Is there a game creepypasta that legitly scared you?
Is there a game creepypasta that legitly scared you?
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>tails doll
What a wimp.
That godzilla one unnerved me, for awhile. Then it did what it seems like all horror does and go into the supernatural "let's fight back" shit and I lost interest.
Never been scared by a game creepypasta. They're almost entirely garbage. I think this is the only memorable one I've read:
This one
>Godzilla creepypasta
No, they're all badly written and it doesn't help the fact written horror is probably the hardest genre to convey to the reader due to the lack of imagery.
The godzilla one made me a little nervous for the first two or so chapters but after that it started turning interesting more than scary, only to get utterly stupid once the girlfriend got mentioned. That thing should have ended at the third chapter abruptly so it would imply the dude got eaten or something.
Also the main deal with that story were the pictures so it shouldn't really count.
no because I wasn't born after 1994. is the only one that even slightly creeped me out.
Yes. I think it was called "The Elder Scrolls Online" or something like that.
I never actually read it, I just heard about it and that was enough to scare me shitless.
La luna was pretty good manly because it wasn't the good ol "AND THEN THE VDEO GAME CAME THROUGH THE SCREEN AND MADE ME KEP PLAYING"
Killswitch is and will always be my absolute favorite
no one aspect of it is inherently scary but its written so well that the whole thing is extremely disquieting
I remember finding the pokemon Black creepypasta when I was a wee lad, before it became a massive hit like it is now. genuinely creeped me out, but keep in mind that I was and continue to be a complete pussy in regards to these things.
Agreed, it gets lame about 3/4 of the way through
Jvk1166z.esp was entertaining.
Yeah it got really lame towards the end but I admit I really like this fucking guy.
Agreed, the first encounter with "Red" terrified me. I love just how much effort was put into that pasta, it must have taken hours and hours of PhotoShop work.
Pale Luna is the only one that scares me, and it's specifically because it's not actually based on a real game.
Or is it?
i dont get this meme
spoiler it for me, please.
Pale Luna was great because it wasn't really about the game itself
It's just an in-joke in the pasta. Most of the pasta is very dark and gritty and body-horror-esque (see ) but this one character has "STILL THE BEST 73" written everytime he appears. It's like comic relief.
this is a better example
My nigga. Aside from the whole "you can't copy that floppy" thing, killswitch is absolutely plausible, and a great read.
The fuck happened to my post?
it went from being the best creepypasta ever written, to the worst
Hypno's lullaby creeped me out until I realized how fucking dumb that was.
I believed this was real
I was really annoyed at first but then it was funny
holy fucking shit you can't just post something like this
I will never sleep again
This is worse than the fucking Grifter
>go into McDonald's
>puke into trashcan because of corpses
>fuck nigga we're hungry after all that puking let's go eat
>go into kitchen and see more bodies
>"spit" up in a fast food restaurant that you are within shouting distance of anyone at all times
>convenient bomb under a table to escape
>friend disappears
>he leaves
>guy with a chainsaw that they didn't see in a very small building
this shit is more funny that scary
It was so well-crafted with the screenshots and everything that it really fucking sucked to have it turn into retarded "muh girlfriend" shit.
The best moments from that pasta were things like the really long empty paths with chilly music, or the level with the time warps that implied that the future earth would be filled with giant otherworldly monsters. Not "MUH GAME TOOK CONTROL OF MUH BODY AND I HAVE TO FIGHT THE BOSS AND IF I LOSE I DIE" shit.
Underage detected.
>Sup Forums sleepover
I like the morrowind one.
>The scene where the screen is just the word Red over and over again
>Next screenshot they've arranged into RED's face
Like everyone else said I was more into it because the guy made great looking freaky monsters, not for the MUH HAUNTED GAME CARTRIDGE THIS IS FURREALZ U GAIZ angle.
Yes it the one of take within 3102311 THE KING COME DOWN
If you see her, turn off the game
BEN drowned
I remember after watching the vids looking up all the "lore" on jadusablewiki. There was so much effort done by the creator in making an ARG and making it look legit.
It didn't scare me, but Pale Luna is the only creepypasta I remember enjoying.
Ive always loved organic levels.
pale luna is pretty good
Can anyone explain this thing? Did I miss something?
Fine then, it seems dumb anyway, same as this thing
>Those mixels
Back when all the Simpsons games were coming out my brother told me there was one game where the gameover screen was a Skeleton of Bart holding a scythe.
It freaked me out so bad that I wasn't able to sleep outside of my parent's bedroom for 2 weeks.
Pale Luna is good because it focuses on feelings rather than facts. If you've played a text adventure/dungeon crawler then you've felt that feeling sometime before and the pasta plays on that.
look to the skies
fuck i got immersed, now i want to read more
What gets to me is not the supernatural aspect, but that I have lots of mods downloaded for Morrowind myself from years ago, and so I wouldn't know if the content is vanilla or not if it's well done, so I wouldn't prepare myself for a screamer, or something creepy, until it's too late..
The McDonalds pasta is a meme you dip
anyone got that shoop of weird creature in a window from that simpsons adventure game?
I enjoyed BEN DROWNED at the time, but I can't remember how old I was at the time I read it. High school at some point anyway. I used to jerk it with my online gf then read Ben's story to put me to sleep.
Simpler times.....
Do you have a text version?
Because there is no way I am watching some faggot read something out loud that I could read myself.
That one of BEN.wmv of zelda majora's mask. Only because of the sudden death on the videos though.
God damn that one has to be my favorite, really fucking good
>le creepypasta
is this what kids do now instead of reading books?
That weird creature is just a shopped realistic picture of Bart.
Like the old school nes games? Man those sucked.
>that abandoned official sequel to the Godzilla pasta that goes full retard early on
What the hell was that guy thinking?!
Thankfully, Blogspot seems to have eaten it up.
How bad it was?
Did even had any relation to the first?
What pasta??
Its the greatest thing ever written
>what if it's godzilla
>but it's not, it's him as a normal dinosaur
Found a copy of the content so check it out yourself:
The LSD-syringe tree is probably the point where you'll have the strongest urge to close the tab.
Is there any other creepypasta with the NES Godzilla A E S T H E T I C
Godzilla part two is straight up bonkers. It's like the guy just said fuck it and gave up on it.
>I didn't even have time to eat fries.
>so there was game
That's on the same level of the stories about boomboxes that kept playing metal tapes after people unplugged them because of the power of satan.
>dead corpses
>pulled out his gun
>bomb in one of the dining tables
At first i thought it was one of you retards that did this for laughs but as i read on i figured this was a child that legit though this shit was scary at all.
I think to make a story about bibebo bames scary isn't to do the haunted bullshit unless you REALLY know what you're doing. Instead, focus on making people wonder what the intent behind the weird ass game is
Every time I read this one again, I have trouble breathing. Truly a masterpiece.
Godzilla being a regular Dinosaur at the beginning and getting a nuke dropped on he island he was on wasn't stupid, it was actually interesting
What about SCP games
Also post scariest code for you
>that feel when all the codes are scribbled everywhere
A true masterpiece
>that pasta is still on chapter fucking 5 for over 2 years now
Has anyone ever read this one really fucking terrible Kirby creepypasta, where Meta Knight goes emo, kills Kirby because I shit you not he's killing innocent people for "funzies", and then barges into the authors house and looks at him or something?
I remember it's called Kirby's Adventure, but I can't find it anywhere, since it apparently vanished off the face of the Earth.
Maybe it's for the best
if you hear me fo you see me
if you hear me fo you see me
>I told you before, I don’t know how the game does these things. If you’re suggesting I put these graphics in the game myself, you’re mistaken because this is the first I’ve seen of any of it.
>It looks like the game has recreated itself again since I played it. That’s not a good sign.
nigga should just make pixel art and leave the writing to someone else
I always imagined Zack looking like an emo edgelord, meanwhile Carl is an autistic normie that acts and sounds like Carl from Jimmy Neutron.
Just read it. bretty gud