture", that's me telling you that I live in a different country and say a words. Holy shit you're just grasping at straws.

Fuck off back to /soc/ faggot

high school


>2010 at high school

You aren't American I take it.

>Was browsing Sup Forums during high school through early 2010s.

Its 2016 lads, almost 2017.


Boarding school you daft cunt

>2023 at Kindergarten

Mods please

What the fuck is this thread
I've seen some retarded shit on this board,
But this takes the cake

i dont understand, surfing school?

You had me until you started making shit up. Post your 100% trophy faggot.

He may be a retard user, don't make fun of him.

Denial and trolling

>2010 at high schooI

sorry for writing this so long, I have very shitty dell laptop from 2006, so each time you post a reply, it freezes and resets page.
>we have meeting my playstation 3 dudes (official cult name)
>What is this and why are all playstation dudes laughted by others?
>You disrespected our kind and we now disrespect you
>They just forced me to pay for cheap internet connection
>They kicked me out of playstation dudes schoolgroup
>I never saw my 100 bucks again
>I uploaded level online under name: Aushwitz 2
>Got reported and banned from Little Big Planet
>My whole life went dark after these events

End of the story lads, sorry for wait but my computer frozing because thread got big.
just payed luxury high school in europe, we got these kinds of shit

Anons story: With jews, you lose.

>2010 in high school

>luxury high school
>has a shitty dell faptop

but i love juice

orange juice to be precise

OP here : grandmas PC

Well be sure to tell granmama to get up with the times friend, its not 2006 anymore. As much as I would wish it to be.

Helloooo?!?! Like... uh... Earth to OP?!?!! Yaaaa?!?!

Man, if you were doing that in her class then you kind of had it coming. Yeah, it sucked that she went about it that way, but you probably shouldn't have been playing a DS at that time anyway.

> Highschool ended well over a decade ago

Yes and I forgot aftermath or epilogue to this
>I sold my playstation and bought 400 dolla PC
>It came out with those WoW asian games
>My PS3 controller wasnt compatible with those shitty little big planet clone
>PC nerds laughed at me and called me Hitler 2
>PS guys just bullied and spit on me because I denied prestige of our kind
>xbox guys didnt cared and played CoD and spammed XD
>I exchanged PC for PS3 back again and played some Fallout 3 on easy difficulty

Good old times...

i was in high school in 2010 and i'm 23

I hope not.